It's 4 Am and your front door is smashed open....

...some Fedral Ninja runs in your place..

What do you do?

Laugh, and grab the A1.

If I am in fear for my life, I might as well die fighting as running. If I am being attacked because of my weapons, OTOH, I will feel it is my duty to shoot the parties involved...whatever they're wearing.
From: Ivan 88836-25-99 945 PM EDT There was a time in our former Republic when men in blue were called PEACE OFFICERS and there purpose was to keep the peace between citizens. Today, these former peace officers are now LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. This, to my mind , is not simply different descriptions of the same type of person. Today ,except for maybe sheriffs, the primary purpose of police is to work for the Corporate State,whether Federal or State, enforce the many ,many laws of the corporate governmentand bring in as much revenue as they can to the beaurorats who hire these "police". The Federal Police agencies ,of course are the most odious,but state and local county police across the country are catching up to their idols: The Federal alphabet soup boys. Police forces around the country are getting out of control with the blessings of corrupt officials and judges all the way up to the Supreme Court. We hear every day of searches of cars, murders of innocent citizens(dont call us civilians youpolice who violate our rights), midnight terror raids on innocent people,and the common confiscation of ones money and other valuables by these legal bandits. Under a Constitutional Republic ,which we had until the begginning of this century, these abuses would not be tolerated. But, I hate to say it, we are now full steam into mob democracy which the Founders hated and hoped would never be our form of government. Hope I didnt degress too much Ivan
no kidding Bulldog,
But for me, at 4am I'm watching Nick at Night and cleaning my guns, usually with a bit too much caffiene in my system. Yep, they best do some research 'cause at 4am they're gonna be un-pleasantly suprised. Now if they pop by at 11:30am they'd best bring a cot. :)

(for entertainment purposes only)

Same Shot, Different Day
"It's 4 Am and your front door is smashed open...And some Fedral Ninja runs in your place...What do you do?"

Ask to see the warrant, then show them the receipts of sale for the firearms. Let THEM find Rosie O'Donnell, Sarah Brady, Bill Clinton and the rest of gun buyers on those receipts. ;) :D

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Mutter: "Awww... Not you guys AGAIN !...Don't you think 3 times this Month is a bit rich ?" - "Hi Bob, hi Paul - how's the wife & kids? Hey Steve, didn't see you last time"....

We do have rather strict controls here in Aus !

"Put the key back where you got it on the way out - ok." ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
This happened closer to 4 in the afternoon:

Living in an apartment in Colorado (apartment dwellers-- get out now! It's the ultimate in vulerability). Glanced out of our second story window to see the SWAT team, snipers, the whole works poised just outside!!

Well, we figured we were living our last moments since, like several other posters on this thread, we have the strictest 'No Compromise' attitude.

With our scariest black weapons at the ready, I was just about to sawzall through the back wall when it occured to us that they had come for the first level neighbor instead.

Put mildly, this was a scary situation and happened way faster than it took for you to read this post.

Baaad s***.

Reminds me of something that happened here a few months ago. About 2 a.m., I snapped awake, rolled off the bed, grabbed and pumped the shotgun... all before I knew what had awakened me.

Saw red and blue flickers on the blinds, and heard radios. *Very* carefully peeked outside, saw three cruisers all surrounding one car in the parking lot.

I retreated to the other end of the cottage, and waited for the event to end on its own. Next day I asked the landlord what had happened. Seems the fuzz had pulled this guy over, but instead of stopping immediately on the street, the eediot decided to drive into our parking lot. Not into a space, just into the middle of the lot. Apparently this made the initial cop nervous, and he called backup.

Now if there'd been black, er, dark green helicopters overhead...

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
As fubsy said, it's their problem. At my house I have three kids that to save their own lives can not or will not put a thing up. I pitty any poor soul that tries to get through my house at night.

They can come through the door, but heaven help them from there on! I can easily see myself coming out of the bedroom with gun in hand and seeing them on the floor after having tripped over the skateboard, roller blades, jump rope, clothes, or whatever is on the floor. I will have to call 911 for an ambulance for them.