Is there anyone out there that is 30 and below who carrys a mid to large revolver?


I am 28, so I was just wondering if there is anyone who is around my age or below besides me who carrys a revolver for a primary gun (no I don't mean a snubby backup) instead of an automatic. Out of all my friends, I am the only one who seems to be partial to revolvers. But then I have never been too "hip" highschoolers say. ;) Everybody else my age wants a .40 caliber Glock or a 9mm Sig Sauer or a 1911. Personally, as far as looks go, I think revolvers are cooler than autos.
Any other revolver fans out there? (Again, I don't mean a backup gun or a mammoth S&W 500 hunting gun. I mean a revolver used as a primary CCW)

I love revolvers. I feel a lot less worried about malfunctions when I am carrying one as a a primary. Right now the only larger revolver I have is a Smith & Wesson 686P 2.5". I carry it in the fall and winter. It's not a burden at all. Before that I carried a Ruger GP-100. That was a bit heavier, but still not a problem. In the future I want to purchase a Smith & Wesson 625 and have that be another fall/winter gun. I love the feel of that revolver. The reason I don't have it is because...well, I'm only 23 and money isn't always flowing like water yet.

Yes, there are still youngin's that love revolvers and carry them as a primary. I know I do.
Love revolvers

I've been carrying a snubby Ruger for the past year and a half or so. Before that, it was a Taurus snubby. I love revolvers. I am thinking about getting a NAA Guardian though for the times when I "can't" carry the sp.
I'm 24, S&W 642 is my primary. If I wanted to haul around the mass of my 686, I could carry the Baby Eagle and get 12 more rounds. I live in a low-crime area, and stay away from the bad spots. Besides, 1 shot is all you need anyway :D

If I can't get the job done (ie. save my ass) with 6 rounds of 357 mag in my Colt Python, those extra rounds probably can't get me very far (except for less reloading of course).
i am 24

and i like revolvers.

when i go for my ccw i will qualify with my 9mm but carrry with a revolver(if money permits). i want to carry a ruger 3" gp100 .357. if that can't do it then i don't know what will.

shot placement is the key.
Cool, I like how you guys think. And even some Colt revolver fans too. :cool: All my friends try to make me feel like an "old fogie" with my revolvers at the range. :D It is true. If you can't take care of business in 6 shots, you are probably in trouble anyway. Plus, if your spraying the area with 15 rounds like Mel Gibson and Keanu Reevesinstead of making 1 shot count then you have a higher chance of damaging property or even hurting another person.

I carry an old school Colt Official Police 4 inch with .38+P for primary and secondary I carry a Colt Detective Special.

Occasionally, I will slip my .357 6 inch S&W Highway Patrolman between the seat.
I'm 23 and will be carrying a security 6 in a few weeks. it's a 4"-er and just feels good.

I just got it and took it shooting for the first time last weekend. .357 is immense fun.
Well, Doug, I am almost twice your 30-year-old age limitation, but I hope you will not mind my adding a personal thought or two. I generally carry large (Smith N Frames in.357 magnum, .45 Colt, and 10mm/.40 S&W) or mid-size (Ruger GP-100) revolvers. I find it interesting that many older shooters, probably with more experience and perhaps with grater disposable incomes, elect to carry mid- or large-frame wheelguns. We own the popular (and excellent) autoloaders – Sigs, Glocks, CZs, H&Ks, Kimbers, Springfields, Colts, etc. – and are fully proficient with them, but when we carry to protect our lives, we eventually decide that the ratability, accuracy, and potency of revolvers provides advantages.

I must add that some of this may result form our likely defensive scenarios. We are no longer young law enforcement or military personnel; accordingly, our personal security requirements are not likely to include (to cite one example) confronting the heavily armed drug transporter on a lonely stretch of an Interstate highway at “zero dark thirty”.
I'm 70 going on 30. When it comes to self defense 'hip' shouldn't have anything to do with it. Go with what works for you and what you're comfortable with. For me this K frame is a perfect carry piece...Get one! Or, go to your room without dinner! :D :D

when I was 18(1982)..I thought the only gun I wanted was a Smith & Wesson 29 44 magnum...thought Clint Eastwood was the greatest thing..and Dirty Harry was the best at 40, I don't have a desire to own a 44 magnum, think Eastwood is a second-rate actor with hit or miss Dirty Harry if it comes on tv and I have nothing better to do..and my favorite handguns are my Colt Gov't 45 auto or Colt Official Police things change with time...
Eastwood is a second-rate actor with hit or miss movies
He's an old man, like me. :eek: I wish I had his money...Seems as tho he won an Academy Award this year and a few years back for the Unforgiven... ;) As for me I luv cannons. Especially my 629mg, and 29-2...The older of the two...
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..don't take it the wrong way BUll...the S&W 29 (as are most Smith revolvers)is an excellent gun...I just lost my desire to buy one over time.. thats all
I just scrape by under your minimum age requirements.

I enjoy the heft and "swiss watch" like qualities of my GP100 4"er.

I carry on private land, but I wouldn't hesitate to CCW one if I felt inclined to pack. Working in a school kinda rules out regularly carrying.
I'm 32 years old, but I've been packing my 3" Smith model 60 in .357 for about 5 years now. Its compact and acurate with its adjutable sights.
I guess that puts me into the under 30 crowd, sort of! ;)

Oh, I used to cary a Smith Mod. 15 before that too.