I've (finally) gone over the hill!


New member
In case anyone cares, I've joined the Libertarian Party. I sent my dues off today.
No longer will I vote Republican and wait...and wait...and wait...for things to change, 'cause with the two parties (two sides of the same coin, actually) we have, it ain't gonna happen.

I can run my own life, and it's up to others to run their lives. Once we get 15-20 million more people believing that, and at least half that number voting for Libertarian candidates, maybe we'll be able to exercise our freedoms again without fear of prosecution.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
DAL, I think I am going to have to jump on your side of the hill. I've voted for over 10 years (which aint much compared to some) on this lessor of the two and it has done no good. It seems to me the Dems went left over into socialism and the Repubs took over their old place. Its a no win situ. And if this causes the Dems to win and more laws to be passed maybe it will wake up the sheeple and tell the republicans something to. My state cant get much worse anyhow, the next law probably will be an outright ban.
These are some of my thoughts from Glenns threade,
I think we all need to start voting for the people who believe in our absolute rights reguardless of the consequences. If we had done this 50 years ago we wouldnt have all these problems today. Maybe it would have gotten worse for a while but one day we would have won and started to reverse the effects and maybe this year we would be Eliminating the NFA instead of debating who will pass the most tolerable gun control laws.I think Tom says it best.
The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON
I signed up Lib last fall. Will be working on a couple local elections this year. After 30 years as a registered republican, I could not stand by and see our rights taken away one by one anymore. If voting strickly lib causes the dems to get in power and to take all of our rights away, then fine, let it be so. By then things may be so bad that we may have a majority of the citizens who will finally see the light.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
DAL, like I said in email, welcome! Hope to see you at Baron's tonight for Friends Of Liberty. :)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
Sadly, it probably will not make any difference what party you join. The Libertarian Party, as we know it today, will be unsuccessful in getting their candidates elected. There is very little difference between the Republicans and Democrats as it relates to gun control, the UN, and political and economic globalism.

Personally, I would probably vote for Pat Buchanan, but he has little change of being elected unless there is some major political upheavel.

Let's face it. WE ARE SCREWED!

Always Condition Yellow

[This message has been edited by AUTiger73 (edited January 19, 2000).]
I joined the LP last year, but I did not re-join this year. It seems they are like the NRA-simply concerned with fund raising. I decided to throw my support behind individual causes and organizations that advocate those causes. GOA, Cato Institute, and the Blue Ribbon Coalition. Guns, liberty, and land use issues :).

[This message has been edited by cruiserman (edited January 19, 2000).]
Ewok, Ron Paul. He's a *good* RINO. :)

Duh. I forgot, Don Gorman, former Senator, NH. He's running for the LP's nomination.
"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited January 19, 2000).]
Yea, most of the Republicans are gutless. But if you take enough votes away from them that leaves us Gore or Bradly, and they will appoint three, possibly four Supreme Court Justices. Instant Death to the United States of America. INSTANT!!!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
Fourdiamonds, if the Repubs are gutless, then what's the point of rewarding them with the election?

Would you rather die of strangulation, or poison? Either way, you're gonna die, so why not opt out of the sure-death system?

Please, 4D and the other "hold-your-nose-and-vote-for-Junior" folks, don't be a party to the death of this country, which will be guaranteed by a victory for the major party (yes, there's only one, with 2 factions). Don't continue to scold the GOP and tell them to do better this time. They won't. They can't. They're no longer capable of acting on principle.

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

It's time for a change. REAL change.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
Libertarian. Roger that!

Voting Libertarian is definitely not "wasting your vote." If you believe that, then you assume that the two major parties (which are really the same thing) are immortal and forever invincible. Untrue. How about the Whigs? Where are they today? Third parties are on the rise. More and more people are sick of the Republicrat party and are looking for alternatives. Ever hear of Jesse Ventura?

People always talk about splitting the vote, as if the Republicrats did anything to deserve our votes. So what if the Demopublicans win? Either way (R or D), liberty loses. At least with the Dems, it'll happen quickly and maybe people will notice and do something about it.

Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you get evil.
I'm going to vote for Lib or Reform candidate for Prez this year IF they keep these candidates out of the big debates.

BUT, if one were EVER to hold out just ONE MORE TIME for Repubs, that time would be now, in light of three possible Supreme Court appts in next 4 years! That's one third of the court. Voting third P. will get us Gore appointees deciding 2nd Am cases which apparently are heading up to the big court, so is it worth it? - that's the question. I say yes if they won't let the Reform and Lib parties join the debates. We have to show Repubs we're willing to jump ship or they'll never change.
Looks like the hill we're going over is turning into a mountain with all of us standing on it. Last year I re-registered as a Libertarian along with all the other voting-age members of my family. Before this we were active members of the Republican Party, giving money as well as time. Though there are still some Republicans worthy of support, as a whole the party and most of its politicians are a carbon-copy of the Democrats.

The Republicans deserve to lose and I hope they do. Hopefully the Dems will overstep themselves and finally get people in this country up in arms.
As long as the Dems give away free money, the sheeple will not say anything against them. I am going to go four more years with the gutless Repubs. Not only for the Supremes Nom. but I would like to see just what will happen if we have a Repub prez and also congress. I will opt for "possible" down the tube over "for sure". Sorry, but thats the way I feel!!!

From my cold dead hands.
Fourdiamonds, you see it as a "possible", we see it as a "definite". Just a matter of perspective I guess. The way I look at it, we've had Republican presidents sign gun control, we've had republican congresses pass gun control, so I see no reason for them both to reverse their course simultaneously. But in 4 years, all of us libertarians, big 'l' and small 'l', will welcome you. ;)

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken
Of course, the Libertarian Party is concerned with fundraising: Money talks- b*llsh*t walks. I've voted Libertarian for 26 years now. In some folks eyes, I've "wasted" my vote for I have not voted for one single "winner". But, from my view, I don't share in the responsibility for the erosion of freedoms occurring over the last 26 years. I didn't vote for Bush so I don't share in the responsibility for Ruby Ridge. I didn't vote for Clinton, so I don't share the responsibility for Waco. In my opinion, that's a hell of a value.

Byron Quick


Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

Vote libertarian for a /change/.