Ive been delayed in my background check??

past troubles

I sent all my information for a permit (those in Connecticut know the deal) anyway, today I went to pick up a shot gun after a mandatory 14 day wait and was told I couldn't because of a "fugitive from justice" from Ma. on my record. The only thing I could think of is failure to return a leased car from 1995. The company came and towed it away. The Dept. of Public Safety couldn't do anything because it was a sunday, but they said it looked like a traffic violation and to call Mass.
So now I'm going to have Ma. and hopefully straighten this out.
My question is, will this be an automatic denial, or does my local police get the true story to make a decision.
Out side of driving with out a seatbelt, this is the only thing on my record.
I'd run down to the police station and see if they can find out,

but I might get a number of things at home in order and put on clean underwear first.

I'd think if you were a fugitive from justice in MA then there would be a warrant for your arrest and you would not be going home until it is straightened out... but then I would want it straightened out on my time not on theirs...

heck you might even want to hire a lawyer to check it out for you... it is probably something not important... like someone else's name .... or a traffic / parking ticket or something... but I would not want to be on the way to something important and then find out I'm getting a free side trip to MA for a few days.
I get delayed every time. It may have been the time of day such as lunch hours, I've been told that having a security clearance for the Gov't has something to do with it.
I get delayed every time.
I always get the gun.
You would think after X number of times they would catch on.
What am I thinking? This is the Federal Govt!
I get delayed every time.
I always get the gun.
You would think after X number of times they would catch on.
What am I thinking? This is the Federal Govt!

I thought this too, but the records of the check have to be deleted in 24 hours.

That means that no one is keeping a record of your previous BGC's or they are pretending like they don't. Since I don't wear tin foil hats I will subscribe to the former theory until evidence surfaces suggesting otherwise.