• Anything ‘published’ on the web is viewed as intellectual property and, regardless of whether it displays a copyright symbol or not, is therefore copyrighted by the originator. The only exception to this is if there is a “free and unrestricted reuse” statement associated with the work.

    In order to protect our members and TFL from possible litigation, all members must abide by the following new rules:

    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

    3. You must provide a link to the article along with the name of website. For example: ww.xxx.yyy/zzz (The Lower Thumbsuck Daily News).

    4. You must provide, in your own words, a brief summary of the article AND your reasons for believing it will be of interest to TFL members. Failure to do so may result in the thread being closed or your post being deleted as a “cut and paste drive by.”

    5. Photographs and other images are also copyrighted. "Hotlinking" of images (so that it appears in your message) from other sites is also prohibited unless you own rights to the image. If you wish to share an image, provide a clickable link to it.

    Posts that do not follow these new guidelines will be altered or deleted by staff. Members who continue to violate this policy may lose their posting privileges at TFL.

    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Is this a legitimate email from TFL?

A couple of questions

So, where do we go to get a preview of the calendar?
Why didn't I get an invite??? :mad: :D
Do sales of the calendar bring money into the coffers of SWAT magazine?
Does that money help defray the costs of having TFL available to us, 24/7?
(I don't recall having to pay a membership fee to join TFL.)
Those of us who receive Dillon's "Blue Press" are almost always treated to a very good looking woman on the cover. I enjoy that, along with the rest of the BP. (Never had a negative comment from my wife about them either.) Are those photos bothersome?
Is there a method for members who don't want to receive email solicitations to opt out so they're not exposed to the invitations?
:confused: :p
Don't know about the silence, but it got me to subscribe. My calendar will be hanging next to the two from Dillon press. I enjoy looking at beautiful women and firearms.

PS. Does anyone know if G. Gordon Liddy still produces his Guns and Girls calendar?
The "silence is" so many folks willing to accept instant gratification and monetary gains over values and ethics! So if someone can just answer my questions in earlier posts, it would be most appreciated.
I am astonished that today, in 2007, I have to tell people what spam is and why it is not welcome. I am especially astonished I have to tell this to someone who runs a web forum!

Spam is unsolicited mass email, and most would add "commercial" in there as well. This email was, pure and simply, spam. It was not personally sent to me, but to a general list of TFL members. Clearly, it was commercial. And I certainly did not ask for it when I signed up.

Why, exactly, do you think I provided my email address to you? I gave it to you so that the admins could contact me to inform me if there was something wrong with my account or the forums. I didn't give it to you for more spam. I get quite enough as it is, thank you very much. And if, for God knows what reason, I wanted more - I could certainly find places to sign up for it explicitly. There's no need for you to do it for me.

I know what some of you are going to say. "Hey, it's Rich, he's a good guy!" or "It's a great product" or "What, don't you like girls?". It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he was advertising the cure for cancer - THAT IS NOT WHY I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY EMAIL. I didn't sign up so you could spam me.

Oh, and nice opt-out instructions:
spam said:
To unsubscribe, visit
http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/profile.php?do=editoptions (log in if
necessary) and uncheck the option "Accept Email from Administrators."
Okay, so if I treasonously don't want any more spam from you I also can't recieve email regarding forum business or account problems either? Nice Hobson's choice, there.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm really disappointed in the decision y'all made. What on earth made you think this was a good idea?
It seems to me that someone is jumping to an unfounded conclusion -- that these photos are going to be provocative simply because they're of women, women who happen to have guns.

Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.

But to automatically assume that all calendars that have pictures of women in them are provocative or otherwise sexualized in nature says a lot about the individual who jumps to that conclusion.
Mike Irwin said:
provocative or otherwise sexualized in nature says a lot about the individual who jumps to that conclusion.

Fair enough.

But then 50% of those women photographed better be old, fat and wearing bib overalls and tube socks.