It can't happen here, you're so paranoid


Some "funny" (not haha) things are happening in Eugene/Springfield Oregon.

2 homeless people have been found in the river, dead. The women was beat to death before thrown from a bridge.

2 average aged white males were found in the river, about a couple of days apart from each other.

We had that love triangle murder.

Assaults are up.

It seems as if our small town may be 1, harboring a serial killer and 2, seems to be going to heck.

In such a small city, the 1 in 3 average hits close to home.

Where are you getting your information? The reason I ask is if it is the media you might not be able to draw any conclusions. For years in my city black on black violence was just not reported. When a gang confrontation spilled over at one of the hospitals the community was shocked, shocked I tell you at the thought that there was violence in our fair city. To this day crime is very under reported unless it is multiple victims or it is in the more affulent sections of the city.
Andy Grove, of Intel, is famous for saying, "Only the paranoid survive." He was addressing the business environment, but his words have value elsewhere.
When I lived in Las Vegas, the scanner went constantly(6 Channels), but very little made the paper.
Can't scare the tourists you know:eek:
Sandbag your halls, get bullet resistant windows and enter your car while in the garage then open the garage. also have M1919s, m60s, or m243's in small bunkers arranged before a killzone. Assign each family member to a specific killzone and have them answer to a battlestations call. also consider placing a sniper on your roof, rotate shifts every three hours for maximum effectiveness. You may also want to get a panic room built into your house stocked with 3 months worth of food, water and porn.
Sandbag your halls, get bullet resistant windows and enter your car while in the garage then open the garage. also have M1919s, m60s, or m243's in small bunkers arranged before a killzone. Assign each family member to a specific killzone and have them answer to a battlestations call. also consider placing a sniper on your roof, rotate shifts every three hours for maximum effectiveness. You may also want to get a panic room built into your house stocked with 3 months worth of food, water and porn.

Hmm, not such a bad idea. Can I add beer to the panic room?
I can appreciate the humors expressed here but on a serious note and back to the initial post. The less room you lend for surprise the better off you will be. In my opinion we live constantly with two things to always be considered. The threat within and the threat consistently making its travels to be within. Don't ever take any location or situation for granted. Many small towns become target areas for crime because they have been sleepy for too long and have let thier guard down, because of this they have become even more vulnerable to attack of all kinds. That is where we come in as a group. When the SHTF it will be up to us to take the initial action of defense for ourselves and community, there is not time to call authorities and wait for the national guard to be dispatched because we have exhausted our primary military resources to over seas campaigns. We all as a group need to be ready. Other than that its great to have a forum for us to share common interests.
Been doing some digging:

The recruitment rate for gangs is going up in the area.

Since the governor put the kabost(sp) on medicines with that drug that they use to make meth, the Mexican crime lords are setting up superlabs with people running the cold medicine across state lines (a big one was busted in corvalis about a month ago).

I wouldn't be surprised if a serial killer had been bred in this area.


I'm not saying that it's time to duct tape steel plates to my back so I can cover my parner from a person with a .308 or to invest in climbing slippers just yet. Just saying that our small city is starting to see and experience the problems of the larger cities and it's not a good feeling that it's doing so.

I was just observing that the area is becoming more dangerous and that it's not paranoid to observe these facts and maybe ensure that you are prepared for what may, or may not, happen.

Storm Trooper said:
I can appreciate the humors expressed here but on a serious note and back to the initial post.

It's not humor. It's obnoxious sarcasm coupled with condescension. We see it here a lot from about three or four regulars.

They like to point out how nutty we gun owners are for trying to be prepared for things that may threaten our lives, and keeping our eyes open to potential dangers.

We're such wacky folk. :rolleyes:

M249, sorry. Was up till 5AM doing homework.

243 WSSM on the brain.

USP, the thought of someone walking around with a 3/4 inch steel plate duct taped to their back is hilarious. I was also thinking about how your wife should make a bed spread of steel plates and leather so in case someone does get in your blanket can absorb the first few shot till you can reach the Mp10 on your bedside.

Blackmind, there is a line between vigilance and preparedness and paranoia. I applaud USP for seeing the changes and thinking about adopting reasonable measures to increase security (ie, more locks, dogs, alarm system, etc.) That's being a reasonable gun owner, being in a constant state of sheer paranoia looking for a reason to pop someone isn't. Last time we talked you said you'd blow someone away over 200 bucks in a 7-11 register.

But since I'm an anti gun activist for thinking people should be reasonable, whatever. I own guns, I support second amendment rights, however i also support logical thought Ie: not endangering a store full of people with a gunfight because you're itching to pop someone, not living in constant fear that my phone may go off right as I'm deep behind enemy lines snapping peoples necks in a grocery store because some kid is robbing the register, and not looking like a gun totoing maniac looking for someone to kill.

I understand...politeness seemd better against the antagonist than an equally charged rebuttal. We know what we are doing and why, and that really is all that matters here. I am always preparing and hope that I am doing so as well as I can for myself, family and country. If you were to ask me, I would tell you we need to get back to a truly constitutional state including reinstating the civil defense militias. Not the neo-supremist freak groups, but civilians at the ready to defend this country against all threats, domestic and foreign. Just within our nation there are fewer criminals than people wanting a peaceful existance, yet fewer LOE's to help ensure we have that peaceful existance. If more people shared our thoughts and actions we might just scare crime right out of most criminals by our greater presence.
I am not an extremist, but I do think of myself as a realist, then again I also feel no need to defend my beliefs either.
Somehow i feel as though i did come off as an extremist with those statements, i did not intend too if so. It is hard to embelish on that subjsect in just a short paragraph though. There are many ideas to touch on when getting in that deep. The basic point here is you can never take your safety for granted.
Forgot the rangecard, aiming stakes, and overhead cover. Every fighting position must have a rangecard and aiming stakes, and overhead cover if you have time.

PVT Starcream, you are a NO-GO at this station. Report to your drill sergeant for remedial training.

Sandbag your halls, get bullet resistant windows and enter your car while in the garage then open the garage. also have M1919s, m60s, or m243's in small bunkers arranged before a killzone. Assign each family member to a specific killzone and have them answer to a battlestations call. also consider placing a sniper on your roof, rotate shifts every three hours for maximum effectiveness. You may also want to get a panic room built into your house stocked with 3 months worth of food, water and porn.
the thought of someone walking around with a 3/4 inch steel plate duct taped to their back is hilarious
That's because it's a sideways reference to the "Mall Ninja" thread and is intended to be humorous. ;)
It's one of the best state organizations in the nation--maybe THE best. They don't get the full credit, of course, but they were instrumental in helping the TX legislature to pass 9 separate pro-gun/pro-hunting laws this year alone.

Now THAT'S bang for the buck! ;)

(Ok, sorry about the hi-jack, Wayne.) :o