It's started: NYT article on McCain


New member
Well it was bound to happen sooner than later. Once the media darling now he will be scrutinized like no candidate before him. As we all know the media is decidedly for Obama, and will do everything in their power to get him elected. Expect it only to get worse as Obama and McCain start the campaign. Personally I am note sure McCain can weather the storm that is gathering to sink his ship. It is going to be a long season before Nov.

Link to the article.
Expect Different?

We all know this guy McCain has no character, not proven as a prisoner of war. NOW Obama has all the credentialls, He told me so for 45 minutes last night on CNN, the communist news network.
The NYT comes out against a Republican candidate? I'm shocked; shocked, I tell you.

(Actually, outside of uber-liberal circles, a knock against you by the NYT is a feather in your cap.)
Media attacks on Republicans are predictable.

Also predictable are attacks on out-of-favor Democrats whenever the sharks smell blood in the water or their most recent darling has lost favor.

Has anyone else noticed how quickly pictures of Hillary have become very unflattering, such as the following photo on CNN today.
I think some are missing the point. This is just the tip of the ice berg on McCain, and it is already pretty serious charge. His closets are filled with skeletons waiting to be shown to the world. This could actually hurt him enough in the primaries that Huckabee gets the nomination. Remember the media will not dig too deep, if at all on Obama. By the time the media is done with McCain he won't be able to be elected as dog catcher in Podunk. Don't blame the media for this, It is his own fault. I have not sympathy for him or any politician that abuses their power for personal gain no matter how honorable they where at one time.
Did anyone ever think they'd see the day where Hitlary would fall out of favor with the media? Do you think she'll come out against them and say they're pushing their own agenda?
liable or slander require proof

just becasue you don't like what you read about Johnny does not make it liable or slander or anything less than what it is. If the story is a falsehood we will all find out before the story dies. If it contains truths we'll know that as well when it can not be disputed. You can despise the NYT but can you disprove what they print. That is the question.

If you are one who want to believe the McCain has spent 25 years in office and has nothing questionable in his dealings with major corporations you must own shares of the Brooklyn Bridge. Rupert Murdock and the rest of the listed supporters of McCain are not false statements it is proven facts.

McCain like most of the long term politicians own their soul to big contributors. He has played the game well in the Senate and has his share of paybacks due.

I don't doubt there will be factual information about Obama. Some of which I'm sure he will not welcome. He is part of the Washington insider group and has not gotten to this candidacy without some support. As long as the information is factual I have no problem. Its the crap being tossed around about him that are lies that I don't like. I realize lie about candidates probably started with the first election where two or more people wanted to be elected/chosen for anything.

John McCain has danced around for a long time. Now he get to pay the fiddler. That is what always happens in real life.
It always helps me to remember that politics is business....that in a democracy governing and legislating, by nature, requires compromise and concensus....and that voting typically involves choosing between the lesser of two evils. I know of no politician in my lifetime that made it to the top of the heap playing nice or behaving entirely with honor. Career politicians are businessmen, plain and simple......and they make their living by appealing to their constituency at large. They will say most anything, promise most anything, do most anything, that they can get way with, to further their personal ascent. I was born when Roosevelt was president......I've seen them all come and go.....Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and now, Bush the Younger.

- regards
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just becasue you don't like what you read about Johnny does not make it liable or slander or anything less than what it is. If the story is a falsehood we will all find out before the story dies. If it contains truths we'll know that as well when it can not be disputed. You can despise the NYT but can you disprove what they print. That is the question.

Just wanted people to read this again before they responded. The prior responses were pretty pathetic.
McCain has a well know temper and is used to being the media darling. All those years as "one of the only reasonable Republicans"...:barf: Now they are going to turn on him and he will loose it. It should make for some interesting clips.
Yep! The same "media" that marginalizes candidates will now slaughter the republican's sacrificial lamb, McCain.
It's an old allegation. An old smear that was looked into 8 years ago and put to rest. The NYT knows it and they also know that simply hurling a charge out there is good enough for most of their readers. There's a reason they have been steadily losing subscribers. The rest of us know why.
It's an old allegation. An old smear that was looked into 8 years ago and put to rest. The NYT knows it and they also know that simply hurling a charge out there is good enough for most of their readers. There's a reason they have been steadily losing subscribers. The rest of us know why.
just becasue you don't like what you read about Johnny does not make it liable or slander or anything less than what it is.
For me, it's not a matter of whether you like or dislike "what you read about Johnny ...." It's whether you give any credence to the NYT. Given the NYT's blatant left-wing bias and its scandal-plagued history, the paper generally lacks credibility. That's why it's losing readership and why it recently let go a bunch of people.
As long as the information is factual I have no problem. Its the crap being tossed around about him that are lies that I don't like.

Yes, yes, we know, everything about McCain is true, but everything about Messiah Obama is false.

What a crock.
Most reporters and scribes are ethusiasticallyfor Obama, like the rest of the liberal crowd. Look at how they've gone after Clinton, their former media darlings. Now, its McCain's turn.
I think that many are missing the point. It's not important whether McCain was ever literally in bed with this female lobbyist, that's between him and his wife. What is important is that John McCain has been symbolically "in bed" with the communications industry for many, many years.
I think that many are missing the point. It's not important whether McCain was ever literally in bed with this female lobbyist, that's between him and his wife.

Turn your way back machine to the 1990s and look into matters of character and Clinton.
I think that many are missing the point. It's not important whether McCain was ever literally in bed with this female lobbyist, that's between him and his wife. What is important is that John McCain has been symbolically "in bed" with the communications industry for many, many years.
Actually, the point in this thread is the NYT's article. What's important in this thread is the lack of trustworthiness of the NYT. Groups across the political spectrum, including such left-wing organizations as The New Republic and Time Magazine, have condemned the OP's linked article.
I don't believe I've ever seen a flattering pic of hildebeast.

Now wait a minute what about when she was young.


Taken shortly after Bill and Hillary 'did not inhale'.:rolleyes:

Oh I see your point, she has always been the hildebeast.