I've (finally) gone over the hill!

EWOK- when using your search engine to find Ron Paul's website, type: Paul, Ron 14th district, Texas. You will absolutely love his voting record as he is often times the lone dissenting vote out of all of the House. You will get even a bigger kick out of the bills he has written. Some are to get out of the U.N., others are to rescind all the executive orders, and to cancel all current (14) states of federal emergency, to rescind the war powers' act, to eliminate the IRS, and many, many more. Ron Paul is a libertarian (small 'l'). He was the big L presidential candidate in '84 I believe. He now runs a republican ticket, just like Keyes who also is a libertarian (small 'l').
DAL: Welcome to the only party that sticks to its principles of liberty, and denouncing the use of force to achieve political means. You have finally come home!
Ewok asked me to post the following:

Thanks, kjm. We have an open primary in CA this year (it'll probably be gone soon, due to court action), so I can vote for whomever I choose, without picking a party, in the primary. I'm sure I will have decided if I want to join the LP before next fall.