It can't happen here, you're so paranoid

Ok, sorry about the hi-jack, Wayne

Actually, I don't mind at all. I've found that conversations may start with one issue and develop into other issues that are just as fascinating and informative at the same time.

IRL, when a conversation is started, it may go from one issue or the other but in some way, it's still connected to the original start of the conversation if one thinks about it. You set the root of an idea or a statement and it branches out to become more than what it started.

That is how I've learned, to learn. You plant a seed and then watch it grow. It may deviate from the original every now and then but you learn more in the process. When the branch extends far past what was original asked, said, or wondered, then you trim that portion and then go back to the root or a branch and pick up from there.

USP45usp, I think you are a very sincere, honest guy that would make a great neighbor. Although I am from NY and have a way different view of some things, I bet you'd make a great friend and shooting buddy. That is when my wife lets me go shooting. hahahaha
If I may, deviate abit from my original thread:

I want everyone to understand that when I am in disagreement with you, or others, it's not personal. If I do start to tread on that thin line between personal and non-personal, please PM me and I will re-read what I'd posted and make it right.

I will admit that there are some that I come close to going over that line, and have gone over that line in the past. Human nature to do so. I hold no dislike for the person, and when I do feel that emotion is posting, I do try to use my own advice of hitting the back button on my browser, or to just go ahead and shut down the computer.

That I'm not doing any good for myself or others. I do have a sarcastic personally though and I find that it sometimes shows itself. I do try to keep my replies somewhat intellectually honest but have found myself slipping up every now and then.

So if I may point out people by "name"; Sendec, Starscream, PythonGuy, Wild and a few others, you sometimes hit the right button but I will NEVER put you on ignore because from you, I learn a great deal. Especially about myself. And believe it or not, I actually like to read your posts as well as debate with you. If I find myself not being able to do so without great emotion (some emotion is in the posts but it should be kept to a minimum) then I know that it's time to use the back button until I can do so without attack of the person.


*and I'm serious, if I have gone over that line with you, please PM. I respect you more for it than to let others handle it or to just let it go and then get upset. That is not my intent, my intent is to maybe plant a seed of thought into one's mind.
After reading again some of the comments I have made in this thread, I realize I need to not only think before I act, but to also educate myself a little more before just spouting off about how I think America should work. I do think we should never take our own safety for granted, but I also started thinking about how many individual groups have used the same ideals and turned them into negative action. There are many variables to think consider. I think I have just gotten a bit overwhelmed with the worry of terrorist insurgence, a rising crime rate and what really put the icing on the cake was how many people reacted the situation from Hurricane Katrina, as well as Rita. Not just what I saw on the CNN, but my mother is a member of two seperate disaster response teams here in TX and was called out to aid victims of Katrina and some of the stories she had to tell when she got home were nothing less than dissapointing to humanity. Assault, rape and robbery right in the same walls of the emergency medical station she was at.
To top it off, those same actions made the local news here in Texas when those evacuees were transported to the shelters set up for them. One such incident was a local woman who volunteerd to help the Salvation Army inside of Reunion Arena and was molested by two men inside. This woman was only trying to give her time to those who needed it most, where she could have been home spending it with her own children. I guess I have just gotten to that point where I wish I could make a difference as a whole but still understand I can only do what I can for myself and family. I would love to hear the thoughts from others on the topic I tried to touch down on and see just how polluted my viewpoint really is.
Deep down I think we all really feel the same about most issues, crime, natural disasters, terrorism, and when you add the fact we have loved ones to worry about, its very overwhelming. We do, however, share a common thread, an interest in guns and shooting. We believe in the right to keep and bear arms, it's one thing that has made America great and strong. At times we all let the day to day worries and frustration bubble over, and do it here in the forums as well as other places. One of my pet peeves is the irresponsible use of guns, so being hotheaded I speak out and cross the lines at times, being more personal then I should. I am trying though and like USP45usp said, when I hit that point I just stop writing and close the browser without posting.
I would love to hear the thoughts from others on the topic I tried to touch down on and see just how polluted my viewpoint really is.

Not polluted what so ever. It's frustration.

As I'm sure I frustrate some here, they don't realize that they frustrate me also. Goes with life, and that is one aspect that make it worth living.

I have noticed one thing, that even with a small community we tend to ripe each other apart and have much fighting. And I will not be the first one to cast the first stone, I know that I am guilty of the same.

One of the things that I can't understand is why we push ourselves further from one another and then "lock on" to certain individuals. I will be the first to step up and admit, I have done and do the same. Yet I will also be the first one to step up and say, I will still read them, and quite surprisingly, I will find myself in agreement with them at times (I don't mention it anymore since I got a PM from one of those that accused me of being friendly because I actually agreed with him on a couple of points... couldn't win from losing sort of speak).

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we should be in lock step with each other, too many things going on in our part of the world for that to happen. There are also human factors, instant dislike, even hate, for another. The "stead fastness" of your ways. The closing of the mind, when one disagrees with your philosophy or thoughts.

Individual thought is what makes the world go around.

We could actually do something about our situation if we put our mind to it, thought it out, listened, absorbed what is being said, research, and then adding to the plan. Instead of bickering, yelling, name-calling, and disrespect of another's opinion or post as have been shown for the last couple of months. It does nothing for our cause, it does nothing to help.

Excellent posts, you guys are really thinking! We all have an invisable personality sphere in which we do not want others to intrude. It varies in size in relation to the owner's personality. To listen to others and let them in for a moment can be rewarding.

Not in effort to make friends, because it will or wont happen, but the last few posts you have laid down are a very welcome sight. Not to say I agree with all you say, though I might, but your comments on treating eachother politely, with respect and the understanding that we are all here for common interest is great and I hope all the vet's and newcomers find themselves reading that....twice if need be. I am here because I wanted to be part of a group, though online, part of a group none the less who I have an interest with. As well as a place I can learn from others and share my own experience and thought. That is priority one for my existance in this forum, not name calling or to say my gun is always better than yours, or you obviously have no idea what you are talking about(which I saw just this know who you are). Back to the subject, I hope through all of our posting and sharing of ideas, if not today then in our near future we as a community of people can hopefully find a way to increase the peace and to retain the rights as Americans that we deserve. To live freely, peacfully and to protect ourselves as necessary, and above all to find unconditional respect for eachother.
"It can't happen here, you're so paranoid"

I didn't even have to open the post to know that this is comopletely false... Horrible things happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. The only difference is preparedness and reaction. I am not paranoid about anything. I do realize that horrible things happen all the time and hope that I am prepared for anything. I am a very reasonable, rational person, but I also know that people are the most unpredictable things in the world.
I never had the chance to welcome you, welcome.

I didn't even have to open the post to know that this is comopletely false
As the originator of this thread, please go back and read.
Horrible things happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. The only difference is preparedness and reaction. I am not paranoid about anything. I do realize that horrible things happen all the time and hope that I am prepared for anything. I am a very reasonable, rational person, but I also know that people are the most unpredictable things in the world.

My point exactly. Maybe at times, it's best to go from the first to the last in order to understand the middle ;) .

Thanks USP,

By saying that this was a completely false quote, I was agreeing with you. I think it's funny that some people actually believe things like that to be true...