Its official


That sure does bring back memories. I went to Gold's in 1987 on my first trip here. At that time things were really different and we were stunned to find the place.

If you ever get back here look us up. We live up in Los Planes de Renderos and we'll fill you up with pupusas. :)
Mmmm, pupusas! There's some cooking around the corner from my office now. Yet another up side to TPS status--Salvadoran bakeries. :cool:

Welcome to TFL. :)
Wow , everyone i see around here that is known for about everything is in prescott hehe. I might have to make a trip up there and meet you guys , i think it would be well worth the hour drive.
Just went through Prescott this month...looked like a nice place. I'm moving either there or to Rim Country--either way, I'm going to have to attend Gunsite one day!

Just for this Foolish New Guy, though...what the heck does "seen the elephant" mean? I think I have the idea from context, but I'd like to know for sure.
If memory serves...

If memory serves me well, I believe the saying is an old British saying orginating from campaigns in India. The oppossing forces would use the animals during their assualts and other activities and would easily trample the soldiers who stood in fear. It was commonly used when an experienced soldier who was able to stand his ground and deliever the shot needed to bring down the animal has he charged. Hence, seeing the elephant has often been associated with combat or other lethal confrontation. Or so the story goes :D
Presott is a nice place...I still think I prefer Colorado!

And I taugh climbing on Granite Mountain back in the 80's!

That is interesting about "seeing the elephant"

I always thought it referred to actual experience rather than just hearsay
Well, I believe it did start from actual experience and it tends to be used to describe someone with experience. I guess it could be hearsay, but I have always assumed the oppossite.
