Jerry Peterson's SCAR-HCS

No, Mr. Skorzeny, you didn't give a point by point refutation of anything. Mainly, you told me about how great you are. I don't recall the topic of the thread having anything to do with your personal level of experience or expertise. The only statement about yourself that would have been germane to the discussion would have been "I have never had to pay additional fees for testing." Perhaps on another day and thread, one where you have realized that everything isn't about the wonder and glory of you, we can attempt a discussion again. Good day to you.
Sigh - Skorzeny & I have had our disagreements, but I agree with him on this one. Please keep the personal attacks personal, not public.

Belts, rank, testing - they're all artificial concepts created for competition. They were all taken from Judo, to divide students by skill level. They really mean nothing, it's what the individual brings that matters.

SCARS, as well as any other seminar or video based course, I believe to be of dubious value at best. You can't learn about fighting from your La-Z-Boy! I've seen a bunch of boxing on TV - DeLaHoya's about my weight - should I challenge him? If you believe that you can become "invincible" as so many of these claim, you need to have your head examined. We're all made of breakable stuff; nobody is invincible.

Like Lawdog said, the hype was enough for me to discount it as so much snake oil. If they made believable claims I'd consider it possible merits. Until then, I'll spend my time elsewhere.

For the record, I was explaining how "promotion" worked in my particular BJJ club. I did the same for another practitioner. He started to become really difficult to spar with and I recommended that he move up to my belt color.

I also desribed "systems" (i.e. Muay Thai and Shoot wrestling/Shooto) where there is no belt or testing per se.
Perhaps on another day and thread, one where you have realized that everything isn't about the wonder and glory of you, we can attempt a discussion again.
:confused: Where did this come from? I think you are reading more out of my statements that warranted. Nonetheless, perhaps you could've explained the logic by which you arrived at this conclusion rather than "all I need to know" type crytic, mysterious statement.

Danger Dave:

Excellent points, particularly the Kodokan Judo origin of belts.

An over-reaction on my part. I had the feeling this thread was about to turn into the "MY kung-fu is most powerful!" of the micturating contests I most detest (along with threads about the invincible samurai, the unbeatable WWII Germans, and Glock vs 1911). I retract anything that you may have perceived as a personal insult.
Anyway, my experience with SCARS is limited (as I said) to a single viewing of an early set of tapes and several magazine articles written by people who had attended SCARS "camps." Is SCARS unbeatable? No, but no "style" is unbeatable, only a particular practitioner may be unbeatable. Is SCARS a scam? No more or less than anything that might be taught as 1 to 3 day seminars. Is it worthless? No, but that isn't saying it's the greatest thing since gunpowder, either. Do I use it? No.
regarding SCARS system:

I own CFC hand-to-hand set of tapes(first set) and completed a Level One (three day) seminar.
My experience in any other martial arts or fighting systems is non-existent (excepting a brief flirtation with Traditional Wing Chun (as sanctioned by William Cheung)).
My experience has left me with mixed feelings.
1)One could learn (and I feel I have learned) some valuable basics from Peterson's system.
2)Anyone looking to become a fearless, invincible, square-jawed, super-hero/ babe-magnet must wait on genetic manipulation.
3)I am of the opinion that SCARS seminars are better left to those who can afford it (not me). The tapes are only worthwhile if you find someone else to REALLY commit to studying and practicing - this is not easy.
4)The advertising plays on feelings we all have from time to time in a society that is often less-than-civilized;it doesn't present the system in a realistic light.

Yet, it must be adressed that unlike similarly advertised programs, SCARS keeps frequently popping up on different forums. The controversy, it seems, IS undefeatable; so, I offer these recommendations:

1)is SCARS the current or former official SEAL fighting system?
2)is the SCARS system undefeatable?

In summary: I believe SCARS can benefit someone's repetiore of fighting basics as long as they get past the hollywood/superhero fantasies and commit to arduous and intelligent study. That said, I am NOT qualified to say that other matial arts can not do the same. Your money, roll the dice.
Further: as I am not a fan of Jerry's advertising methods and my wallet is still healing, I have begun to consider other fighting systems. I recommend anyone with more burning questions on SCARS or others do their own investigating and take ALL opinions with a wee grain of salt.

Lastly, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

i feel compelled to post this disclaimer:

reccomendation number two ("get Peterson's wallet") is not meant to be taken seriously. I do not suggest or condone criminal acts against anyone. I wrote it to satirically imply the futility of the arguments that seem to surround the rattish "my system v. your system" volleys that clot the forums. Anyone who takes it upon themselves to retrieve wallets from J.P. or anyone else without the owners' permission does so of their own volition, at their own risk and in total ignorance of the tenor of the aforementioned post.

again, safe and happy holidays to all
