It Now Turns Out that President Bush Orchestrated the War In Georgia



That is what Prime Minister Putin of Russia is now alleging. Furthermore, he said that the White House encouraged the conflict in order to politically benefit John McCain's campaign for President. Bush hoped that by manufacturing a military crisis, that this would improve McCain's chances in the election. That is Putin's analysis of the cause of the entire matter.

Soon or later, you have got to come to the conclusion that Bush is responsible for all of the ills and evils in this world. So this coming January, the world will finally have salvation, and be whole again.

See this news report:

How can one man be the dumbest @@@@ alive and also be a fiendishly
clever puppet-master playing with Russia like it's a rag doll?

You this just reminds me that as times go on nothing really changes. We just finished Olympics that a huge communist country tried to make sure there players came out on top. Now we have a new USSR saying everything bad is the fault of the imperialist dogs. Ahh....Time to play some Van Halen and watch old Miami Vice reruns. Hey to keep this gun related isn't Vltor bringing back the Bren 10?? Cool.
To steal a line, "How can you tell when Putin is lying? Answer: His mouth is moving."

I'm not saying the Russians don't occasionally, by coincidence, make truthful public statements. But anybody who regards Putin as an even vaguely reliable source of information is pretty gullible.
But tell me this, do you think that Putin actually believes what he is saying?

Or is this just some slick propaganda that he is putting out there to let Russia off the hook?

If he really does believe that this is indeed true, then that would be pretty scary.

Of course Bush orchestrated the invasion of Georgia!!!

But who do you think orchestrated Putin's takeover of Russia in the first place?

Bush did!

Just like he brought the towers down, and caused global warming and helped spread the AIDS virus in the 1980s!

It's Bush, I tell you, BUSH!

But tell me this, do you think that Putin actually believes what he is saying?

Or is this just some slick propaganda that he is putting out there to let Russia off the hook?

If he really does believe that this is indeed true, then that would be pretty scary.
How about ... slick propaganda to influence our presidential election so as to put a rubber suit into the Oval Office so the Russians would have an easier time doing whatever they please?
Putin can do whatever he wants and nobody will do squat about it,
because he's the only person in Russia with a Super Bowl Ring :D
How can one man be the dumbest @@@@ alive and also be a fiendishly
clever puppet-master playing with Russia like it's a rag doll?

Simple, it's not one man but two. The pres is the willing doof and the VP is the puppet master.
Bush did not orchestrate this but he is this nation's leader. You have to look at our stated foreign policy. If you do then you'll agree with Putin.
I feel like a broken record suggesting everyone to go read Zbigniew Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard [google "the grand chessboard, .pdf] and PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" and our National Security Strategy documents from the last decade. Also there is Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilization" concept as well as Halford Mackinder's "Heartland Theory".

If you begin to dig into what Putin is stating - I have about 175 pages, 8 font, on the war in Georgia not including about 200 pages of material on the Caucasus, CIS, NATO, SCO, oil pipelines, etc and many .pdf gov't or think tank docs. All of it downloaded from online. There are other books like Resource Wars as well.
That is what Prime Minister Putin of Russia is now alleging. Furthermore, he said that the White House encouraged the conflict in order to politically benefit John McCain's campaign for President.

Yes, and Putin should know. Putin controls Bush. Putin replaced the real Bush with a Russian designed cyborg 6 years ago. Putin just downloads commands to George via satellite signals. Laura probably knows the truth, but rumor is that the Russians make their cyborgs completely functional in all ways, so Laura does not want to ruin a good thing.:D
More importantly:

In what is the most serious international crisis since the Cuban Missile Crisis almost caused World War III forty-five years ago, Russia has issued a War Warning to NATO and America. "If NATO suddenly takes military actions against Abkhazia and South Ossetia, acting solely in support of Tbilisi, this will mean a declaration of war on Russia," said the Russian Ambassador to NATO, Mr. Dmitry Rogozin. Further, Russia is making it clear that military assistance to Georgia will be considered an act of war.
Numerous sources. This one from
