Is there any state where open carry is illegal?

In Michigan, if you are open carrying as you walk down the street (which is legal and cannot be preempted by local municipalities), then get into a car, you are now carrying concealed and better have a permit. If you don't have a permit to carry concealed, the gun must be unloaded and cased and inaccessible by passengers, blah, blah, blah.

Might want to check other states on that.
If you venture into PA, unlicensed OC is legal on foot, except you need a LTCF or a reciprocal license to OC or CC in a City of the First Class(Philly).

To have a "firearm" (handgun , SBS, SBR) in a vehicle whether loaded or not while in PA - you have to have a LTCF or a license from ANY state. If you are passing through PA in a direct manner, you can do so unlicensed under the FOPA provisions. Travel off the beaten path and state laws will apply.
pacerdude said:
In Georgia I think it is up to the individual municipalities as to if you can open carry. Also I believe its illegal in Illinois. Have a good time though.

I'd like to point out that this is entirely untrue. Firearms legislation is preempted in Georgia by state law. Local municipalities are not permitted to make up rules regarding gun ownership or carry that must be followed in their municipal areas separate from those laws passed in the General Assembly. Open carry is perfectly legal all across Georgia. Many, many people open carry every day in the peach state, including in the city of Atlanta.

In addition to the states that have been identified by others, I'm equally positive that OC is NOT allowed in FL by a licensed carrier.
Judging from the map of the open carry states, California is more liberal than Texas, but you expected that, didn't you.
I'd like to point out that this is entirely untrue. Firearms legislation is preempted in Georgia by state law. Local municipalities are not permitted to make up rules regarding gun ownership or carry that must be followed in their municipal areas separate from those laws passed in the General Assembly. Open carry is perfectly legal all across Georgia. Many, many people open carry every day in the peach state, including in the city of Atlanta.

In addition to the states that have been identified by others, I'm equally positive that OC is NOT allowed in FL by a licensed carrier.

Open carry in GA is only allowed if you possess a Georgia Firearms License (what we call a CWP, CCP, etc). My daughter lives in FL and open carry is not allowed there - you can get busted if your CC prints...
Well, hello there fellow GPer. Thanks for pointing out that little tidbit about the GFL. That may not have been clear to some people otherwise. By drawing out the differences between Georgia's laws and those of the state of FL that doesn't allow OC, even when the carrier has a license, I thought it would convey that licensure is assumed in both cases.

Speaking of which, I'm nearly in need of renewing my FL CHP.
Not that I'm a fan of open carry, but I sure wish Florida were more lenient about printing. I've not had any problems, and my rig conceals well, but I sure wish I didn't have to be worried about grabbing stuff from the bottom shelf at the store. (I know, an LCP or a PM9 would fix that, but why should I have to buy a different gun just because they want people to be ashamed that they protect themselves.)
RevDerb said:
Remember if you are open carrying without a CCW, as soon as you enter a vehicle with an open carried handgun, it becomes concealed and therefore belongs unloaded and in the trunk.

That depends entirely upon state law and, as such, varies from state to state.
In Utah, open carry of a loaded firearm is illegal........however, you can open carry an unloaded firearm without breaking the law....but whats the point in doing that?
Tis legal in Montana other than banks bars and Govt buildings. I would not OC in my area (Kalispell) to may CA imports and tourists that call in the dreaded MAN WITH GUN. .

Even CCW is ok with no permit as long as its not in town or rail/logging camps have to have a permit for there.
Legal in WI, was on the front page last week. However the cops will question you and make you feel like a criminal.
Legal in WI, was on the front page last week. However the cops will question you and make you feel like a criminal.
Didn't the Milwaukee police chief recently say he didn't care if it was legal or not, he would have you arrested anyway?