Jeweling my ole 9mm smith.

Welll this is as far as Im goin on this one...

... getting my swirly deals straightened out now.:rolleyes:

To each his own! Just to be nosy, how much did you pay for it? I personally think it looks great as is, but that's just my opinion. It's your gun, do whatever you like with!

Mister Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!- Ronald Reagan
Looks good man.

I think it would look even better with a black frame.

OK, how could you make the frame black AND Jewel it at the same time? I think that would look awesome. Don,t forget the barrel Disco. Gotsta Jewel that too. OH! And at least one mag. :D

EDIT: Man that looks good!!!!
I definitely respect the work and craftsmanship... but the jeweled look just doesn't quite do it for me. Still pretty cool though!