Jessie Jackson Claims Semi-autos Can Blow Up Railroads

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To folks unfamiliar with firearms, and who just don't know any better, it is believable that a semi-automatic rifle that looks like a military weapon would function in the same way.


A lot of people think that the AR-15 is the best, most powerful weapon available since our military uses them. They're surprised to find out it's a beefed up .22.

But propaganda needn't be hampered by inconvenient facts in a world where people don't research things for themselves... not that we're immune to that either..
ibewbull said:
I will never figure out how such ignorance in a person can be left unrepaired.
They just will not learn. Or is it they do not care enough to attempt learning.
The folks making a living in the media still will not report the real defination of assult weapon.
Semi/full automatic select fire shoulder held weapon using an intermediate cartrige.
By defination a class III weapon requiring a tax stamp from the ATF or what ever the new name is today.
Forrest Gump would be a better spokesmen then good ole Jesse.

You're probably assuming that the primary purpose of a news story is to inform the public. If we assume instead that the purpose is to attract viewership, things start to fall into place. Facts become less important than drama, pertinent details a lower priority than presentation. An incorrect pronunciation or poorly used technical term that leaves an invalid impression is irrelevant, and in the more extreme cases, outright lies become acceptable.

In Mr Jackson's case, his expertise is in evoking emotion. Logic is not in his playbook - whether by choice or by nature, who knows. Hate is a powerful political tool and he wields it very well - or did anyway. He seems to have lost his touch lately.

You're not going to reach these kinds of people because you're not just playing by different rules - you're playing an entirely different game.
from ibewbull:
"I will never figure out how such ignorance in a person can be left unrepaired.
They just will not learn. Or is it they do not care enough to attempt learning.
The folks making a living in the media still will not report the real defination of assult weapon.
Semi/full automatic select fire shoulder held weapon using an intermediate cartrige.
By defination a class III weapon requiring a tax stamp from the ATF or what ever the new name is today.
Forrest Gump would be a better spokesmen then good ole Jesse."

from Flopsweat:
"You're not going to reach these kinds of people because you're not just playing by different rules - you're playing an entirely different game."

As the great philosopher, Ron White stated, "You can't fix stupid"
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