Jackson Wants to Castrate Obama!

No one commented on the classiness or ethics of airing some comments made off air between two guys who knew they were off air and who suspected they were "alone". I think that was a garbage move and the kind of trash loved it (Bill O.).

The only way you can get any of these pathological liars telling the truth on tape is if they don't know they are being recorded. Look at Obama speaking to high dollar donors in Sand Fransisco. He made those comments about middle Americans clinging to guns and religion out of fear and then was outraged that someone had recorded it.

No, any opportunity to show the hypocrisy of these bums is fair game. Jackson would have the world believe he is fully supportive of Obama but his real feelings only come out when he thinks nobody can hear him.
Some have bought it hook, line, and sinker. It is difficult for me to not think that this is a well thought out scheme to assist Obama to look like he is moderate so as to continue the tactic of having him appeal to white America. It is all a fraud and we eat it up. No wonder why Obama thinks he is so much smarter than the rest of us "bitter" folks. Jesse Jackson is simply the sacrificial lamb in this plan.
Quote-- "So back to the question, should we nut him or not? J/K sorta"

You mean he hasn't been? Judging by his positions, behaviors and utterances I don't detect much testosterone coursing through his veins. Hillary is far more masculine than Obama.
This isn't the first time Jackson has been caught using gutter language-cf
his "Hymietown" remark some years ago. What gets me is the way he has been forgiven and given a pass while Trent Lott uses proper language and
muses out loud that it might have been a good thing if Strom Thurmond won the 1948 Presidential Election and he is denounced as Ku Klux and has to give up his leadership position. Of course Lott was in an elected position and had to answer to both his constituents and fellow Republican Senators while Jackson is a self appointer moral (?) arbiter. Jackson was also given a pass with his love child, cf the treatment given to Rep. Vito Fossela for doing the same thing.