JBT's--prefered method of Home Invasions.

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Y'know, we just don't seem to see much of this home invasion stuff here in the South. Maybe it's because the goblins know there's a tradition of firearms ownership, or at least enough of one to keep'em guessing.
European castles have what are called "murder holes" in the second story of a gatehouse. These were small holes in the second story floor that allowed defenders to shoot arrows or dump boiling water onto attackers below them.

This would be an easy defensive feature to add to your house (assuming a second floor). Cut fist sized holes in the floor of the second story, somewhere above where intruders would be funneled into a killzone like a hallway or stairwell. The holes are plugged with styrofoam plugs that are flush with the first floor ceiling and painted over so no vistors wonder about the holes. The holes are covered with plates of steel (with a hole in them of course) large enough to protect you from incoming fire from the first floor.

When the s*** hits the fan you lift up the carpet flaps that cover the holes, punch out the plugs, and when a BG is in your killzone looking at the strange things on the floor (plugs), blast 'em. Of course a grenade (maybe improvised flash-bang like an M-1000? :))dropped down on their heads would be a better choice, but you don't want to detroy your house defending it now do you?
That sounds like a really socially maladjusted thing to do ... no offense ... but making "murder holes" in your house is kind of a bitter solution isn't it ... why not go all the way and brick in the windows, make portholes in various places, and stick periscopes out ... seriously, there has to be a way of making a house livable without resorting to extreme measures in static defense.
I'm not going to build murder holes in my house. I was just reponding to dragontooth73s query about castle defenses and how they could be incorporated into ones home.

The only people I could see having reason for murder holes in their home would be high power drug lords, bosnians, and ultraparanoids.
actually nbk2000, that's my old nickname. When I did mention Japanese castles and the way they are laid out internally, it is because in traditional houses much of the same is imitated. What I essentially mentioned are passive defenses that could be incorporated into any blueprint for a home. The best defenses are unseen. I think these are better than having active defenses such as explosives, which require a high degree of maintenance and awareness, which are a potential hazard to welcome guests and residents alike.

From what I understand, in Brazil where home invasions are common, architects are now designing buildings with added defensive value (rose bushes on the perimiter, for instance) rather than strictly following aesthetic designs. The LA Times had a profile on this 2 years ago or so.

Basically the best "fortifications" I think are those which:

(1) Either deter through overt defenses or remain well hidden
(2) Channel BGs who chose to enter, impede their progress and actions, and set off warnings to the householder
(3) Keep the householders (loved ones' bedrooms far away, etc) well out of reach but enable escape as well
(4) Spatially laid out so that a few can engage many if open confrontation is the only recourse.

Wow ... this thread is getting long.
You could add a passive defensive feature to your house by making the hallway leading to your bedroom only 16" wide for 6'-8' of its length.

This would force any intruders who've made it that far to turn sideways and sidestep through the hallway one at a time. This greatly reduces the speed which they can advance, you can easily shoot down this hallway with no chance of missing the target, the BG can't duck or hide, his homies can't return fire without hitting him, and basically you're in total control and they're screwed.

I'm sure some clever person could figure out how to build something that folds into the wall when your normally awake so it's not in your way, and that can be folded out at night to form the "kill" zone.
Well, what about installing a metal door with a metal frame for the Master Bedroom (Hideout Redoubt). The flimsy hollow wooden doors inside most houses are easily kicked in or shot through. And why not make a trapdoor in the hallway with pungi sticks at the bottom? Multiple impalements would slow down just about any BG. When he is pounding on the door just flip the trap and away he goes...or have a 16 ton weight fall on his head. If Monty Python can do it, why can't you?

Actually I think the solution to home invasion is capital punsishment. Having read about them in several books by policemen/FBI agents I feel the scum who do such things need to be shown the error of their ways by becoming nothingness. Society owes nothing less to the good people than to permentantly remove the willfully malicious.

Well, getting serious again I was flipping through a book at Borders called something like "Unusual Deaths". More than a couple of people had died from boobytraps they set to whack intruders. Is don't pay to be paranoid AND forgetful.

All in all, the dog idea sounds like the best. And you might make a good friend, too.
Is it true that booby traps are illegal? Obviously things like punji sticks and falling weights are not meant to be taken seriously, but I read something earlier about pepper spray foggers which seemed like a pretty cool idea. Are 'nonlethal' 'hindrances' acceptable? Spider wire stuff in the bushses would probably be okay. What about silly stuff like in the Home Alone movie?
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