It's been on my mind a lot lately.

Actually, there is a lot of progress. There is rebuilding in progress. I drive through town, and suddenly you find 1/2 mile long stretches of empty ground that has been cleared of debris, and now, new buildings are coming up.

For a while, the newspaper here was publishing photos of arrested looters on the front page. :)
"For a while, the newspaper here was publishing photos of arrested looters on the front page. :)"

cool!...and when do the stonings take place?:)
You must be mistaking this godforsaken blight on the planet for some third world toilet that tolerates things like stoning and public execution.

At one time, it came up on the ballot to allow hanging hippies in the town square, but cooler heads prevailed, and it was defeated by 5%.

You had a lot of very unhappy baptists around here.

Should you think I'm joking, keep in mind that Purdy MO had an ordinance on the book even as recent as 10-15 years ago that forbade dancing in the city. The high school students sued and had it overturned, and had the first prom ever held there at the high school. We even had sunday blue laws until nearly 1990. (all of you youngsters look up "blue law" in wikipedia.)

If this had happened in some of the more remote areas of this corner of the state, there would have been a whole lot of blood spilled.
I have lived in Missouri most of my life and have seen some of the worst humanity imaginable. I have also seen some of the saintliest people as well. People suck no matter where you live, we are just animals after all.
Sorry to hear about the looting in Joplin, something I was unaware of and would not have thought would have happened.

I grew up about a mile off the Missouri line in Southwest Iowa, and have always liked Missouri, from Elephant Rocks and Johnson's Shut Ins, and the springs and the Current and Jacks Forks on the East to the Ozarks on the West, Missouri is a beautiful state.

I grew up a little over a half hour from Maryville, Missouri and one of my favorite places Squaw Creek National Wildlife refuge.

However when society and law enforcement and the legal system does not work, google up Skidmore, Missouri, Ken McElroy and "In Broad Daylight"
I Don't Think You're Wrong At All...

There are too many scumbags in the world. I would write, "It's time to thin the diseased cows from the herd", but it would be taken wrong so I won't write that.
No need to google it. I was here when it happened. the skidmark of skidmore was pretty big news.

There are a lot of people like him here, he was just an incredibly advanced case. I'm not denying that joplin has it's good side, that there are worse places. Would I move to oakland with the gangs? No, I'll stay here with the meth makers.

There are far better places here in the state than the extreme southwest. Mcdonald county is a toilet. Even so, I deal with northeast oklahoma, and I think that some of the people I deal with there are probably among the most bestial and regressed people in the country.

There is a lot of personal information and privileged information that I could share, but won't.
Mcelroy has always been called "the town bully." I throw the BS flag. That guy was not a bully, he was a full blown psychopath, and he learned really early on that civilized people are weak and timid. He was an anomaly in country life. you don't find people in the country that manage to reach his level, because they are without fail jailed, beaten up, or have some thing happen that suppresses them a little.

He's not original, except that he was a lone wolf, whereas most of the other people like him gang up so they don't have to fear the repercussions of being the sole author of the trouble they cause.

To stay in the spirit of the forum, I believe that he carried a garand.