I've got an arsenal??? (Me???)


New member
So I got a rather rare chance to go out into the country (Minnesota rural area) and do some shooting. An old acquaintance who I don’t see very much called me up for one thing or another and I suggested I bring my guns and my ammo out to his place for a morning of shooting. We did it and it was a hoot and a half. I’m hopeful of a repeat performance.

Fast forward to that afternoon. I’m in the basement cleaning the three (3!!!) .22LR rifles we shot that morning. My wife comes downstairs showing a distant relative (DR) our house and the DR sees me and exclaims “What are you doing with all those guns?” Sure I bolded and italicized her comments but IMhO that’s the way she said it. To my wife’s credit I could practically hear her eye roll when the DR said this. My wife is okay with my hobby.

Long story short, I accounted for my whereabouts on January 6, 2021, explained about different rifles for different purposes, (heck, the DR didn’t know any better) and explained how they were VERY MUCH SECURED when not in use.

The point is, there really is this ridiculous anti-gun sentiment out there.
“Gosh, Captain Obvious, you mean hoplophobes really exist?”
“Yes, even in my own family---but very, very distance relations and maybe getting more distant.”
“So, Captain Obvious, what can we do about this?”
“I dunno. Take them shooting would be the best solution. A close second would be to get one of the members here, and I’m conservatively talking of at least half the member on this site, to show her their entire collection of privately owned firearms and I think she (the DR) might just conceivably vapor lock on the spot.”

Wishing ill will toward no one, even the DR, DaleA.
And the only known cure is to educate them and take them to a range for an afternoon of plinking with a .22, using targets that offer immediate feedback (steel, balloons, Tannerite, whatever) and let them experience the fun that comes with recreational shooting.

Education is the cure for a great many of societies' challenges, and this goes in spades for shooting and hoplophobia.
Decades ago, I saw "news" reports where 2 or 3 guns and a couple hundred rounds of ammo were described as an "arsenal".

people who have never had any real world experience with firearms tend to only be able to think in terms of what they see on TV or read in their papers.

If they are someone who actually thinks about things they can be educated. If they have closed minds, don't bother wasting your time. Generally speaking its in the same category as trying to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig. :D
I consider myself to be a modest gun enthusiast and the keeper of what I consider to be a meager collection of guns and ammunition. (I have other hobbies that I am more into than guns)

But, I often see news reports of “arsenals” and 100s of rounds they’ve found in different suspect’s homes that are smaller than what I own.

On the other hand, no one except the members of my family that cohabitate my dwelling knows of my guns. No one sees them, no one hears about them... it’s no one’s business.

My wife goads me to buy more guns and ammunition all the time, she likes having them around...

When a single match and a couple of trips to the range consumes an entire brick, and given cost and availability earlier this year, any non-shooter would think I was a "gun nut" if they saw my ammo shelves.

I bought enough when I could to make sure my daughter and I could keep competing. Even still, we're not able to as much as we would like because of still-ridiculous prices on some more desired calibers.
My neighbors all know I shoot quite a bit and one day at the local dog park they asked "how many guns do you have in that apartment?"

I said something to the effect of "how ever many would be alarming to you, minus one". We still watch each other's dogs and our kids play together so I guess that worked.

Other neighbor texted me while I was on the road once and said "there's another case of bullets that got dropped off at your door, want me to hold on to them for you?"

None of them are shooters, but we have enough good rapport built between us that they don't have any issues.
My guns are nobody’s business. There are only two people in my social circle that know I have guns. A friend, who is also a gun owner, and my brother who is retired military. I have zero patience for anti-gun people who know jack squat about guns proceeding to tell me what I need or don’t need
Most people in my circle know I have guns. Not how many but that I have some. I think it is like an addiction, between guns and ammo I am surprised that I have any money left.
According to the media in California, the plural of "gun" is "arsenal".

Not just CA but everyplace that picks up the AP wire story using that terminology.

This reminds me of the "joke" poster titled "Media Firearms ID Guide" (or something close to that)

It had a dozen or more guns, rifles, shotguns, handguns, of all different types, every one labeled "AR-15" or "AK-47"....

A neighbor across the street. a widow woman asked me to come over. Wanted me to do her a big favor. I said Ok is it's something I can do. Turns out her late husband had a gun and she wanted me to get rid of it. What I did with it was was up to me. Turn it in to the cops, keep it sell it whatever turned me on. Well, I shot up the available ammo, cleaned the gun and took it with me to a gun show. Sold it for $250 without any haggling. Thinking back I probably should have kept it but being a .45 ACP kind of guy, that .40 cal Star went down the road. Any way, I went over to the lady's house and gave her the money. She was surprised I did so but that way I felt better about the whole deal. I did talk to her about having something for protection and offered to teach her but no way. That woman was totally terrified about guns in a most irrational sense. She said if she had a problem, she'd call me first, then 911. I said I hope that never happens.
Paul B.
I have blood relatives that are terrified of guns. As far as I am concerned they are beyond help. It's funny to annoy them by telling them about hunting or shooting prairie rats. When I do that, the conversation is over, sometimes for months. I don't criticize their activities or look down my nose at them. Ultra liberals. My dad would be ashamed.
It's funny. My dad calls my collection of 3 rifles and 6 hand guns a small arsenal... Two of which are 22's I got from my grandpa, and a Ruger mark I I got from him. I don't even have a lever gun, a shotgun, or a 45... Or a trap door, or a rolling block, or a 45-70... Or a cz550... He calls it a small arsenal, I say it's not even a small collection.

He doesn't say that out of general fear, he just didn't quite understand the hobby. Since I've landed back at home for a bit, I've even got my Dillon 650 and casting setup in the garage that he's got no problem with. He'll even go shooting with me and shoot my 454 casull and enjoys it.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
Yes, 3 or more firearms in different calibers and it's an " arsenal". An Ordnance officer would have something to say about that. Likewise you have the rather quiet individual, keeps to himself but is a good neighbor, courteous, cheerful, helpful, passes away rather suddenly, no close family, they go to his residence, find his "arsenal", he becomes a "gun nut".
when any one comes to my house there are two rooms off limits to them, if you are a member on this site you know whats in them(doors are also locked)
In military use, an "arsenal" is a place where weapons are MADE. They are also stored there, in between manufacture and shipment to other locations (and ultimately their end users).

An "armory" is where weapons are stored.

I doubt any members of today's press know the difference, or care, if they do...

So. using the term correctly, it doesn't matter how many weapons you have, if you aren't making them there, it's not an arsenal.
SIGSHR---you have the rather quiet individual, keeps to himself but is a good neighbor, courteous, cheerful, helpful, passes away rather suddenly, no close family, they go to his residence, find his "arsenal", he becomes a "gun nut".

Huh. You probably just wrote my obit.