Jesse Jackson now in charge of Illinois High Schools

Will Beararms

New member
The School Superintendent of the Decatur, Illinois schools where several students were expelled for fighting in September has capitulated to Jesse Jackson. Jackson, suppoted by the so-called Republican Governor of Illinois have sent a clear message to High School Students that autority should not be respected and bad decisions bear no lasting consequences. We know what to expect from Jesse Jackson, namely that he will stick his nose into areas that are none of his business. The real schocker here is the Superintendent of Schools and the Govenor of Illinois. The Superintendent, a male (not a man in any size,shape, form or fashion) by the name of Arndt, I believe should be relieved of command immediately. The Govenor of Illinois should be closely scrutinized by the RNC for future idiotic,socialist actions that he may take such as his relations with Cuba. Thank God I don't live in the Chicago area.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Since they capitulated, what will be the punishment?
Lessee now...we have kids expelled for having Tylenol and aspirin and asthma inhalers (zero drug tolerance); we have kids expelled for having nail clippers, spoons and metal combs (zero weapons tolerance); we have kids expelled for "objectionable" creative writing content (zero threat and violence tolerance)....but, I guess a large brawl that causes a mass panic and flight doesn't constitute violence?

Jesse....BITE ME!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Will and DC,
Oh my god, you two! I'm aghast!! Didn't you know we are dealing with poor black kids here? Didn't you know that they can NEVER be at fault for anything, including their thoroughly antisocial behaviour, complete lack of learning motivation (the non-compliant studious ones are singled out as "gay" or "white"), utter disrespect for any authority or institutions of this white-dominated society, etc. etc. We should EXPECT this of them; after all, they do not know any better. They have no money. They're the victims. You're really "dissing" them here, and I am so flabbergasted I don't know which way to turn!!

Seriously, folks, if I were black and/or poor, I would be thoroughly outraged by the lack of standards, accountability and base-line expectations -- just because they are poor and black. Rich white people don't hold a monopoly on civility, responsibily and virtue. How unbelievably insulting to poor and black people generally, just to coddle (and, for you left wing shrink-types, "enable") a few no-good thugs who belong in jail, the gutter or worse.
Just heard this on Rush...

Apparently this group kids has an average of 200 days absenteeism and truancy....average, not combined!!
And now they want to go to school!


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Never thought I would say this, but I agree with Jackson on some of his points. He is most upset about lumping all the fighters into a single group and labeling them all as lost causes and then expelling them for 2 years. Agreed that fighting in the football stands and practically causing a stampede which can be a very dangerous situation should not be ignored and the perps simply given only a slap on the wrist. However, is a 2 year expulsion the correct punishment for their crime?

It should also be pointed out that Jackson was not vigorously defending all 7 of the students. He was especially concerned about at least 2 of them who were very near to graduating. One had a 3.5 GPA and the other had around a 3.0 and was capt of the basketball team. Both had not been in any trouble before, and both were planning on going to college after graduation. So, it would appear to me that the IL Bd of Ed is doing exactly what MLT is talking about, but in reverse. "They are all bad, let's get them out of our sight." And completely ruin their lives in the process.

DC, I couldn't agree with you more on the ludicrous, overreactions that school boards are taking now on the "tolerance" cases. I dare say that no one posting on this board would have had any education to speak of if these policies had been implemented 40 or 50 years ago. I think I personally would have been expelled umpten times and probably landed in jail for taking banned items to school, all in complete innocence. I anxiously await some more level headed people to come to power, but it won't be for a while yet.
I agree with Jesse Jackson on this one. A two year expulsion is way out of bounds for a fight, particularly when the police found no basis for charges.
Let me get this right: One is a 17-year-old freshman, another is a 19-year-old sophomore and this quartet's criminal history makes for good reading. These mutts are career criminals, nothing more.
Apparently I misread the title of this thread
because my first reaction was: Hooray for Jesse!!! He finally landed a job!!!!

I have not kept up on this situation. but if Jesse is involved he must believe that he can make somebody's life better. That is what he strives for most of the time. He is a dedicated civil rights and voting rights advocate. It must follow that the persons involved are of a minority and old enough to vote.

How close did I get??

Better days to be,

The Superintendent agreed to a reduction of one year of the expulsion and Jesse Jackson agreed to this as well. Then the good Reverend changed his mind at the last minute. Again, I say the one year was appropriate and the Superintendent in not in control. He met Jackson half way and then allowed Jackson to use him as a whipping boy. At this point in time , the students are in control of the situation. Truly a sad scenario but not surprising when integrity and fortitude are lacking in those memebers of the school district impersonating leaders.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I haven't followed this with any serious interest, but did hear on CNN this morning that the "students" involved in this riot had planned it for at least a week. The other students knew it was coming and planned to stay away. Or at least so says a parent on CNN.

danbrew :->
I beg to differ on the post about no police charges.Some where charged with felonies by the police according to CNN today.Mr Jackson says this has nothing to do with race but would be there if the students where white?
Just a question.
PS-A prearranged fight of that size I believe is deserveing of a 2 year expulsion.By the way they can still go a school for problem students and from what I have heard that is where they belong.
I'm gonna go turn a camera on outside my front door and wait and see how long it takes Jesse to show up!

Happiness is a smoking gun and a dead criminal;)
I watched the ABC news report last night - short and sweet - and the change in Jesse's tune was remarkable! I ain't seen him backpeddle that fast since...well, ever!

They said he was all ready to go in there and correct this outrage against these disadvantaged ethnic youths - until he saw the video tape, the rap sheets and found out the 9th grade was the best three years of their lives - I think he actually saw it as a no-win situation, kinda like a run for the presidency. Maybe he's getting smarter?

I heard a guest on a national talk show say that the 19-year-old, who has a criminal record and is a gang member, was thwarted in his last attempt at criminal activity by the woman he tried to rob--she held him at gunpoint until the police came and arrested him. Anybody know about this? If you can find it in a newspaper, please post the thread.

In this day and age of extreme political correctness (ESPECIALLY among school administrators), I simply can't imagine that the initial sanction would have entered anybody's minds if these "kids" weren't a cancer on this school. The so-called "capitulation" (from 2 years to 1) by the school is even more telling. If these perpetrators weren't rotten to their cores, this wouldn't have made the national news, because sanctions approaching this magnitude would not have entered anybody's minds, IMHO.

There clearly IS a "double standard" at work here, Jesse! Once again, it gives unmerited breaks to the people screaming the loudest. Black is white, and white is black. (No pun intended!) Martin Luther King, Jr. you're not, Jesse.
Amen, MLT! Jesse Jackson is reportedly threatening some form of physical confrontation if his lame-brain demands aren't met. I guess these little angels really are being represented by "one of their own"-- a thug. Oh, pardon me for the disrespect, the Reverend Thug.

[This message has been edited by Oscar (edited November 16, 1999).]
I live a bit aways from Decatur in Illinois and it was just reported that Jackson was arrested on the school grounds.

Finally, the police are handling this right. I'm really having to understand his claim of racial bias on these kids that were expelled when the HS they were expelled from is over 70% black.

Oh well.
Jesse was arrested, but he is back on the street. I saw that tape. These boys were first class rioters ,no doubt. yes had they been white, Jesse woulnt have shown up. By the way, where were you Jess when some of your people were fried by the FBI at Waco? I forget how many people of color were killed at Waco, but it was quite a few. Jesse is a idiot,but idiots get recognition in the idiot government that is running our lives today. Gangstas rule at the top of this system(Leaders) and they rule at the bottom(little gangstas). No discrimination here in this crooked system. I couldnt imagine haveing children today in this PUblic Fool System.
Mal, I think you bring up a good point - there may be a silver lining here. And, I too would never have dreamed that I would find anything positive from the Reverand Jackson - in my view, he is simply a self-promoting racist in his own right.

However ... as DC notes, these 'zero tolerance' policies are absurd. They really mean 'zero brains' and 'zero logic'.

While it is a stretch, I think it is good for people to reexamine the zero tolerance foolishness. We've seen some great examples, such as the young boy having a piece of empty brass, the young boy who drew a gun, the kid who wrote a violent story, a boy in our town kicked out of school for having a Franklin Mint knife. How many kids are we damaging by teaching them that all 'infractions' are serious ones?

So, if this makes people stop for a minute to consider reality and justice, well then perhaps there is a positive side to this foolishness.

And, to the extent some of these bozo's committed felonies, then I hope they can find some large rocks in Illinois that should be made into smaller ones.

Regards from AZ