Jesse Ventura and guns...


New member
Did anyone else see Jess Ventura on "Hardball" last night? Not only did he defend the second amendment, he even defended those evil assault rifles.
It was really nice to see someone with big convictions stand up for himself!
Hello. NO, I missed it, but Gov. Ventura is the kind of man we need. I may not agree with all he says, but at least he's honest.
I didn't like Ventura when he first came on the scene, but he's growing on me. I thought he'd fall apart when it came to governing but he seems to be doing well AND keeping his convictions. I wasn't sure it was possible.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
This is only my opinion so take it for what its worth:

I was hard core in favor for Jesse and glad he won.....after awhile things didn't seem right and up til a few days ago I was loosing the attraction...saw him on Meet the Press and actually read the Playboy interview....
Started thinking....I don't need a messiah, I don't need one guy to do it all.....think about this foks:

Our Founders were an egotistical and proud group of men...they all had their own beliefs. We, modern Americans, seem to require 100% compatibility....people aren't made that way and we all have our own track. If we require 100% we get what we have now...a bunch of gutless pinheads who will lie even when a lie isn't necessary....a lie is a liberal moderate...someone who follows the wind and changes for the polls.

Our country was created by a bunch of independent guys who had their own beliefs of whats right and whats good for them. Why is it now so bad to say what you think when running for office? The result is what we have...a total dumbing down to platitudes and no difference between a Rep or Dem.

I'm not at all saying Jesse is Pres matierial, but we do need a bunch more Jesse/mavericks running around.

Davey Crockett was a Congressman and then went off to the Alamo and died...was it smart? Not my call...but he at least was a real man who followed his own way. Not like these fat ass guys now who die with libraries funded by public monies.

Americans used to accept differences, why do we not now? Better to have a wrench in the spokes than all these identical rubber stamps. Think about it...we don't want Congress, or any other branch of the Feds to be a well oiled smoothly running machine because then they exist for themselves and not us. America is supposed to be contentious...the States are supposed to quibble. As long as the states quibble, then we have the gov't we are supposed to have

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yes indeed !!! America is sadly lacking in the personal integrity department, but that not withstanding, we need great changes throughout the nation; a veritable wave of social and electoral revolution to re-instate our Constitution and to reform our Republic to stand for the Freedom for Individuals that it once stood for.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Your post should go down in the TFL Hall of Fame! I knew I liked the guy; I knew I was later worried about him. Now I know what it's all about.

He's a really good man with feet of clay. He fights for his beliefs and sometimes puts his foot in his mouth, God love him. Beware the man who trips over platitudes (Al Gore); he's probably just stupid. Beware the man who seldom trips (Bill Clinton); it's probably scripted to appeal to this morning's poll.

But you've gotta respect a guy who trips only because he doesn't take himself too seriously. Gimme another 600+ Federal legislators like Jesse and this country'd be cookin'. Let's hope he can resist the handlers, polls and power.
Hey Rich...thanks...I wasn't as articulate as I should have been and have already had some chastising e-mail LOL

To the senders...bite me :)

Better to have 400 people fighting for concensus than 400 agreeable elites padding their we have now.

Addendum: He is a man...nuthin more nuthin less...and thats all we all are. He's not perfect, but at least as far as I know he didn't pork some babe with a cigar in the White House while a foreign rep was waiting.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited October 07, 1999).]
Truth be told, except for the beauty of that Lewis and Clark expidition, Thomas Jefferson wasn't presidential material. Check out how he slapped the "Alien and Sedition Act" on people who who had the audacity to criticize his administration!

But... but, he was a great man, and truly a patriot, and our nation is better for him having been a Citizen of it. I agree with D.C.-- right now, we could settle for some "good" men. We'll just aspire to GREATness.



Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


You're getting e-mails complaining about what you wrote?!

By gum! You're practicing what your preaching!

You go, Girl! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Wow, DC. You are so right. What we need isn't the 1.5 party system we have now, or even a true 3 party system - we need about 20 or 30 different parties! That way, the only things they can ever agree on are the really important, obvious things! It would cut down on the massive number of laws passed every year and get them off our backs.

High level politics has become an exclusive club, inaccessible to the average american. You have to be a multi-millionaire and/or have the backing of one of the major parties to have a real chance at winning a national election.

Then, to actually win the election, you have to tell the people what they want to hear, whether it's true or not.

Some "system" we have developed - but it's still better than any other I've seen.
Official TFL MOTTO:

Bite Me.

Short. Clear. To the point.

I like it...

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Getting back to Jesse...

Does Governor Ventura have a record of actually doing anything to help Minnesotans exercise their right to keep and bear arms? As I understand it, Minnesota is not a particularly gun-friendly state and could use some reforms, such as a shall-issue CCW law.

P.S.: Wouldn't it be great to recycle some of those "Run, Jesse, Run!" posters from the Rev. Jackson's campaigns? :D
I think the thing I like about Jessie, is that he is a "real American". He definately isnt a politician. But if we got rid of the carrear politicians, and put "real people" in there doing wht they really believed in, instead of a bunch of gas bags legislating for good feelings. Then I think the country would return to it's grass roots.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
Big problem with having some one who doesn't have what it takes to do the job all you have to do is look back to Jimmy Carter and his term. I would have no problem going out and drinking beer and shooting pool with Jessie but have him have the countries finances and safety in his hands. Come on now. I felt embarrassed for him as you could tell he knew he was over his head at Harvard. It takes more than being pro gun to get my vote.
Jesse is a former Navy SEAL. that's GOTTA count for something.

As for American politics...did you know that the only requirements (that I know of) to be a congressional rep is to be 25 yrs old and a citizen for 7 yrs. Senators and President, you have to be 35. I say pick some fresh new people, who have never been in politics and do NOT want a career in it, and send them to Washington for 4 yrs. Kind of like really long Jury one makes a career out of it, no one is in long enough to become disgustingly corrupt. OK, that does not sound like the best plan of action, but I think it's in the right direction.

With that said, vote othermarc for Congress!
I don't think Jesse was in over his head at Harvard at all. It didn't look like the audience thought he was either.
Chris Matthews, on the other hand, acted nervous and goofy.
And what was worse, the next night, savaged Jesse for being pro-gun. Matthews, along with those wonderful americans, Geraldine Ferraro and William Safire, all attacked Jesse as some kind of freak.
Thats what it really comes down to, the media and liberal elite, hate and despise the rest of the country.
There's a story about Henry Ford getting old and someone (his family?) took him to court to prove he was mentally incompetent.

The prosecutor asked Ford a bunch of accounting and finance questions which Ford could not answer. The prosecutor gloated, sensing victory, until Henry Ford burst loose saying he could hire all the accountants he needed or wanted - but only HE could run the company. Henry Ford kept his company. (Forgive me if my details are off. I heard this story many years ago.)

Eisenhower was not a brilliant man in all fields. But he had a knack for recognizing good help. Maybe Ventura, his friends and advisors could assemble a better staff than we have seen for a while. Maybe?

If you were going to mess up your boss, who would you rather mess up: Carter or Ventura?

How low-rent of those media buggers to run down Ventura when he was not there to respond. That in itself may indicate Ventura's on the right track, huh? ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 08, 1999).]