IWB Carry Question


New member
I've been carrying a revolver on my ankle and/or my USPc IWB off and on for a year or so and am about to purchase a commander sized 1911. I really like carrying inside the waistband, but I am leary with a single action pistol. If i carry loaded, hammer down, am i that much more safe over cocked with safety on. Or should i just go military style and carry unchambered (not the first choice for me, but id rather not shoot my decendants off). I dont wear lots of jackets and stuff to cover up other types of holsters and am looking for the best way to carry a 1911 IWB. Any help would be appreciated.
In the end it's up to what you feel comfortable with.

If you feel like you can fight a guy off who's pistoning a knife into your stomach with your left hand while you're racking the slide of your 1911 with your right hand, then condition 3 is for you.

Remember; in the military, your sidearm is your secondary weapon. If you are carrying as a civilian, your sidearm is your primary.

All that being said, a cocked and locked 1911 in good mechanical condition is not going to go off unless the safety is taken off, the grip safety is depressed, and the trigger is pulled.
When I first began carrying a 1911 I must admit that the idea of carrying cocked and locked was a bit intimidating. But it really is the only way to carry a 1911 IMHO. The important thing also IMHO is to make sure you purchase a holster that protects and covers the thumb safety.
"The important thing also IMHO is to make sure you purchase a holster that protects and covers the thumb safety."

This is where my dilemma arises, most IWB holsters for 1911s do not cover the thumb safety, they sit high with the safety against your body on a right handed setup. I dont care about my USP because i could hit the hammer with a brick when its decocked and it wont go off. Is this the same with 1911s?? If the hammer is down and a round is chambered, will it AD if something slams against the hammer accidentially. Incidentally it is a Series 2 Kimber...dont know if a "schwartz style" safety will effect this any.
I don't mean this in any bad way, but if you carry a single-action 1911-style auto, carry cocked and locked. Otherwise, buy another gun. You'd be better served.
If the hammer is down and a round is chambered, will it AD if something slams against the hammer accidentially. Incidentally it is a Series 2 Kimber...dont know if a "schwartz style" safety will effect this any.

Since the rear of the hammer is mostly protected by the grip saftey, it is extremely unlikely. The Swartz-type firing pin safety (used in Kimbers, Paras, S&W 1911s etc. etc.) is deactivated by pressing the trigger.

First of all,why are you changing from a USPc??HK's are pretty good handguns for concealed carry.Second,take a good look at a few of the Para Ordnance LDA pistols,it's the best of both worlds if you're really stuck on the 1911 design,and the LDA trigger is awesome.Since you're thinking Commander-sized,check out the Para Carry model.I have a 6+1 version,nice and small..:D
Im not really switching, more like changing flavors. Ive always wanted a 1911 especially "commander" sized plus i like to carry all my guns, and get used to them in a concealed form. I like my USPc but the only gripe i have is that i dont have any flush mags, the finger extension really pokes into me and into the cloth of the shirt outlining the gun. I guess thats just nitpicking and in reality i want a 1911 because i think 1911s are sexy looking guns and i really want one for fun and carry.
Shaun, . . . think about it objectively for a minute (or 2):

How many actions are needed to fire a revolver: 1, . . . pull the trigger.

How many actions are needed to fire a Glock or similar pistol: 1, . . . pull the trigger.

How many actions are needed to fire a cocked and locked 1911: 3, . . . take off the thumb safety, . . . squeeze the grip safety, . . . pull the trigger.

My money is on the 1911 as being THE safe handgun when compared to ALL the rest, . . . but then again, . . . that's my opinion and has been since 1966.

May God bless,
If you are going to go with a 1911, you should carry it as it was designed, Cocked and locked. You should also go through a class with it, like Thunder Ranch, Gunsite or Blackwater, something of that sort to gain comfort and familiarity with that platform. I've heard about the IDF's carrying condition 3 and racking and shooting. Good for them. Are you an IDF ? Then don't go around carrying a defensive weapon thats not ready to shoot. IMHO that's asking for Mr Murphy's attention. As a young man, I was trained with the 1911. I carry a S&W 4516. Good luck with your decision, be safe. Regards 18DAI.
The Max Con V by Gary Brommeland, www.brommelandgunleather.com covers and secures the thumb safety. I use three of them for my cocked and locked 1911's. His holsters are very reasonable and as good a quality as you can find. He has just introduced a Service Grade which is a good bit less expensive and obtainable faster. The Service Grade is not in his website yet but a call to Gary will provide all the info you will need to make an informed decision.

Another thought is that when I and most other CCW folks carry, we are prepared for instant action, which is like a military man being on patrol where he would have his weapon cocked and locked, ready for instant use.


Both companies make very good IWB rigs that cover the safety on a 1911.

In addition you do NOT want to have the big honking "gas pedal" style safety found on IPSC race guns and the like. Personally I have no problem with the standard Gov't model safety. You could also look at Wilson COmbat's extended safety for CCW. It is larger than the standard but not so wide it will easily hang up on things.
I carry all three ways.
But for hammer down, I prefer "mil spec" spur hammers as they are faster and easier to cock or decock.
the Big beaver grip safety is bad about being difficult to decock and sometimes they get in the way of thumb cocking the hammer.

Most old timers I know who packed a .45 preferred condition two carry anyway, hammer down on a live round. :cool:
Wilson Combat makes the Featherweight IWB. It has a pair of "shields" that cover (and lock, according to the ad) the safety and work with extended/ambi. The Summer Companion has a single shield. Several of his paddle/belt holsters have the safety shield on them.

I've carried 1911's and BHP's C&L for years and have never found the safety to have worked off by itself. The biggest prob I have with C&L IWB is the hammer digging into my love handles.:D

hello there chaps
carry the 1911 the way mr b. designed it...cocked and locked. also consider hoffners ultimate shirt tucker iwb kydex holster...it's more comfortable than my thong...crap, was that out loud ???

my 1911s (all sizes) fit the same holster, and they, hoffners.com, has quick turn around.

it took me all of one day to get by that uncomfortable feeling of a cocked and locked, one in the chamber mode of carry...even with the 'buckeye tuck' constantly hitting and knocking off my ambi-safety everytime i exited the car....also shooting alot of idpa has helped my phobias with the 1911...that and gently caressing it after work...sitting in the dark...watching re-runs of magnum pi and miami vice...and whos the boss...crap was that out loud ?? :D :rolleyes: :o