Is there any gun control that "works?"

They don't. There is considerable financial and political profit in pushing the lie of gun grabbing which is why it persists. It's all about money and power. If they gave a damn about anyone but themselves they'd see that the facts point in the direction of Shall Issue, training in schools like there used to be, and none of the defamation campaigning against us. But the votes and dollars keep coming. When we stop that, they will stop.
One other thing I find that would help lower the rate of violence, gun related and otherwise is a sense of personal accountability for ones self and a higher regard for human life.

No no no. If I see someone breaking into my car in my driveway I have to shoot him. And if I have to shoot him, I have to kill him so I don't open myself up to a lawsuit.
The major flaw with gun control the way the Democrats think about gun control, is that there is no one out there to make sure the law is obeyed. The scums keep carrying and no one is checking on them until it's too late.

Gun control works inside air ports past the security check. Behind security check no civilian is carrying a gun or a knife or anything dangerous, and I feel safe there without my gun. If the police had the authority to stop who ever they wanted on the street for a quick courteous patdown, gun control would work. But that would take too many police officers and be too costly. The only effective way is to let every one carry for legal self defense and defense of others.
Gun control works inside air ports past the security check. Behind security check no civilian is carrying a gun or a knife or anything dangerous, and I feel safe there without my gun.

I could kill someone with a pen as easily as a knife. I could fashion a suitable knife by ripping an empty soda can in half if you'd rather a slicing rather than puncture wound. I disagree with your assessment.
I don't think any gun control "could be effective at cutting crime". Some laws, regulations, requirements could surely prevent someone from doing something, but there is always going to be someone else more determined, and more able to bypass those laws and still get a gun, and if not a gun, then some other weapon that will inflict harm and pain on innocent people.

Except....but....didn't you just point out the with some form of gun controls you would have less crimes? I mean, you're basically saying that with come controls there may be only one crime where instead there might have been two. Sure, some will bypass any laws you pass...but some won't. And at least some will end up arrested for trying to illegally buy a gun rather than for actually using it, which I'd say is a better outcome.

Saying no laws can ever reduce crime is just as fallacious as claiming a given law can eliminate it.

When those laws start to interfere with my ability to get a gun, one of those innocent bystanders, etc. then not only are they not effective laws, but counter-productive at preventing anything, but rather cause a scenario with more victims unarmed. Prime example is the school gun-free zones. I would be all for a gun-free zone at school, if I thought that the likelihood of it actually being a gun-free zone would occur, and not just a place for a crazy to go off.

This, however, I agree with. Any system (for instance, current background checks) must be designed to have an absolutely minimal impact on law-abiding gunowners...and some policies simply don't make any sense at all.
ok i know that guncontroal isnt effective in all cases and no matter what it wont be and in a few cases it does help keep guns out of the hands of some but not many people that shouldnt own them but at the same time i dont get the big deal people make about registering there guns i under stand that for personal sales it can be a pain in the ass for the buyer but at the same time why not? i know this might get some people fired up but ya know why be apposed to it if you have nothing to hide ya know? but thats just me i guess i do think those that should have a gun should be able to and i know that comein across one thats illigal is really easy if your in the market ya know and nothing is goin to stop some one who really wants to get one from gettin one
ok i know that guncontroal isnt effective in all cases and no matter what it wont be and in a few cases it does help keep guns out of the hands of some but not many people that shouldnt own them but at the same time i dont get the big deal people make about registering there guns i under stand that for personal sales it can be a pain in the ass for the buyer but at the same time why not? i know this might get some people fired up but ya know why be apposed to it if you have nothing to hide ya know?

It's paranoia; the argument that registration is a logical first step towards confiscation (even though the former does not necessarily lead to the latter).

Though, looking at history and looking at the sentiment of those often pushing for registration, maybe it's more caution than paranoia when you get right down to it.

I can see the purpose of instant background checks, but registration I just don't get. Why not just assume everybody who is legally allowed to probably owns a gun? What does it matter what kind I own? I know there's more to it than that, but I don't feel like going to deep into the issue right now...I just don't see registration as something that's particularly effective. At best it can be used to somewhat dampen the black market, but only in conjunction with other regulations that are more likely to have actual negative effects on law-abiding gunowners.

but thats just me i guess i do think those that should have a gun should be able to and i know that comein across one thats illigal is really easy if your in the market ya know and nothing is goin to stop some one who really wants to get one from gettin one

Nothing will stop them...except maybe getting arrested for trying to illegally buy a gun. That seems like it might stop them. And it does happen.
As BillCA said:

100-200 years ago, many people had some kind of spiritual upbringing and were instilled with similar moral values. Today, with both parents working in many cases, it seems that this is lacking more & more in each generation.

Unfortunately many, if not most inner city kids in big cities aren't being raised by two parents, whether working or not. The percentage of inner city kids (where most of the crime is) being raised by single moms, single grandmothers, and/or single great grandmothers is HUGE!

Many inner city kids either never have met their father, or don't even know who their father is. Sometimes the mom doesn't even know who the father is. Could be any one of 2, 3, or 4 guys.

Not to mention the serious problem of babies having babies. It is NOT unusual to hear about 14, 15, or 16 year old kids having babies.

Moral values are SERIOUSLY lacking in much of today's society, and the inner city crime problem is a DIRECT result of the lack of moral values.
I agree with the CA requirement upon purchase of a firearm that the end user shows basic competence in how to hold, load, and unload the weapon. It takes 2 minutes and shows that the recipient won't shoot himself in the foot 5 minutes after walking out the door and maybe won't sweep his neighbor at the gun range.

Some states have absolutely NO training requirement to either purchase a firearm, or to get a Concealed Carry Weapon License.

Pennsylvania for example, has NO training required, yet CCW license holders aren't "sweeping their neighbors at the range" or "shooting themselves in the foot" any more so than in any other state.
ok yes gettin caught will stop them but if they dont get caught its not going to stop them and not all that want some for m of "gun control" want or have wanted to make it so you cant have one alot of people are miss led by political bias and such that makes them think that by putting in these laws that it will directoly effect the crimes where guns are used but most guns used in crime arent ligal in the first place any yes i do think that registration would help to dampen the black market for firearms and it would also help people to recover stolen firearms as wall and in the end its not the tv or if you were raised in a single parent family or not its just how you were raised not who the hell rased you im sorry but i was raised by my single mom its not who its how so keep that in mind if you think that tv and midea is there to raise your kids your stupid its just a thing to blame for lack or parenting and lets not get me started on how "spiritual upbringing" plays a part cause thats crap too its just that peolpe arent shown right from wrong we expect the schools and tv to do this and you cant do that its not why they are there so people need to get a clue
Nate45 said:
Also you can't legislate against lunacy. I'd be willing to wager that everyone on this fourm has nothing but utter contempt and disdain for school shooters, mall shooters, work place shooters, ect. We also have nothing but sympathy and compassion for their victims. As well as the victims of all crimes perpetrated with firearms.

I disagree with half your statement above.

Sure, when we hear about a school-mall-workplace shooting our first reaction is of contempt for a "loser" or a "cowardly punk", etc. But we should also have some measure of sadness for the shooter. Imagine your life and/or mind being so screwed up that the only way for you to feel any accomplishment is through mass murder. That's very sad. With youths, it's a lack of parental involvement, I think. With people like the V.T. killer it's a mental health issue that's inadequately treated. I don't despise these people, generally. At most, they're pitiful specimens of humanity.

The major flaw with gun control the way the Democrats think about gun control,

If you stopped there and said their thinking is "only the government and some privileged people can have guns," you'd have hit the nail on the head.

What are laws?

Laws are words, written on paper. They perform no action nor can they prevent someone from acting against them. They are merely words on paper.

Laws proscribe certain actions by members of society. They also authorize some members of society to act when laws are violated. Laws, in and of themselves, deter nothing if there is not a person to enforce those laws.

Even when there are people to enforce those laws, if your odds of success are much higher than the risks of capture and imprisonment, then people will violate those laws. (How many people speed or fail to signal turns? How many people cheat -- even a tiny bit -- on their income taxes?)

The only thing laws really do is allow us to punish the offender after the fact. They can't prevent crime, they can't stop crime. But they can allow us to punish those to violate the laws.
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I would say that the Brady background check *if properly implemented* could help. It's as useless as a screen door on a submarine in present form tho'.
Beyond that... I can't think of any gun control measures that don't do more harm than good.
Regarding "Just one question"...

I love it when someone rams an ironclad point right up the opposing sides arse. Too bad the Dems have a fourth answer; "No, but this law will change that. History has nothing to teach us.":barf:
not all democrats think like that so i wouldnt be so quick to say what your saying because most arent the hard liners that your thinkin of most do think that you should have your right to have guns and protect your self
not all democrats think like that so i wouldnt be so quick to say what your saying because most arent the hard liners that your thinkin of most do think that you should have your right to have guns and protect your self

Maybe not all but alot of anti's belong to that party. besides you are correct they want you to have your right to have guns, they just want to be able to tell you when and where you can exercise that right.:D