Jeff Cooper, no hero of mine

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Sorry Rat, Rich, Michael, Rob, perhaps it is the old guys, or just my old age, but I will stand by Cooper. Do I always agree with him?

We come from a different time, went thru a depression, several wars, and now face a new world. Gays ( a strange word ) in the military, a draft dodger as president, a tax burden that requires most families to have both parents working, and many older people resent these changes. I know I do.

I also wonder about those that hide behind funny sounding names, Cornered Rat and others, and critize those who put their real name and a real e-mail address where it can be found. I use and have used my initals on all boards, because it is quicker than my full name, George L. Voltz, MSgt USAF Retired. Been retired, from military, for longer than some of you have been. GLV
The thing I don't like about Cooper is he always talkes about keeping an open mind, but if you read alot of his articles he's very set in his ways. But he has done alot for the shooting sports.
Mr. Voltz:

Inversely: I use a pseudonym to protect my annonymity. Those I respect, I have no problem identifying myself with. Several names you would recognize can tell you my name, and may even have my telephone number and/or address. I do not criticize your decision to put your information openly on the board, and would hope you would extend similar courtesy to me. I understand that cornered rat comes from a totalitarian culture- another forum member was recently informed by his mother that she was afraid the government would come to get him for expressing his (often non-approving) views in a 2nd-amendment protected fashion.

I may not believe that homosexuality is a positive choice for me- but I respect the right of adults to make choices that only directly affect themselves and a consenting adult. I likewise respect your right to own a ****ing gun. Yes, I understand that (hopefully) you will never be forced to defend the Constitution and our great country with your genitalia or other parts of your anatomy, but the principle remains. Succinctly stated: when any group's rights are infringed upon, yours are close behind. Mull that over, Master Sergeant.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited March 03, 1999).]
Points: (in no particular order)

1) My handle amuses me. My email address is listed. If you want my name, address, and directions to my house- email me. No problem.

2) I admire Jeff Cooper's entire body of work. I admire what he has done in support of the Second Amendment.

3) I abhor anyone's support for any dictator...unless maybe y'all want to support me ;) How about it? I'll wear a funny hat.

4) Any of you people honestly believe there are no homosexual gun enthusiasts, Second Amendment supporters, gun rights organization members? If you do...I've got several bridges for sale.

5) This conversation is illustrative of the problem we face for freedom to flourish once again:

I don't like guns...pass a law.
I don't like gambling...pass a law.
I don't like hot rods...pass a law.
I don't like women selling what's theirs...pass a law.
I don't like homosexuals...pass a law.
I don't like druggies...pass a law.
I don't like freedom...pass a law.
It's a sin...pass a law.
(If it's a sin...I'll let God handle it-I don't think he needs the help of Congress)

And it's always someone who doesn't like what someone else is doing. No one ever says,"Please pass a law so the government will stop me."

If government is allowed to meddle in any degree, no matter how small, beyond the physical protection of persons, property, and the common defense-it will grow until once again we are at the point we now occupy. Freedom means defending the rights of people we disagree with as long as they do not initiate force or coercion. Thus, I support Colonel Cooper's right to free speech and support y'all's.

"Government is not eloquence. Government is not reason. IT IS FORCE. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

George Washington (emphasis added)
Good points, all. I think we've each made our positions clear.

I'm closing this thread. Not to silence anyone. Not because it's particularly volatile. But because it's an absurdity to argue about what one writer states regarding his personal view of the world. When we decide we have nothing better to do, I will suggest range work.

When the time comes that this type of discussion sets the bar for discussion on The Firing Line, I'll shut the Board down with great thanks for all that I've learned about our subject: firearms.

ps: Just for the record...Jeff Cooper has no web site. What he has is a private newsletter in which he expresses his views to a relatively small group of individuals who request subscription. His comments, as quoted here, were taken from a site that chooses to publish the contents of that private newsletter.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited March 03, 1999).]
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