James Yeager Opinions

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Every other consideration becomes moot when I ask myself how many trainers are available in this country. Why would I choose someone with this kind of dirty laundry?
It's one of my favorite bar-bets. I have a game called "Gypsy's, Tramps and Thieves" where someone names an instructor, and I'll tell you why he is a "bad" guy, weirdo, pervert, criminal or puffs up his credentials. It's a great way to get ammo money. People are welcome to their opinions, and I'm not interested in trying to change anyone's opinion of Jame's Yeager if they are operating either under a set of foregone conclusions, or labor under "special pleading" standards of their own.

I'm of the opinion that "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice ... and that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

There are THOUSANDS of firearms instructors. I might over look this, maybe... just maybe... if he had something important, something life-changing, mind-blowing earth-shattering, to offer that NO ONE ELSE did.... but he doesn't.
That's probably true, and I think it has a lot to do with what you are hoping to learn or achieve. I'd submit that there are indeed aspects of Tactical Response's program which are uniquely valuable. I can say that from a perspective of having taken dozens of classes from various well and not-so-well known schools and instructors. Whether those particulars are absolutely necessary or of equal value to everyone else ... well, that's why it's a world chock full of opinions, isn't it?
I personally like Travis Haley, Cory Jackson, and Jeff Bloovman.

James Yeager has a lot of good info and a lot of personal info of his own. You don't have to listen to him and/or watch his videos.
So, the big knock is that he made an outlandish statement about 2a rights and their protection. The only other serious knock is that he had a cameraman down range. A person that volunteered to do it and was not forced.

Okay, I'm of the opinion that nobody can prove that he teaches anything dangerous or idiotic. I will continue to watch his videos. However, since a future in LE may be in the cards, I will skip his class. Training with someone like that might come back to bite me later.

The admins are invited to lock this up before it gets out of hand.
zombie tactics said:
It's one of my favorite bar-bets. I have a game called "Gypsy's, Tramps and Thieves" where someone names an instructor, and I'll tell you why he is a "bad" guy, weirdo, pervert, criminal or puffs up his credentials. It's a great way to get ammo money.

And I ask myself, if I had such a list of every available instructor arraigned by controversy, would the list have them all equally controversial, lacking in character or judgement or whatever, same skeletons in their closets, same-same all the way around?

Or would it be much more reasonable that I might expect this list to have a great many instructors, most in fact, who have few if any significant controversies?

Wouldn't it make a lot of sense that there would be a great big group of excellent instructors that don't give me pause over not just one issue but a whole laundry list?

I think it's pretty obvious that this is true. The great majority of instructors, most of which no one person has ever heard of, have no such baggage.

What logic would have me choose from anywhere but the top of the list?
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