JFK jr Missing


New member
JFK JR and others in a small plane - Missing.

Not to sound cold, but why couldn't this have been Air Force One?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


You beat me to the punch by mere seconds.

Air Force One won't go missing because they have serious, dedicated, and professional pilots at the controls. I Bill decides that he'd like to learn to fly, I'd give him about one year before augering in.

My brother flies F-14's and calls Cessna's, "Doctor killers." Many (not all or even most) private pilots don't take flying quite as seriously as they probably should. In fair weather and under normal conditions, they are fine, but when the sh** hits the fan, they're in foreign territory.
Anyone laying bets on how long it takes HRC to declare the loss a part of the right wing conspiracy?

I know... But the thought of presidential lawn darts lifted my spirits.

Long Live the Traitor and Chief!

Actually Cessna are more dangerous than that... The Fan does need a fecal bombardment for it to go down.
Last March I was flying a Cessna - single engine. Wind was blustery but not too bad. I climbed to about 500 feet when all the sudden the gusts got extreme. I suddenly dropped altitude and had a couple tree strikes to the landing gear. Actually I think it was the pucker factor that pulled me down that low. Full throttle and a gentle pull on the yoke got my back up. Had that 152 humming in no time. Small airport didn't have a tower or doppler, neither did the plane. Landing was a thrill. Crabbed that sucker big time.

I dont get to fly I often as I like... 10 times a year at most now... just an hour or two each time. God I miss my Ultra Light! Eagle II... Had a little tape player taped to a strut to play PINK FLOYD tunes while I was airborne. God! That is the only thing better than sssssss... shooting ;)

Mile High Club Member since 1986

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Anyone here think it will be blamed on some 17yr old high on crack & armed with a .22 & a 2x scope? ;)
Shooting off hand from a fluffy cloud....
Well, it's as plausable as the other oopsa daisy assassination theories !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
This may sound cold but... This is without a doubt IMO a case of big cajones and tiny brain syndrome.

Hey, I'm rich, good looking, a celebrity, son of the most famous politician, have a crappy magazine, own my own plane and have no IFR rating.

Sure I'm up to an overwater flight at dusk. Flightplan? Who needs that? I'm a Kennedy.

Ughh, my head hurts, stop the compassion machine.


Check me out at:
Get ready for weeks and weeks of sob stories on TV, just like all that Diana fluffy fodder. Wasn't there some bit a while back about him "bravely" taking off into a thunderstorm? General aviation seems to have more than its share of idiots. Look at the number of crashes attributed to fuel starvation.
Did the Navy shoot him down? Hmmm...too hard to conceal. Right wing conspiracy to dispose of a potential presidential candidate? Hmm....too touchy. He landed in a private airport and went into hiding with Elvis....Nah. Too young to be an Elvis fan. Alien Abuduction? AHA!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My hopes are with the Kennedy family tonight that by some small chance those folks are alright.
Not trying to sound dark, but if any of us gun owners called our home a "compound", how long do you think it would be before we had party guests?
Don...yep, you got that right.....didn't they call the Davidians in Waco...the Daviadian/Koresh Compound?

I can't wait to see how BC makes this about him and his problems, then his polls shoot up again, we forget about Chinagate and Hillary shoots ahead in NY....(OOPS...I said shoots, sorry Hillary...mea culpa)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Folks talk about the 'Kennedy Curse" but I think we all know their "tragedies" are often brought on by a lifestyle of excesses and poor decisions.

Be that as it may, I have both searched for lost planes and recovered bodies from crashed planes. Plane crashes suck, and you guys are "cold". Then again, I haven't shed a tear...
Roswell, New Mexico, alien crash landing: July 4, 1947.
Al Gore; born March 31, 1948.
Almost exactly 9 months later!
Personally, I feel it is a shame that Uncle Chappaquidick and Ms. Feinstein couldn't have been on the plane. Feel free to add others who should have been onboard.
Air Force One, hell! We've only a little more than a year more to put up with Slick. It should have been Air Force Two.

Agree with the sentiments about general aviation. You've got to know your limitations. As a former Cessna 150 pilot with no instrument rating, I didn't fly with thunderstorms and only flew on nights that were clear as a bell. My Cessna was entertainment not transportation, if it didn't look like fun then I didn't fly. If I needed to go somewhere, well, that was what Delta was for. The man obvious didn't pay close attention to the cautions in his flight manual.
SUE THE MAKERS OF THE CESSNA!! SUE SUE SUE!! It was obviously the planes fault,so I recommend a lawsuit...........hey,what the heck,if it works for guns its GOTTA work on planes!! Death of anyone is sad,but I could care less about all this............as someone said,brace yourself for another Diana fiasco.........ugh......switching TV OFF........