Jerks at the range...

The Jerk said something about people that couldn't afford good ammo and guns shouldn't bother shooting
Next time, tell him to stand 25 feet out and say that. ;)
The best part is the opening line. "Listen up, S***head"- I've had a few conversations myself that started that way...and you're right, very rarely does any good come of them. They're a lovely stress reliever, though.

PF, uh uh. IMO, my response was enough. Maybe more than enough, I shouldn't let Jerks get to me.

Mike, right on that. I did feel better, and I doubt there was anything I could say or do that would have helped the Jerk reform, short of the Bastinado.

Jumpy, plenty of Jerks have no money, and plenty of folks with money aren't Jerks,IMO. The Jerks with money do seem to be a particulatly virulent subspecies,tho...
So this never would have happened if you had good ammo? Oops, sorry that wasn't the point, was it?

Hey, you did fine in my book. If it wasn't the ammo, it would have been your gun, or your training. No, you should not have yelled at the guy, but at least you didn't teach him manners like they do in the south.

If you thought life was too short for stuff like that, then retirement is WAY too short for it. Retirement years are like dog years, a ratio of one to seven. Every one minute of crap someone gives you in retirement is about the same as 7 minutes of crap to those of us who are not retired. Retirement, like a dog's life, goes way too fast.

Sometimes an a**hole needs to be told. There are sadly some serious jerks in the ranks of trapshooters. The fact this guy couldn't hit the side of a large barn with his Ljutic probably means he was depressed to spend all that money only to hear "LOST" over and over and over.

Don't blame the Ljutic though. One of the nicest shooters I know shoots one and does pretty well with it.

Paul, if I gave the impression I'm down on Ljutics, sorry.

The Jerk's attitude and deportment are the issues, not the hardware.

As for Jerk ratios, I ran into quite a few Jerks when I was doing 3 gun and IPSC.Even ran into the occasional one at benchrest rifle. And, the Onery Factor of Bowhunters who use recurves and longbows, and that of flyfishermen, is legend. I do both of those..
Dave, there's a quote I've always like by economist John Kenneth Gailbraith that seems appropriate here: "Nothing so gives the illusion of intelligence as the close personal association with large sums of money."
