Jackson Wants to Castrate Obama!


New member
So Jesse Jackson thinks Obama is talking down to other blacks with his faith based initiatives. Jackson said he wanted to cut Obamas nuts off. Wow! Jackson immediately apologized after this was made public by Fox News. Jackson claims he didn't know the mic was on when he made the comments.

Now, putting my tin foil hat on, was this a planned "mistake" on Jackson's part so that Obama could be seen as the victim and then Jackson could apologize? Obama immediately forgave Jackson. Isn't that nice. Look at how caring he is. What a swell guy to forgive Jesse Jackson for those rude and snide comments. Isn't Obama great? Isn't he cool? Wow.

I smell a sardine.

Also, Lars Larson had Jackson on for an interview after the Heller decision. Was that comical. Jackson said, "We now have semiautomatic weapons available on the street again, like M16's, UZZI's an AK47's. " What a clueless Shister.
Nothing makes it into the news by accident, if for no other reason than to give airtime to the person from Illinois. Mere repetition of his name for the sake of recognition and imprinting is the principle goal--anything after that is just icing on the cake.
Yep, its a big left wing conspiracy to elect Obama. Thats why Fox News reported it also. Come on. It was in the news because the news people know that when one public personality threatens to cut off the testicles of another public personality, the story will increase ratings!
Notice I did say I was putting my tinfoil hat on. I will agree that Jackson is really stupid. But if he thought his mic was off, why was he whispering? I really like his apology. He said he apologized because he didn't want to put any negative dampers on the campaign, or something to that effect. :rolleyes: Rigghhhhht.
This reinforces what I already knew about Jesse Jackson - if he had any integrity he would have made the comment out loud, on the air.
This reinforces what I already knew about Jesse Jackson - if he had any integrity he would have made the comment out loud, on the air.

So are you saying that Jackson may have wanted to bring Obama down to his level so that neither one would have any testicles? Great point. :D
He didn't apologize for saying it. He didn't say he didn't mean it. He apologized because someone heard him say it, and the language was crude.

Now that's newsworthy.
LedBetter posted:
He didn't apologize for saying it. He didn't say he didn't mean it. He apologized because someone heard him say it, and the language was crude.

Now that's newsworthy.

Good points LB. Jackson did the public apology but it was not sincere, as you point out.

I just find it hilarious that Jesse would wish to castrate Obama. Then Jesse could have done a limerick, since he likes to rhyme things, about Obama.

We won't be votin' for Obama,
He's too white due to his mama,
He's got no guts,
Hes got no nuts,
Pushin' faith like the Dali Lhama.
Obama need not feel threatened......only a hand full of politicians really have balls, most political leaders lost theirs in back room compromises.
If Jackson is upset with Obama, how many other democrats are upset with him, but will never had their thoughts heard in public, as Jackson did? The democrats are really lucky that they are going up against McCain. If the GOP had nominated someone more conservative in the model of Reagan, Obama likely wouldn't stand a chance. But, that's how the primaries turned out. The field of candidates from the GOP side was rather stale and unconservative. Ron Paul is conservative, but has some other quirks that turned too many voters off of him. I'm thinking Bob Barr might siphon off enough McCain votes to make this a slam dunk for Obama. Look out America.
Guys, Jackson is simply extremely jealous of Obama. Don't you know how many times Jesse Jackson ran for President?

His candidacy went absolutely NOWHERE each and every time he ran.

How do you think it makes him feel, to see Obama now having such great success??

Obama could be the destruction of the "race card". I think he would be worse than Carter though. Better to elect a constitutionalist, non-marxist for the first black president.
Jackson apologized because Fox was trying to make the division in the Dem's party even worse.

No one commented on the classiness or ethics of airing some comments made off air between two guys who knew they were off air and who suspected they were "alone". I think that was a garbage move and the kind of trash loved it (Bill O.).

That being said I LOVED IT. That's the first thing Jessee's said since the 70's or maybe 80's that wasn't solely for his personal gain.

The guy's a worthless figurehead posing as a black leader, I wish someone with some sense would step up and fill that role...Jackson and Sharpton aren't helping much at all.

Another article I read on Drudge Report said that Jessee Jackson Jr. wrote a nasty letter condemning the words of his own father. How's that for family values?
But if he thought his mic was off, why was he whispering?

Because the two of them weren't alone in the studio?

That being said I LOVED IT. That's the first thing Jessee's said since the 70's or maybe 80's that wasn't solely for his personal gain.

I loved it, just because of the little "sawing" motion he does while he says it. Priceless.
Jesse Jackson has a problem with Obama stealing his self appointed title of "Emperor of the Black People."

Jackson is a moron. If you are in a television studio and you have a mic attached to you then you assume everything you say is being recorded.