Is this a bullet?

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Well I did not tell you before, but yes I can put it with a crime. I actually saw this bullet being shot, at me. I was sitting in my kitchen, with no curtains on that window that night, and I was typing on my computer, and I heard the very loud sound. And I saw the gunflash too. It was directly in my line of vision, at my neighbor's back yard. My neighbor's who were not home that night, btw. I did not even really know what gunflash was before this.

I have the loud sound on my security video as well.

I called, and the police said, oh it was probably just lightning, and left.

I called the lightning services, there was no lightning here at that time. I called the power company too, it was not a transformer either. I had to look for the bullet later, and lo and behold, I found this piece there.

So it appears this guy took a shot directly at me. He missed by about four feet.

Not the first time this guy has tried this type of thing with a gun btw. But the police cannot conceive of a man trying to kill a woman, so they do not take it seriously. I believe they are even trying to cover this up, which is why they refused to send forensics over here to even look at it. And maybe possibly why that officer destroyed the evidence. They probably told him to. because I said I was talking to the FBI about this, and the FBI woman there actually seemed shocked and interested that police would not send out forensics. So to avoid getting in trouble, they destroyed the evidence.

I know some of you are retired police, but sad to say, there is some corruption going on here.

But I did not mention this before, because I did not want to cloud the issue. I just wanted a straight opinion.
And a frangible bullet would make sense, because if the guy knew he was going to shoot at a brick wall, he would want to cut down on ricochet. But I did not have that in mind at first, I only thought about that after I saw the bullet crumbled at the edges, and I looked it up.
Why didn't you attempt to defend yourself? I imagine you own firearms? I wouldn't just stand idly by as some lowlife punk shoots at me. Of course, you live in a different setting than me, I imagine it's pretty urban there.
But the police cannot conceive of a man trying to kill a woman, so they do not take it seriously.

Oh, I'm sure they know such a thing is possible ....... and am equally sure they have seen crazier stuff with their own eyes ....and probably this week, too ......
To Mosin Marauder. Yes, I do have a gun, now. I thought about that after, what I could have done. I was wondering if I should have gone out there and try to chase him down. He is very hit, and then run, though. Like the DC Sniper, so to speak. He is hard to catch. I don't even know if he really wanted to kill me, just terrorize me. The police are not really taking this seriously, I think, because I am not dead yet. So far, I am still okay. So kind of hard for them to figure out what is going on here.

So all I did was stay inside and call police. But I've got my gun and I am ready to use it. On him. One day me and him will get in a gun battle. I am actually not a bad shot. We will see who wins.

Of course, the smarter thing for me to do would be to move. I am thinking about it. It is a major lifestyle change though. And, you know, most of the time, things are okay here. Just like once every couple months, something happens. After a while, you forget, hope that it is over. So, it's hard to just pick up and move in this type situation.
This has gone from "Is this a bullet" to "the guy who I saw shoot at me used frangible bullets so they would not ricochet" reporting bad cops,FBI......

I wasn't there,anything is possible....but my "something is fishy" detector is beeping.
Well HiBC, that is why I did not talk about it more at first. Because as soon as I bring up the real situation, people don't believe it. It is like the police here. They just can't believe it. They think it's nuts.

But I have the shot sound on video, which I can post soon. And you see the pictures, of what may be, a bullet yourself. And btw, there is a whole history to this. I was just unlucky enough to meet a serial killer type guy. Who btw, is a popular and well liked guy in town. It is a very very rare, and odd, type story. That is why no one believes it. But sadly, I believe it is the real truth.
maybe the local government and the police are really trying to cover up an assassination plot against a local resident, using frangible ammunition. all I am saying, you should be talking to a lawyer or social rights advocates or anyone besides an internet forum. you could be dead by the morning if you really think someone is trying to kill you. you started with you may have heard a gunshot, to you saw someone actively shooting at you. not sure if you know, but frangible would be a poor choice for a long range kill.

he must be REALLY well liked to keep the entire police department quiet. if you really are that scared, I apologize for my sarcasm, but need legal help quickly
Well no, I don't know much about frangible bullets, so I don't know if that is what it was. All I know is, that bullet broke apart easily, so I looked it up, and I saw frangible bullets. I read frangible bullets are used to cut down on ricochets. That is all I know.

I have called lawyers. I have called social advocates. I even called the state chapter of the FBI. No one cares. The thing is, I am not dead, yet. So, because of that, there is not much they can believe, and not much they can do really.

You know, actually the only people who seemed interested were the FBI. I called them just to see, and I got a good response from them. When I spoke to the state attorney's office, and told them about that, they agreed and told me the FBI is really about the only agency that has the power to do anything about this.

So I wrote my local police department and told them, I am going to get the FBI to look at that bullet in my wall, and when they see it is a bullet, that I hoped they got charged with obstruction. A week or two later, that bullet is no longer there. Courtesy of a police officer. Go figure.

And yes, he is a popular guy in town. He is an entertainer figure here, well loved for his charity work too.

Anyway, just see if it easily melts with a lighter. If it runs down the wall it's lead, either an anchor or a bullet. If it doesn't it almost certainly isn't a bullet.

Just looking at the pic I don't think it's lead. I would go with the impurity in the brick theory.
That is in no way a bullet! No matter how much you want it to be to support your story. It isn't a lead anchor either. Look at the smooth "smear" the same size as the object. The smear is also concave matching the curvature of the object in question. That could only have been done during the manufacture of the brick while it was still soft. Also, it's obvious that the mortar was struck after the deformity in the brick. By "struck" I mean the method a Blackwater uses to finish a mortar joint. If you look close, the mortar conforms with a slight wave in the brick at the point of the smear.
It looks like a threaded lead shield/anchor to me.

It's a fastener. You drill a hole in the wall, drive the anchor into the hole, and screw your bolt/lag screw into it.

Check Home Depot.
Okay I just want to repeat again. This piece was not put in, BEFORE, the brick manufacturing process. We know that, because the metal edges on that piece are still thin and sharp. If it was put in, before the brick was fired up, at very high temps, that metal would have melted into a blob. There would be no sharp edges left on it.

Also, IF it is some kind of anchor, you can see by the brick shards on top, that it was put in at a straight 'up' angle. Who puts in an anchor like that? Now that it was tampered with, we know the piece only goes in a half inch deep to the brick. What kind of anchor goes in that shallow? And what kind of anchor is made with razor thin metal?
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"If you look close, the mortar conforms with a slight wave in the brick at the point of the smear. "

Yes I was looking at that. If you look very closely, and I know it is hard to see on my pics, it looks like a very thin groove in the mortar, on the bottom, of the bottom mortar line. And then the groove widens up, like an upwards triangle, to match the width of the groove in the brick.

This had to be done by something driving into the mortar and the brick.
Don't know what tactic is it, but that isn't a bullet. A cast bullet won't stick to a brick like that. Could be a screw anchor, but it looks more like caulking to me.
Well unless they are making a metal caulking now, that pours out into sharp metal edges, that I am not aware of, I don't think it is caulking.

But one guy here did think that. Do you have any type of caulking in mind?

Just for the record, I have had several men look at this "bullet". All familiar with guns.

Three did not think it was a bullet. One guy said, an old wiring hole that goes to the attic (We know that is wrong now, because the hole is only a half inch deep.) One guy said a brick impurity in the manufacturing process. (Then I told him, the impurity would have melted in the manufacturing process. And he had nothing to say). One guy said caulking (I asked him which type of caulking shines silver? He had no answer.).

Five guys did think it was a bullet. Most said it was a small caliber. They said there looked like there was some heat added to it in the process.
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Because it seemed important to help find an answer, we've let this run for three pages, even though it's about neither Tactics nor Training. Given that nobody's come along with a definitive answer -- and that our OP believed she already had her answer before she ever started the thread -- I'm going to shut this down now.

Thanks, everyone.

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