Israeli system of self-defense practical, not pretty

I'll be taking my first KM class this saturday, and I'll let y'all know what impression I get.

It's true that you'd have to be lacking in imagination to not gouge eyes and twist testicles in a real fight, but most people lose their imagination real fast when they get attacked for the first time. Plenty of people know the theory behind sighting a pistol, but without actual practice they'd do awful in a crisis situation.

I took several years of Kenpo and boxing(15 years ago), and was looking to get back into martial arts, but I never want to do another kata as long as I live. Kenpo did me a lot of good, though. I paid good money to learn how to poke eyes and kick balls the kenpo way, and eventually I was reasonably ok in a fight. Getting used to taking blows probably did me more good than anything, which is one reason KM looks promising to me. Looks like they harrass the hell out of students to train them to keep their focus. Bootcamp all over again :)

Also, it looks like they have strict control over who can claim to be teaching Krav Maga. I tried another dojo briefly 2-3 years ago that claimed they would teach BJJ as well as Kenpo, and it was all BS. Nobody owns terms like 'kung fu' and 'brazilian ju jirsu' though, so they can claim anything they want. Hopefully KM can avoid all that.
From the cursory reading that i've done on Krav Maga (when i was researching what art would be most effective for myself), i was really let down with the techniques suggested if fighting an experienced grappler. I actually heard this question posed to a Krav Maga "expert"...his responce astounded me: "Don't get taken down if you can, and if you do try to gouch his eyes"...

I'm sorry, but thats not going to work against an experience grappler who has you in an armbar, even an unexperienced grappler would have no problem circumventing the "eye-gouch" technique.

It's certainly better than nothing, but it's no replacement for learning basic wrestling/Jiu-Jitsu techniques.
Sigh. Why must "TKD Mcdojo" in the same phrase? There are McDojos in a lot of other arts--I learned the other day that some karate schools teach what are called "musical katas" complete with Elvis outfits and gold metallic gis--and aluminum weapons. Such a thing had not occurred to me before. Sounded more like figure-skating than fighting, but that doesn't discredit karate.
There are also, it seems, plenty of good TKD dojos. I like mine a lot, and I'm not interested in a McDojo.
I am 62--my wife three years younger--we went to our forst KM class 7/16 in Allen Tx.--Jack-the instructor-impressed me as competent and honest--I went for my wife's benefit--shortly after marriage I convinced her that she could defend herself with a pistol--we each have a chl in Texas--about a year ago I convinced her to try traveling with a dog for the extra protection-Holly is now a member of the family and carries a service dog classification that enables her to go ANYWHERE with my wife-she will give my wife- 2 to 3 seconds no matter how good the attacker is-I've seen her work a sleeve and know how tough she is---Petey pete-if I gouge your eye I will walk off with it in my hand-experienced or not---sideshow(appropriate)--if you walk up behind me with a choke hold-I'll end your career-my wife not young anymore-if she can get her hand in her purse will put 230 gr. slugs into your tummy till you let go--I don't need anybody to teach me how to win-Im scarred up and been there--even after the class I wasn't sure about it till my wife asked me on the way home-do you really think if i could kick a man in the crotch it would hurt him--we'll go back----this won't make my wife invincible against a delta force grade attack--but I hope it makes her aware that she has some new options--maybe aware of her surroundings--not continual level yellow--but aware in appropriate situations---
Dude, you realize of course that we're not here to issue challenges. On TFL, it's best not even to sound like that's what you're doing. I realize you probably didn't intend such, but it is always good to think of how your post will be perceived by others.
Madgrad, it must be more widespread than that. In fact, on the other day, a woman said that in her school, part of the brown belt test is to compose two musical katas. ???????
This had her worried, because she wasn't sure what weapons to use. I'd have had bigger questions than that.
It's more common than you think Don.

It's pretty common in CA Don. That's why my school and the Krav Program are bursting at the seems.

We are one of the few that in the state that is focused on the pure self defense aspects of martial arts (including our Tae Kwon Do program).

What's really funny about it is that we've had people just walk out the door, because we are not a musical Kata, 2,000,000 trophy oriented school, or a quasi religous cult either.

It's just really scary about some peoples idea of martial arts is nowadays.
Petey pete-if I gouge your eye I will walk off with it in my hand-experienced or not--if you walk up behind me with a choke hold-I'll end your career

LOL...If your so confident, go to any of the Gracie or Machado schools in Texas and see what happens. All the Krav Maga and eye gouching in the world won't help you. Quit drinking OldWino, it makes you belligerent.
Forgive me--I was seeking information on something called Krav Maga--I stumbled on this thread quite by accident--I submitted a post quite without thinking it thru--let me rephrase--I have seen eye-gouging techniques executed with some success--I have known some 21 year old ladys that were pretty fair operators--my weapon of choice ain't a thumbnail-but if it's all thats left--------the one lesson I took and observed was effective enough that I'll go back and spend some bucks to observe some more--as an aside I asked one of his assistants to demonstrate his reaction to someone with a pistol and his technique was very good--I'm convinced sometimes a teacher is best evaluated by watching his students--peace
I've been taking Krav Maga classes for a week now. I am fairly impressed with it so far. In the beginners classes that I take they seem to value quick reaction and aggression more than technique, which I guess has it's good and bad points. I'm under the impression that 2nd level training refines individual techniques a lot, 1st level they would rather see you do anything than stand there doing nothing and get pummeled. I find that I have to un-learn fragments of kenpo that managed to become reflex years ago.

It's pretty grueling training, for someone like me who is woefully out of shape for this sort of thing. A couple of months of this and I'll be in exponentialy better condition. Those 8oz gloves get heavy
I used to run track, and I think that with some Tae Bo, I would be undefeatable. I can outrun anyone :D

Seriously, I made my boys choose between Judo and TKD. They chose TKD, probably for no reason other than chance. It has done wonders for their coordination, their confidence, and while they are still very passive, they aren't pushovers. Probably best of all, it has instilled a sense of accomplishment and kept their interest.

I'd say a lot of elitism as is shown on these threads is exactly what pushes people into the McDojo organizations.