I've been picked for Federal jury duty!

Ghost Rider

Anyone here have any expierence doing this. I report in Feb. for a two week period. I have served before but at the county level. This however is a whole nuther ball game. Kinda nervous right now, I mean if the defendants are in United States District Court they are probably pretty heavy hitters are they not? I know Eric Ruibal, an enforcer for the latin kings was tried in this court on firebombing charges so can I expect to see trash like this? Thanks for any insights.

God bless Pat Tillman.
i never get by the introduction theory as a juror. I make sure I tell them I am a lifelong NRA member & Instructor, teach CCH for the State, and an active pro 2nd ammendment supporter, and I am excused on the spot.:cool:
I've had the same track record with jury duty as Geneinnc. What is it about a belief in the 2nd Ammendment that scares them so much? We believe in the Constitution, the rule of law and ALL the amendments! What's wrong with us?
I answered "absolutely", when asked if I believed in self-defense the last time in for jury selection. Guess who got picked as jury foreman? I couldn't believe it either, but the trial ended up getting moved to a later date and we got sent home.
Federal Jury Duty

It is not much different than Co. duty. It could be a major case or even civil. I am a retired LEO and work in a Fed Courthouse.
I was on a federal jury about 11 years ago but it was a civil case. it was interesting but beware that there is generally a lack of sense of humor with the marshalls and judges.
Just tell them you belong to Fully Informed Jury Association and that you believe in jury nullification when necessary.

They'll dismiss you in a New York minute.

I was called a couple of years ago, even assigned to a case. One of the lawyers used one of their "no reason needed" slots to cut me from the pool, completely due to prejudice in my opinion. They didn't want a 6', 180 lb, white male with extremely long hair (mid-back) on a drug smuggling case. :)
Just tell them you belong to Fully Informed Jury Association and that you believe in jury nullification when necessary.

Or, better yet, don't tell 'em and nullify (lone not-guilty vote) in one of their gun-possession-crime cases or other crime-you-don't-think-the-gov't-should-have-made-one of your choice. That's what I'd do. Active concealment if it's one of those cases. If it's a run-of-the-mill case in which I have no political interest, since I don't really have the time to sit, I'd tell 'em the truth, and get tossed. I got called for federal jury duty, but I was tossed when they found out I was a lawyer, which I of course knew would happen. I seriously considered misleading and just stating my occupation as "a businessman" (which is true), so that I could get retained & participate, but I was very busy at the time and it was a ho-hum civil case (rich people fighting over money with other rich people).
if it is a criminal case involving a firearm the chances are that you will not sit on the jury. you probably have or will fill out a form that asks you to list ALL organizations and hobbies that you belong to. do not lie as that is contemp of court and like I said they don't have a sense of humor. they will see guns or NRA in the list and while you might get called to the jury box to answer questions , one of the two sides will dismiss you. they don't want anybody familar with firearms on a jury. also make sure that you show up because after the jury clerk takes attendence , the clerk hands a list of the no shows to the marshalls and they come , look you up and you will be up in front of a judge to explain why. your answer had better be really good. no sense of humor in federal court. I had federal court in Denver and they were getting ready for the McVeigh trial and security was really tight to say the least.
I managed to sneak in the words "Jury Nullification". I suspect it was neither Prosecution nor Defense that dismissed me; my guess is the Judge did it! :cool:

Funny thing is, I was more than willing to serve. I was simply answering questions honestly.
I managed to sneak in the words "Jury Nullification".

Lol, I wish I could have seen the look on the judge's face when you said that. Not to mention the lawyers. Dang, Rich, you're too honest - you shoulda kept that to yourself.
My girlfriend was recently on a first degree murder case as a member of the jury.
She is an NRA member and lives with a genuine gun nut.
All of these facts were known to the court and she was still selected to sit on the jury
the fact that she knows and shoots guns was a plus in this case.
Lol, I wish I could have seen the look on the judge's face when you said that. Not to mention the lawyers. Dang, Rich, you're too honest - you shoulda kept that to yourself.

+1 on this post. Do not volunteer information you're not being asked for - unless you WANT to be dismissed.
I was called in DC years ago when I was living there and working for NRA.

I had also just come from a stint with a newspaper where I was a crime reporter and was very friendly with quite a few police officers.

It was a drug and gun possession case.

The defense apparently didn't want me because I was friends with cops.

And the prosecution didn't want me when, in my three part interview (judge, defense & prosecution counsel) I made reference to the questionable constitutionality of DC's handgun ban.

The defense lawyer got a big grin on his face, the prosecutor immediately used a pre-emptory, and the judge looked like he was going to toss my ass in jail.
Though I tend to stay away from quoting various historical figures:

"A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer." - Robert Frost

I read that earlier today in my MCAT review book, and thought it was apt...

Severian, who must show up for jury selection in February (I'd rather not get picked, my time as of late has been very limited...deadlines and all)...