Jesse Jackson now in charge of Illinois High Schools

Jesse made show biz history last night on CNN's Crossfire when Mary Matalin and Bill Press found themselves in identical positions opposing the good Reverend!

It was pure hilarity. After insisting that it was not an issue of "black and white", Jesse went a bit too far by comparing this event to Martin Luther King's civil rights movement. He might as well have made a pass at Press' boyfriend! Bill Press was visibly insulted by the invocation of King's name...enough so that he turned (in usual indignat rage) Jesse.

By the end of the show, Jesse was admonishing Bill for being on "the wrong side" of this issue. So much for "black and white".

On a serious note, it amazes me that someone with Jesse's influence and audience can't find an appropriate cause to fight. Surely bigotry and discrimination are not dead in this nation. But this case was hardly an issue of bigotry or discrimination. Had those kids been white, Jesse'd be arguing for prison sentences and calling it a "hate crime". Get a Life, Jesse.

ps: Turns out 1700 kids have been expelled from that school system; 40% were white. Where ya been, Reverend?
Jesse running his mouth without using his brain is nothing new.

A permanent expulsion for 17 & 19 year old "kids" who start something like this intentionally isn't too harsh if you ask me. I wonder if Jesse would want his children or grandchildren to go to school with these two...

I remember a few years ago when south Georgia had some major flooding, JJ accused the volunteers putting up flood barricades of intentionally re-routing the water to flood the black sections of town. Of course, he knew everything about the situation without ever leaving Chicago. I've got news for you Jesse - water always flows downhill.
Here's the Latest. I agree on the principle of "uniformity". I firmly believe that EVERY disruptive thug, black and white, should be kicked the hell out of school for a long time.

( - Jesse Jackson lost the battle to get six expelled students back into their Decatur high school, but it appears he may have won the war: Black lawmakers in Illinois say they'll introduce legislation to make school discipline codes uniform across the state. The legislation is expected to require school boards to define "zero tolerance," ensure fair disciplinary hearings, offer alternative education, and require "sensitivity training" of teachers and school board members so they'll better understand the needs of minorities. The move to legislate follows the expulsion of seven students for brawling at a September football game. More than a dozen members of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus said they'll introduce a bill before year's end, establishing a panel to develop common discipline rules for all Illinois public school districts. "There is not a uniform way in which discipline is meted out statewide because of the autonomy of these local boards," said Democratic Sen. Donne Trotter of Chicago, the caucus leader. "We propose a bill to clarify some of those things that caused some of the problems in Decatur." Some critics say the only thing causing problems in Decatur was Jesse Jackson himself.
How about some Student Sensitivity Training? Sensitivity training on their rear end with the board of education!

Will Beararms, CIT (Certified Insensitivity Trainer)

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."