Is there any state where open carry is illegal?


New member
I am considering a long road trip most of the way across the country and could venture into as few as 6 or as many as 20 states. I am going by myself if I do it and will definitely be carrying in some capacity. Are there any states that do not allow open carry?
It's illegal in Texas...unless you're on your own property, out hunting or a comissioned security officer on duty. :rolleyes:
In Georgia I think it is up to the individual municipalities as to if you can open carry. Also I believe its illegal in Illinois. Have a good time though.:)
it depends on if you are talking about open carry with a permit or without. In Tn its ok to carry open with a permit. But if you don't have permit don't even think about it. By the way great to be back I used to post years ago before the site was shut down. Its good to be back lurking haha.
Texas does have a "traveling" law that allows one to carry in your automobile. However some municipalities (Houston for example) choose to ignore this law:mad:.
I would carry primarilly in my car. But as a subsidiary question, do you think a LEO in a state in which I am not a resident would be more lenient/understanding if I carry in their state, or would they be harder on me since I am more familiar with carrying guns and such?
I wouldn't count on it. And as far as being understanding about your situation just remimber that cop doesn't know you from Adam. If I were driving through a state that I was not sure of I would obey the law and keep my peace undercover.
If I happened to be stopped I would smile and say yes sir or whatever and move on.

Ohio allows open carry. When they were debating weather or not to allow concealed carry, the 2nd Amendment backers marched in Columbus with their guns carried open.

2DaMtns said:
I would carry primarilly in my car. But as a subsidiary question, do you think a LEO in a state in which I am not a resident would be more lenient/understanding if I carry in their state, or would they be harder on me since I am more familiar with carrying guns and such?

"Ignorance of the Law is no excuse."
Oklahoma is very restrictive about open carry if I recall correctly. Concealed with a permit is fine, just not open.

You got that right. I _thought_ it was OK to open carry when walking dirt roads far from any town. The deputy sheriff put me face down in the gravel while pointing his Glock at me for it. His way of showing me the error of my ways. I was about 75 yards from my house and ten feet from my fenceline. Didn't matter! As you might guess, I'm still mad about it!!

The whole gory story is here:

Remember if you are open carrying without a CCW, as soon as you enter a vehicle with an open carried handgun, it becomes concealed and therefore belongs unloaded and in the trunk.
Dont even think of carrying open or concealed in NY or NJ. Cant have it loaded in your car either. Must be seperate from ammunition. good site with interactive maps that tell you where you can and cant carry.
Texas does have a "traveling" law that allows one to carry in your automobile. However some municipalities (Houston for example) choose to ignore this law.

wdelack- If your talking about HB 823 (your supposed to be able to carry concealed in your vehicle while "traveling") but, no one explained/defined what traveling actually meant. Then it is obsolete because the penal code for unlawful carry of a firearm was changed September 2008.

Sec. 46.02. UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPONS. (a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun, illegal knife, or club if the person is not:

(1) on the person's own premises or premises under the person's control; or

(2) inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or under the person's control.

(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun in a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or under the person's control at any time in which:

(1) the handgun is in plain view; or

(2) the person is:

(A) engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic;

(B) prohibited by law from possessing a firearm; or

(C) a member of a criminal street gang, as defined by Section 71.01.

(a-2) For purposes of this section, "premises" includes real property and a recreational vehicle that is being used as living quarters, regardless of whether that use is temporary or permanent. In this subsection, "recreational vehicle" means a motor vehicle primarily designed as temporary living quarters or a vehicle that contains temporary living quarters and is designed to be towed by a motor vehicle. The term includes a travel trailer, camping trailer, truck camper, motor home, and horse trailer with living quarters.

(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

(c) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the offense is committed on any premises licensed or issued a permit by this state for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

As for the OP Texas & Illinois do not allow open carry.
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