Is this normal?

Really, I've killed enough of them in various ways, posted them on here even. I still don't respect or care about a pig. Shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, ran over, etc. they aren't a quarry, they're nasty vermin.
Yes Normal

I think you will be back next season and every season after that for a long time. And I think you are going to be a ethical hunter and set good examples for others to follow.
There are chemical reactions involved also.
For the hunter there is the adrenaline rush .Perfectly normal and like many drug reactions there is a high followed by a low .That in turn effects emotions and physical feelings too .
For the animal there may be movement after death .Cut off a chicken's head and it moves around for a while !! The chemical that is responsible is adenosine triphosphate [ ATP ] .
While you wait for all this think about how you are going to butcher and cook the animal !!
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Not only normal, but a healthy reaction.

It means you still value life, while knowing that such life's loss is part of being human to
survive -- even if someone else normally does it for you behind a Safeway meat counter.

It also means you are an honest man in that realization.... and better for it.
My first kill was a Robin with a BB gun when I was about 7. I was so used at shooting at birds and missing, I never expected to hit it, much less kill it. Watching it stumble off and flop till it's life drained out hit me like a ton of bricks. That and the worry that "the man" was gonna come and put me away for shooting our protected State Bird. Altho that was the only time I ever shot something that was not legal or in season, there's still a little bit of that feeling that comes back everytime I shoot something.

Even when I hunt/fish for meat, it bothers me to watch the quarry die. Even when it's fast and painless. Even when it's vermin. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Animals are here to eat, for the most part. Hunting them is also cheap and good food, if your successful at hunting. No need to feel bad as long as you don't waste the animal.
I agree that the OP's feelings are normal and healthy. As for me, I don't shoot bobcats any more. Pigs and coyotes however are fair game all the time. Regarding deer, the wife loves the meat but does not want to hear any stories of how I shot it. She won't hunt deer, saying that they are too pretty to shoot, but that hogs are ugly and she'll kill them without a worry. That concept worries me a bit as I age and get progressively uglier.:D
Dakota, what you felt is normal. As time goes on and you kill more game the feelings may lessen. Or not. Either way, as long as your hunting is legal and ethical, don't worry too much. The animals are meant to be food. Use/eat what you kill and practice your shooting to ensure a clean kill.
From your OP it sounds like you are on the right track to being an ethical and thoughtful harvester of game.
I think you did fine, and its normal. I've felt similar things. I think one of the posters really hit the nail on the head, when they said they would be concerned if you DIDN'T FEEL some of these things.

I've bagged a few deer so far now, and all have been either doe's, buttons, or a spike. This year i bagged a beautiful 8pt buck. A few hours later, when it was hung up, and i was about to butcher it, myself and some family and friends were around. We were all admiring how he was such a beautiful specimen. Then it hit me, I kept saying I hoped that, the buck had passed on its genes this season. I said this more than a few times. I think the feeling is that he was such an asset to the population you want more like him out there. and by killing him off, you have just ended that. Then my buddy accurately said. He's 5 years old, of course he passed along his genes!!...That did make me feel better. But the feeling was still there..Bitter sweet, but i don't dwell on it. I know i try my best shots. I Know i try to utilize the animal to the best of my abilities. Its what i need to do for myself... seems like you feel the same way. I could only wish more people had the respect you do!