Is There Any Possible Situation Where a Pistol is Superior to a Long Gun or SMG

I'd say in the majority of defensive situations a handgun is the best tool. Some have been mentioned already, and my rational has as well, the handgun is the tool you wear, not carry, you can have it on you at nearly any time, fairly conveniently, even while working or doing other things than getting ready for an assault. Most situations develop from uncertain beginnings, carrying a long gun around where most problems occur just isn't practical or realistic, not is it generally realistic for non-law officers to present an arm before knowing things are going south. Handguns are discrete enough to appear non threatening or totally unnoticed until things go wrong, then are instantly available for use.

I've often heard the saying that a handgun is to fight your way to your rifle, but think that's pretty far fetched in most instances. Having any long gun close by in day to day life isnt practical, even living out in rural areas. If you can get to a long gun by using a handgun, you could well get clear of the problem as well. I'd suggest using the handgun to deal with the problem straight away. I think the mindset of always trying to get to a long gun, which may be nowhere close, is unrealistic in most instances. If it's availalbe, sure, get it, but even where I am (very rural mountain area), having a long gun close at hand at all times isn't very practical. I always have a handgun, they are easy to have available.

Hitting at distance with a handgun isn't that tough, it takes some practice. Most try it once or twice, or never, and give up, defeating themselves before even getting a clue how to do it. It forces you to focus on the basics, but isn't that difficult once it's understood. I don't even think of shotguns in a defensive role, just handguns and rifles. Whatever I could do with a shotgun, even a very good one, I could do better with a rifle. I don't know how far a smoothbore shotgun can hit well, but I'd guess I could hit at least as well with a decent handgun, if not to farther ranges. I'm not speculating on distance shooting with a handgun, I've done it fairly often for 25 years. It just isn't that hard to do once you get started. There may be places that a shotgun is a good tool, but the wide open spaces of the west isnt it. YMMV, that's my perspective.
I always have a beat up shotgun in my toolbox. If the SHTF I am not going to be defending myself with a peashooter (9mm). 00 buck is extremely effective out to 45 yards. Plus it's great for killing coyotes or any other nuisance critter. Unless my pastures have just been mowed it's difficult to see small animals like coyotes until you are right on top of them.
OK, a shotgun is handy for that use up close, but a handgun still has more range than a shotgun. I've made a first round it on a coyote at about 125 yards with the 4" 29. I also keep a long gun close, mostly a 94 Winchester carbine or a scoped bolt gun, but not as close as a handgun. When I shot that particular coyote, I was riding with a friend on what seemed like an innocous errand, so didn't have a long gun with me, but always had the 29 on.
Now exactly how do you plan disarm someone trained to use a rifle? I would split your skull up like a ceramic jar or just flat out run you through with the barrel.

Someone close this thread. It get crazier with each post.
I know a lot of people who are trained to shoot and maintain rifles. I know very few who are trained at rifle retention, or in using a rifle as a melee weapon. I know quite a few people who know how to execute a disarm.
Old Crow, I have a military background. I also have a couple decades of martial arts training.

I have a lot of friends who are current and retired Marines. You don't remind me of them. OTOH, your comments in general do have some Mall Ninja-ness to them.

Edit: In a different thread, you said not to waste your time talking about the need for practice. Now, you say you're an old Marine, and they taught you rifle retention in phase one of boot camp... you don't believe in practice... but you think you could perfectly execute something you were taught, briefly, a long time ago (going by your net claims)?

And you are calling people Mall Ninjas....
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I am just an old feeble marine. My pistol isn't accurate at 125 yards. I stick to old school tactics. The only martial arts training I have had is sparing with my cousin who was a world champion kick boxer and the judo classes you get into the military. I bow to your superior knowledge and skills. Please don't hurt me. Some day maybe you will teach me to do things that Olympic champions and the best recon rangers can't do.
Seems to me, Old Crow, that you are the one who makes exaggerated claims.

Practice isn't necessary.

A shotgun in the toolbox of your truck is better than a pistol carried by a person.

You'll split skulls using your old, unpracticed skills.

And your training partner is a world champion martial artist.

Yeah, you're credible.
Is There Any Possible Situation Where a Pistol is Superior to a Long Gun or SMG?

Not to start an argument (well maybe a little) the title, as above is kind of specific, butt stroking, and forward stabs, with barrel, are a bit of a stretch?

Some good posts here, the one major advantage I see.

You always have the pistol (well I do) so if it is all you have, it better be set up for gun fight (they do still happen) against a crew.

And long distance threats, they happen as well!

At 76, I have done all the boxing, street fighting I want to do. I was good at it too. The pistol can be a non verbal argument, presented were a confrontation (one you did not start) starts to go south!

It is so nice for an old Brit, from a Country that will put you in jail for defending yourself, to live in a State, that expects you to defend your self, and your family members. I am good at that too.
Ok, we get it, yes a handgun is easier to carry and have with you all the time. I don't think the OP was asking about CC, maybe I'm wrong.

But let's be serious here, not all long guns are the same let alone if you throw SMG's into the mix. A gun can be too long to wield very effectively. That's a fact. But how long is too long varies with every person and every situation. But the one thing most handgun proponents seem to forget or ignore is that beyond anything but arm reach distances handguns are much harder to hit with especially under duress. Most over estimate their ability. They also seem to act as if they're clearing a house instead of huddling in a corner of their room with the PD on the phone. A good "short" long gun that points and aims naturally trumps a handgun in about any fight.

Sure there are situations that may break every rule. I can think of countless situations where having to use only one hand to shoot would be an advantage. But how many times do you see the military using handguns for clearing a building? What did the Seals use to take OBL? Not no stinkin handgun.
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I guess if I heard something at my house in the dark that sounded out of the ordinary. Id grab a long gun, probably a shotgun at night but would also have a pistol on my side. Things happen quick and if i had to shoot someone or at them Id diffenately do so with the shotgun. But if for any reson the gun jammed, never has in the past but if it did I'd have a pistol for backup. Or if you turned a corner and someone jump out in your face and you was fighting them then they'd get some lead shot from my pistol.
Elmer Keith related one story of how a sixgun got the best of 3 riflemen... Friend of his was in Canadian army in first WW. got captured between lines by 3 Germans... who took his rifle, but neglected to search him. when star shell went off, they ducked for cover in large shell hole. By timing when star shells would go off..he pulled his S&W .455 Hand-Ejector & shooting fast double-action, got all three before they knew what was happening.
yes, in instances like:

- in tight spaces, like tunnel/cave
- when your other hand/arm/etc. is occupied for one reason or another(carrying critical object, support other folks, etc.)
- when your shoulder/hand/etc. is injured