is this legal?

Ummm, did Mommy & Daddy forget to teach you not to mess with the idiot on the corner? Gotta' luv the professional web site creation, complete with HS spelling & shady payment options. I'm surprised the site owner didn't provide a unprotected CC payment option right there on the site. Silly furry foreigners...
This is why I specifically said 'lower' :-) But you are correct.... as usual...

You can use a the fullauto bolt/carriers in your Title 1 weapons with out being in violation... BobCat Weapons, the guys that make the kick ass copy of the MP5... they all ship out will full auto bolts and carriers... BobCat tests them on full auto before the ship them out (they remove the sear and FGC beforehand).

VUPDBlue: You should give a shoot. Its a VERY will designed place almost ENTIRELY setup for NFA... Not just Uzi's... Most of the big guys and manufacturers are there too.
The "shoestring" doesn't operate by pulling any "ring". It is like the "lightning link", and requires an M16 safety and an M16 bolt carrier to operate, but unlike the DIAS does not require an M16 hammer. It is designed to pull the disconnector as the bolt carrier closes, releasing the hammer to fire another round without the operator releasing and pulling the trigger, in other words, full auto fire.

Jim Keenan

The "shoestring" doesn't operate by pulling any "ring". It is like the "lightning link", and requires an M16 safety and an M16 bolt carrier to operate, but unlike the DIAS does not require an M16 hammer. It is designed to pull the disconnector as the bolt carrier closes, releasing the hammer to fire another round without the operator releasing and pulling the trigger, in other words, full auto fire.

I am realy sorry but i still dont get it, i understand that it is more to this pic than we can see and that it takes more than a shoestring to make a m14 fire full auto...:o

you lost me with "lightning link":p

I may be wrong, but I had understood from what folks have said that the "shoestring" was installed as I mentioned on the AR-15, along with a "paddle".


After examining the above picture, I see how the system works, and it does appear to be a reasonably reliable way of gaining rapid fire. I also note the second BATFE letter saying that all shoestrings are not machineguns, for which I thank them.

I think that within the letter and intent of the law, BATFE is probably correct. A string made that way and arranged in that manner would have no other purpose but to convert a semi-auto into a full auto firearm, just like the string substituting for the lightning link. This is especially the case since the shooter does not need to pull the trigger to get a second shot, which is the criteria established in the law.

Like some other "parts", possession would not itself be illegal, but if installed on a rifle that way, it would be.

Here is a link to the "lightning link". It was my earlier understanding that the "string" substituted for the horizontal part of the device; I know other improvised devices have used common items such as paper clips.

Yeah the shoe lace thing does work very well, seen it done at a range once (I did tell the guy that he might want to get rid of it and not do it again).
And people wounder why I have a pack of shoe laces in my SHTF bag ;) <--- JOKE ( NO I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER USE THE SHOE LACE TRICK.... If it was legal maybe but seeing as it's not, no thanks)

I have heard that the shoe lace trick came from either WWII or the Korean war, something like GIs did it on Garands and M1 carbines to have auto.... Probably just a bunch of mall ninja crap but if anyone knows anything about that I would be interested.
well t works

just to gve it some credt, this glock selector DOES work, and very well. down here n gutemala lots of poeple carry thier glocks whith these n them. myself have used them a few tiems and have seen them used all the time. t deff seems to work. there s another type that smply replaces the backplate with an tentcal lookng backplate which makes it full auto all the tme, but is undtectable.
Jim Keenan

After examining the above picture, I see how the system works, and it does appear to be a reasonably reliable way of gaining rapid fire. I also note the second BATFE letter saying that all shoestrings are not machineguns, for which I thank them.

I did not read the thread as good as i should... i only saw the pic, and was quite shore how that M14 shoestring thing worked.

Out of curiosity:confused:, would the M14-shoestring work as i supossed before?]:confused:

you pull the ring thats conected to the shoestring right? then the rifle fires one round, the semi auto-acktion makes the charging handle, thats connected to the string, to go back, that will relase the presure on the string enabling the trigger to reset, then the charging handle will be pushed forward becouse of the spring, this will put presure on the string and setting of the trigger again, repeting the action...

as you can see the trigger are being reset for each shot...
You can use a the fullauto bolt/carriers in your Title 1 weapons with out being in violation...

sadly, not true in WA state. i also seem to recall another state in which this
is the case but it's not coming to me right now.
The only mod to a glock I would make would be to buy one of the FSSG adapters for full auto there are a few around, good luck finding one.
Theey are illegal in the USA, banned under the National Firearms Act.

The parts itself is classified as a machine like an auto sear. It would be post-ban LEO/Military only.

an SOT cannot import one as state department would not issue an import permit.

With the proper paperwork, it could be imported as could a Glock 18. It would merely be a Post-86 Dealer Sample.

Just so you know the add for the glock switch advertisement from shokansunrise is a complete scam, moneygram only. If you doubt it go ahead and give this guy your money you will never recieve your switch. He has ripped off hundreds of people and the people that purchase it cant complain about not recieving there illegal glock switch anyway.
Just trying to help you guys out before you really think it's not a scam, don't say i didn't warn you. Don't ask if i tried to purchase the switch, all I will say is I'm 100 percent possitive he has scammed a large amount of people
He has ripped off hundreds of people and the people that purchase it cant complain about not recieving there illegal glock switch anyway.
Yeah, it's a real bummer when you pay someone to break the law for you and they don't hold up their end of the bargain. :rolleyes:

On the bright side, by not actually sending the switch he has prevented "a large amount of people" from becoming felons. That's got to count for something... :D
Some people don't learn to easy... It's a smart scam too, I have to say that it has crossed my mind before.. Sell something illegal online, collect the money and never send them anything... Who are they going to complain to?

But I think I would rather just make honest money.