It's casting day!

Those 8mm bullets have some funky striations on them.

Just curious here if your referring to the slightly visible lines running the lenght?

Otherwise I think I now know now why I missed that hog Saturday morning...:eek:

On a side note, I was shooting at the range one afternoon when a fellow stepped up and told me my loads were severely hot as he looked at my fired cases laying on the table. I ask what on earth gave him that impression, and he said, "well you see that ring around the case there just below the shoulder, that is a definite sign of high pressure."

Well I looked at the case and sure enough there was a shiny ring right around the case just below the shoulder. Then I pulled 5 or 6 out of the MTM box and guess what, same shiny ring. I showed them to him and said I guess your right, they are about to pop just sitting in the box. It was just a shiny spot from the rattling around in that plastic box. He left with no further comments.
Just curious here if your referring to the slightly visible lines running the lenght?
Yea, the lines running down the long axis of the bullet.

And.... your little story made me laugh.
I had a similar incident a couple years ago.

It was while I was working on my 'epic' .270 Win / 140 Partition load development (the process spanned 3 years, as I tested various powders in different atmospheric conditions and at different temperatures).

Some dude walks up behind me at the bench, while I'm single-loading a cartridge into the magazine (claw extractor that won't snap-over), he grabs 3 pieces of brass out of my ammo box, and says authoritatively, "Yep. That's what I thought ...."

I cut him off with a, "Hey, what the **** are you doing? Put my brass down."

He gave me a little look out of the corner of his eye as he tossed the brass onto the bench, and said, "See those shoulders? You need to clean the cosmoline out of your chamber, or you'll glue the cases in there when it cools down." he walked off.

Yea. Okay. Let me get right to work, cleaning the cosmoline out of a Ruger 77 Mk II.....
The discoloration on the shoulder? ....Light amounts of lube residue that reacted with the styrofoam insert in my ammo boxes and slightly tarnished the brass. :rolleyes:
Naaa no sense wasting time on trying to make the blind see the light... ;)

Besides I wouldn't want to hijack that thread from it's original purpose.
What is the time limit on editing posts these days? 'Seems like I was able to go back and add data or move/modify pics in my threads for quite a bit longer than I am now.:confused:
I don't think there is a limit honestly. let me go back to my older posts and check

nevermind. my oldest post I can edit is sept. 27th
so looks like 5 days
I know this is off-topic, but have you noticed the amount of new casters and reloaders have really taken a dive over the summer. when I first joined I lil over a year ago, there would be pages of new reloaders/casters trying to get advice on powders, load data and what starting equipment to buy, it was always full of interesting conversation. this isn't a bad thing, just an observation. hopefully its a sign that the panic is subsiding and we can get back to anomalies like.....powder choice and decent prices on primers and cases.
Ok well I'm adding to Skizzums,

I personally think that for the most part they are working things out for themselves and only pop in once in a while now to get specifics.

Like you mentioned there were a lot of post and now there are only a few here and there. I figure they got enough info to get started out and are now either "experts" or are moving ahead cautiously working on loads for their firearms.
I think I'll make the pink ones. Have some gay friends who will squeal with excitement over those bullets. Hell, maybe I'll make some rainbow ones lol
You probably could make some rainbow ones if you sprayed only once from each direction with each color. It'd be a pain to clean the sprayer between.... but it would give you a nice 4 color pattern, I believe. You might have to do it with only one row of bullets at once, so the air pattern wouldn't deflect the overspray onto your last-sprayed color.

'Not gonna try it though.... I'm happy with one color at a time thus far, but I have considered doing some red tips, just for the fun of it.
It's Zombie Stompin' time with the Whelen!:D
Real Mausers shoot pink.

Are ya sure, all I ever see is new coated bullets.... never bent, mashed or mangled up shot ones recovered from the burm, or even mangled up paper targets..:eek:

ha ha duckin and runnin,,,:D
I told ya! I'm a collector! I got a huge glass case with expandable sections and it just keeps growing!

Or howsabout if I come out and admit that I only shoot at turtles and all my boolits go into the pond and sink to the bottom, never to be seen again.

Or mebbe I'm a vendor on another forum and I sell em all!

Or mebbe...... ;):p