It seems like the election is starting to slip to the Dems!

There are now over 4,000,000 members of the NRA!

The unprecidented growth of this organization and other conservative groups tells me that this election has polarized people like no other election I've ever studied (and I'll be 49 this year) The choices between Gore(appropriately named if I do say so myself) and Bush is so crystal clear that I truly cannot understand how ANYONE can be "undecided". IMHO, there has never been a presidential election that has offered such clearly defined choices. Thankfully I've noticed the size of the "undecided" voter has diminished greatly over the last couple of days. Maybe the message is finally sinking in. This DUI thing really flew back an hit the Dems in the face. While being "attacked" by the press over the last couple of days, Bush has demonstrated restraint and professionalism and has stood his ground. He didn't deflect and he didn't cower. This is the mark of a statesman....not a politician.

You may have single-issue differences with Bush. The Presidency, however is not about single issues, people. The Presidency is about core leadership. He (or she) must be able to invigorate the people to work together to find solutions: not lecture, not scold, but lead. Leaders make us try harder, go farther and do better. The President must challenge us: not pat us on the head and say he'll make it all better.

I don't want to offend anyone but to be "undecided" today is very hard to accept. You may be undecided about certain, specific issues but you simply can't be undecided about which direction you want the next President to lead the country.

On Tuesday, vote conservative and vote often!
I just checked the electorial count on a couple of other news sites, and I am again amazed at how badly political bias is allowed to creep in to reporting what are supposed to be facts. RCP puts the electorial count at 446 to 92 for Bush, but Reuters puts it at 212 for Bush, 211 for Algore, and 115 to close to call. Clearly, someone is reporting the news as they wish it were rather than trying to be opjective. I guess we'll find out Tuesday.
Again, and I stress this, don't pay attention to the polls. Remember when Dewey beat Truman?

VOTE. Make a friend vote. Drag your parents out of their comfy sofa, and have them vote. Hell, if you can pull it off, have your DOG vote...

If we think we've got it won, we've lost...
To quote the Bard: "Oh that a man might know the outcome of this days business ere its end, but it sufficeth that the day will end, and then the end be known".

Stout hearts, mi amigos/amigas. We are winning. We will win. Let's hold their feet to the fire and make the victory MEAN something
Take a look at this site. It contains a summary of all polls.

The picture paints an election that is not even close.

I've said from day one this election smells and feels more like 1980 (Reagan and Carter) than 1960 (Kennedy and Nixon(?)). 1980 was supposed to be close (the polls said so) but at the same time the American public was fed up to the gills with Carter's "national malaise." The American public was sick unto death with the humiliation we endured at the hands of Iran with the hostage taking. Election eve, talking heads called the election over 15 minutes into the coverage and promptly began shoveling dirt in Carter's face within 30 minutes.

Fast forward to 2000. The American public is sick unto death with anything to do with Clinton and that includes Gore and the other clinton. The American public is sick unto death of the humiliation we have experienced at the hands of the Communist Chinese. We allowed our fillings to be stolen and it was Clinton that handed them the pliers.

No, 2000 election is like 1980. I predict a landslide on the scale of Reagan in 1980. If we don't, the American Republic's days are numbered. Our society can not continue with 4 more years of the Clinton administration. Yes, the Clinton administration. Gore will not be running that show, Clinton will.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964