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Is There Something in the Air?

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Whats going on here? Every day a new thread about HR45? Newbies joining in mass to defend their favorite guns ? I get nasty PMs from guys who joined three minutes ago...... Political Invective is creeping back into L&P...on other Boards the tinfoil is flowing like water...high fiving over dead criminals....weirdness in the for sale sections...

Is it just me? Am I hypersensitive to this stuff, or am I just being my usual smarmy condescending self...scratch that, I am undoubtedly smarmy and condescending as well as idiotic but something just isnt right...something...any of you other old timers notice this......something...not...quite...right? Do I just need to chill........

Tuttles sig is so telling...thats really how I feel

"We're dealin' with a whole new breed here, fella. They've mutated. Somehow, the effectiveness of tinfoil has worn off and the buttons have popped on the mall ninja outfits due to sudden growth of a spare tire.....I mean, fourth BUG...."

WildevenspiffnoticedsitAlaska ™
I'm seeing a spate of negative feedback in the for sale sections lately. Seems like a lot of folks getting scammed.

Also seeing the general nastiness (moreso at other forums than here). I think two members of our local forum are gonna end up settling their differences with pistols at 20 paces if they keep it up (Just kidding, I hope :eek:).
Well Wild I think your right. From what I've seen, newbs are trying to make a name for themselves on here trying to debate about things that can be searched and researched here on TFL without having to start a thread, just so there name can be seen. I see moderators closing threads due to the fact that newbs don't read forum rules or even use common sense as to where and how they should post threads and repost the same thread cause it didn't get attention the first time. I don't consider myself and old timer by age but I have been around this forum for a good while and have definitly noticed change in the people. I think we need to start educating the newbs whenever possible, and try not bash them as much, especially calm our paranoia down a tad, thinking they are all trollers cause they ask dumb questions or just word them wrong.............. Now I hope thats what you were talking about and I didn't take you thread and run in another direction.:o
It's your fault, you brought over all of bersatalk with your rants!:D

That, and Rule 4 is not enforced. I must have reported at least half a dozen posts in the last week and the only one that was changed was where I publicly ridiculed the poster in the thread. Most of the really dumb tinfoil threads are also filled with spelling errors, no caps, all caps, etc... Enforcing Rule 4 would take care of most of them.
Wild, I feel your pain. I just can't place my finger on it.

What I think is it's a huge combination of several factors that, if were singled out, wouldn't be an issue. Here's my perception of the "off" feeling I have.

1. Huge influx of new members here have changed the balace a bit. Not a bad thing. That's what the board is about. But it's like a medium sized town is turning into a metropolis overnight. Just look what happened to Denver...

2. Some established members here are a bit shocked with the influx and adapting to change is challenging.

3. Our economy has stirred up the pot in more ways than we can explain here.

4. Our president has, in fact, spooked the cattle.

5. I've angered quite a few members new and old on issues such as gross grammatical errors in posts, etc. There's plenty of other stuff, but let's just say I haven't exactly made good friends here. Maybe a little more patience and understanding on my part on unsaid issues will help. PlayboyPenguin's thread not too long ago is a good example of how a senior member should conduct themselves. I'm still working on that.

5. The cohesiveness of our fellow members have waned a bit. However, I think it's just natural. When newer members here get to know others and become established members themselves, the cohesiveness will become more apparent.

6. With newer members, I speculate they're also younger. Naturally, older people think younger people are more disrespectful in nature. Younger people think older people need to loosen up. Younger-full of urine and vinegar. Older-been there, done that. There's a divide there....

Any .45 sums up valid points. Worth rereading...

Not to mention B. Lahey....
PlayboyPenguin's thread not too long ago is a good example of how a senior member should conduct themselves. I'm still working on that.

Me too...But I have a low threshold for....well you know:D

WildsoijustsnapokicantcontrolmyselfijustloseitandgoabsolutelyberserkwithrageAlaska ™
Any .45 said:
I don't consider myself and old timer by age but I have been around this forum for a good while and have definitly noticed change in the people.
Amen, brother. I joined a few months after you and there is definitely a change in the collective attitude around here lately. Downright depressing. I used to come here as often as possible because the members lived up to the adage, "An armed society is a polite society". Now, not so much. Disregard for the rules and disregard for the other members is becoming more prevalent. I really miss having Rich Lucibella active in the forums. He had no problem telling people they were breaking his rules in his house in public. Kept the sanity at a normal level because people didn't want to be booted publicly and other people learned from the mistakes of others.

And don't get me started on the people evading the language filter through clever spelling or just flat out not caring that it is there and having a post full of asterisks. This place used to be safe for kids, not anymore.
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I am very new to this forum. I also belong o a few ohers and I must say, this is the better of the bunch. I agree with the issues concerning the language filter and how it seems that people are just plain easily offended nowadays. But I would like to say thank you to all who have commented on my issues, and although I am a newbie, I feel right at home here.
I definitly feel what your saying and thank you. It comes down to alot of people that don't live to the old addage as you mentioned, whether new or old to the forum we as a community need to educate each other and respectfully tell the ones that are being abrasive that they need to slow down and relax a bit. I know alot of the newbs can be very aggressive, and the oldies can be a bit sensitive and snap at them because they feel disrespected, but we need to do things the way we use to and get back to that way of conversing on this forum, as it was intended to be. If not the antis will take full advantage of it and say " The gun community is a very irrate and aggressive bunch, imagine what would happen if they were together in public" or something like that. They can twist things around quite a bit. Besides we're damaging our own community by acting like this. Regardless of whats going on, in the political world and in our economy this is the time that we need each other the most and the time that we need to stick together the most. We are a brother hood and we will always find difference of opinions amongst each other, but its the way we handle the debate and expression of opinion, that would make the difference.

We are still a great bunch and TFL is and will always be my home, I have and have always learned a great deal of knowledge, as well, I hope I have attributed to some type of knowledge and help.
B. Lahey said:
That, and Rule 4 is not enforced. I must have reported at least half a dozen posts in the last week ...
Well, when I see a post like that, I have to investigate. I went back for the entire month of February and found 2 reported posts from you concerning rule 4. One was in a Bersa thread which the member cleaned up before we got there with the broom, and the other was in a Seecamp thread, and that one was cleaned up by us. I'm not sure where the other 4 went, but they didn't make it to webmaster or the administrators.

Even so, I want to encourage you and everyone to continue (or start) reporting bad posts - foul language, gross misuse of English and grammar, ad hominems, etc. There is absolutely no way the moderators can read every single post that comes to TFL. But, if everyone pitches in, we can try to keep TFL the same place we used to know. Sometimes it seems like an impossible task with all the newbies who don't yet understand the TFL way, but educating them is better than ridiculing them any day.
Sometimes it seems like an impossible task with all the newbies who don't yet understand the TFL way, but educating them is better than ridiculing them any day.

Can we educate through ridicule?:p;)

WildireallyamateddybearAlaska TM
This is probably the most polite forum I've posted on except for maybe the bamboo rod forum, but there's only so much controversy available in boo rods.:) I think there were a lot of younger folks content to play with their guns, while feeling no compelling desire to get involved in something like this. With the new political and economic realities, they're scared. They want to vent and they want us to listen and help them. Problem is a lot of these people were never taught any manners, understand chat-room and "texting" better than they do English and now we're seeing them setting down the Nintendo controller and jumping on here all gun-ho and in your face.

The good thing is, for the most part, their attention span is rather short and this will pass.
It never worked fory you, why should it work for anyone else?

You just wanna be me.:D

Look for the pic later, the Totoro hat is here

WildishalleducateviariduculingmyselfAlaska TM

Excuse me, I must have my tactical breakfast
"but there's only so much controversy available in boo rods."



Yeah, just not much zing to it. :D
"You just wanna be me."

If I wanted to "be" you your sorry carcass would have been feeding the crabs long ago...

Edgar Hansen: "Sig, we've caught something weird!"

Sig Hansen: "HOLY CRAP THAT'S THE UGLIEST FISH I'VE EVER SEEN! You Discovery Channel guys getting this on tape? Might be good for Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks..."

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