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Is this a legitimate email from TFL?


New member
I received an email with a file attachment purporting to be from TFL. I haven't opened it because I'm aware of the security risks associated with such things.

I can't provide the entire email address because it isn't shown in entirety in my mail folder and I'm certainly not going to open to get it from the headers. The address I can see is "tflannounce@lis" with the subject "[TFL] A Special Offer from TheFiringLine.Com"
Yup, same here...

Got a special announcement/offer from TFL, opened the email, not the attachment, supposed to be a sample for a 'girls of SWAT', a calendar for SWAT magazine. Has the Firing Line gone to peddling pics now? And, I didn't know The Firing Line was owned by the same outfit that sells magazines.
Email source: tflannounce-at-lists.thefiringline.com.

Also peddling subscriptions at following phone numbers:

Upon further investigation, consider this posting:


Ya learn something new every day. No problems with it here, good luck on the promo.
Triad - It is a legitimate email. The first one you've ever received from TFL, I'd wager. I'll allow Rich to elaborate if he wishes.

WestDivide - Take a look at the bottom of this page and you'll see the following
This site and contents © 1998-2006 S.W.A.T. Magazine

If you look at the bottom of any page at TFL, you will see the copyright notice: This site and contents © 1998-2006 S.W.A.T. Magazine

So yes, the email is legit... Ah! I see Dave beat me to it!
No, it's not the first I've ever received from TFL. There were thread notifications, the announcements that TFL was closing/reopening. I seem to remember that they had "blank@thefiringline.com" as the address.

I've had problems with my address being grabbed off forums before, so I wanted to be sure it was legitimate. If it had been something malicious it's better to notify you all so that steps may be taken to mitigate damage.
The email is legit and the image is clean.

It's the first time we've done a Girls of SWAT Calendar and we thought some wouldn't want to miss it.

Legitimate concern on your part.
YUP, I apologize..........

..... for not checking further before posting. I did look further and made the edit to my original post. Now, the Q: how much do I want a calendar......lol
I got the email too.

I thought I was in trouble for posting but it wasn't me, nope. :D

I also took the offer and subscribed for the magazine of the pretty girls,,, Guns I mean Guns. *Grin*.
How does the exploitation of women to sell magazines or calenders raise the bar, as we are constantly reminded here is the goal?
Guess it's all about the bottom line and not improving the image of responsible firearm ownership!
Must everything under the sun be politically correct?

Did you never consider that the ladies may have suggested this? Or that they may have jumped at the chance to be photographed with some cool arms and googled over by all the he-men buying the magazine? Or who knows what reasons, other than strictly monetary?

Perhaps it was just a fun thing to do for all concerned... Nah. That could never happen... So who was exploiting whom?

Some folks just need to lighten up and have some fun!
How does the exploitation of women to sell magazines or calenders raise the bar, as we are constantly reminded here is the goal?
Guess it's all about the bottom line and not improving the image of responsible firearm ownership!
So, I'm guessing you ordered one of the NYFD calendars?

Lighten up, Francis.
First of all my name is not Francis.:D Your right, I should lighten up, but quite frankly I am getting really tired of every form of media bombarding me with the sexual exploitation of women to peddle their goods. Where does it all end? Some of my favorite, and long respected gun mags now have ads for male enhancement products,and videoes on how to improve my sex life.
And now my favorite gun forum is using the member E-mail data base to promote and sell magazines and calenders with provacative photos of women and guns. Again, I ask, how does this raise the bar or is on topic for the goal of resposnsible firearm ownership, or make us better Ambassadors to the world on gun ownership.?
Antipastis, of course it's about the money! It's about increasing circulation! I'm sorry, but your response was patronizing and naive.
I fully expect, now that I have said my piece that this will be deleted and/or I will be banned. But I had to say it!
Avenger11 said:
I fully expect, now that I have said my piece that this will be deleted and/or I will be banned.
Don't hold your breath waiting for either of those things to happen. You'll just turn blue as you sit and wait, and wait, and ...

Just saying the things you have said shows you don't know a lot about how things are run here at TFL. People don't get banned for voicing their opinions. The most common reason is voicing disparaging remarks about other members.

It's truly ironic that a few members have said "Lighten Up" because that is the exact title of the editorial forward in the October issue. Instead of it being written by the editor that month, it was written by the publisher of S.W.A.T. Magazine, Rich Lucibella. The reason I mention it is to quote one small thing he said that is pertinent to your perceived problem with using attractive women on a calendar. He said (bolding added by me):
If you no longer recognize the difference between a drill and a technique; an advertising image and a gender; or your actual self from your super-ego, you're taking yourself way too seriously.
I think that is very profound and apropos to your assertion that you are being bombarded with the sexual exploitation of women to peddle goods or magazines.
gdvan01 said:
Hmmm, maybe you shouldn't have registered while you were at work.

That was kind of a an inside joke. I own my own company. But the idea stands.

If I want to register to a "gun forum," I have no reasonable expectation of getting girlie calendars--or bunion cream spam.

Granted, the calendar stuff looks tame, but that's not the point. Clearly, there are members here with an openly spiritual side. If you advertise a forum centered in firearms, gun politics and 'related subjects' then consider the audience. After all, don't we lock threads if they drift from firearm centered topics?

Where's the line? How long would I last here if every time I bought a new pistol I photographed it jammed in the cleavage of a biker chick?
Where's the line? How long would I last here if every time I bought a new pistol I photographed it jammed in the cleavage of a biker chick?
Well, I guess that would certainly be one segment of "the line", and the answer to your rhetorical question is - not long.

I haven't seen the calendar, but I'm going to go out on the limb and say that if it contains any photos remotely similar to the one you described, I will be extremely surprised.
I received the email,

...considered it highly likely that it was spam, and acted accordingly.

Guess I deprived myself of a potentially awesome calendar, but I am always suspicious of unexpected/unsolicted emails purporting to be from a familiar source.
Mal H,
Guess we will just have to agree to disagree. However, my questions have gone unanswered, namely; How do provacative photos of women and guns, raise the bar, promote firearm ownership, or make us better Ambassadors?? IMO it just confirms the anti's view that we're all a bunch of knuckle dragging, drooling, beer swizzling sexists.
I know what Rich is trying to say in the quote you provided, but it strikes me as justification.
It might be some things are not taken seriuosly enough? I would love for some of the ladies here on TFL weigh in on this subject.