It's casting day!


New member
Finally! After 5 months of too hot/gotta work/it's raining/gotta do chores/or whatever..... It's casting day! I have made some 45's and 8mm's this morning from my usual 50/50 blend, but now the pot is emptied out and getting reloaded with some magic mix provided so graciously by another member here. So I'm going to melt down these mystery "cobs" and pour up some HP's for the Whelen.
Let the 1.75 alloy flow!!!!! :D


Finally! After 5 months of too hot/gotta work/it's raining/gotta do chores/or whatever.....

Ohh PULEESE!!!!!:rolleyes:

I'll buy the work thing, and maybe taking care of those honey do's, but other than that naaa.

Oh and about that alloy, you better get your test media ready, your not going to want to waste it. I hear its some good stuff....;)

Oh and PLEASE post up a report with data and pics....Inquiring minds want to know how it does and with what.
I cast 158 grain RNFP's last night, my first casting session in a long while. 318 of 'em, and not a wrinkled bullet in the lot. (I have ingots exactly like that; I made condiment cup ingots for a couple of years, then switched to corncobs because they are easier to handle.)

It felt good; I'll have to fire up the Lee melter again this afternoon. I also need to lube these, and measure a few to see if they'll need to be sized.
yessir, its a beautiful first day of fall here in the South, i have been seriously neglecting 9mm for a long time now

every time i cast the 300s and 38/357s and 224 etc, i always have in the back of my head that i really need to do 356, i never do cuz its BORING, a repetitive utility round, that unfortuneatly i shoot more of than anything

i got a call last night to go shoot today, i went to pack my bag and i see that i only have 400 ROUNDS OF 9 LEFT!!:eek: how did that happen? so i got up at 0630 and casted, pc and loading, about 1 hr to cast, 45min to PC and an hour or so to load, enede up with a nice 250 rounds before the sun got good an up

but yes beagle, i too am so happy the weather has turned, its beatiful out today

Here's what some of the HP alloy went into, Mike! The NOE 360-345.
This oughta grow some shrooms when planted with a Whelen!

You know what those 45's will look similar to after impact, if poured out of that other alloy, well other than being brightly colored?

Somethin close to this,


Just somethin to think about......:D

(Oh thats the Accurate 454280 C, but yours will be looking close to that by the way.)

Here's what some of the HP alloy went into, Mike! The NOE 360-345.
This oughta grow some shrooms when planted with a Whelen!

That Whelen might be a WEEEEEE bit much for it, but go ahead and give it a shot, then lets see whats left.:eek:

You do remember what the MP 358360's did don't you?
The only .45 I got is the Peacemaker. They ain't gonna get over 850 fps from it, if that much.

That Whelen might be a WEEEEEE bit much for it, but go ahead and give it a shot, then lets see whats left.
I might do some RedDot loads for it. I figure that HP won't handle top speed.;)

I'll make some of the MiHec C358-180's with the HP alloy next, and maybe the 359640 as well. :)
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@ Beagle333
Thanks for the links, I find this very interesting as well as the pop-can gas
checks too. Do you have a link that covers the gas checks ? Theres a
Harbor Freight only 1 mile from me, I'll wander there tomorrow.
Those 8mm bullets have some funky striations on them.

I'm not sure what to think of it. ....Cherry chatter during cutting?

Racin' stripes! ;):p

I don't know what makes it like that. I just took that mold outta the box this morning. It has some lines in it though.:cool:

I'm planning on learning to paper patch the 8mm using these though.... so it won't really matter.