Is the United States becoming a police state?

Is the US becoming a police state?
No, we already ARE one.

How much freedom makes one free? Just as it's impossible for a woman to be "a little bit pregnant", it's impossible for a person to have "limited freedom." There is only one degree of freedom-100%. One isn't free unless one can do anything one wants without fear of legal reprisal. The only things which should be illegal are those -actions- which infringe upon the rights of others, deprive others of their property, or cause harm to others.

WHo polices the police? The police (IA). In other words, nobody.

"But it could NEVER happen here!" Yeah, and I've got a bridge and some prime Florida real estate I'd like to sell you....oh, and by the way, did you know the moon is made of green cheese?

Shoot straight regards, Richard
Is the US becoming a police state?
No, we already ARE one.

How much freedom makes one free? Just as it's impossible for a woman to be "a little bit pregnant", it's impossible for a person to have "limited freedom." There is only one degree of freedom-100%. One isn't free unless one can do anything one wants without fear of legal reprisal. The only things which should be illegal are those -actions- which infringe upon the rights of others, deprive others of their property, or cause harm to others.

WHo polices the police? The police (IA). In other words, nobody.

"But it could NEVER happen here!" Yeah, and I've got a bridge and some prime Florida real estate I'd like to sell you....oh, and by the way, did you know the moon is made of green cheese?

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The USA became a police state in the 1930's with registering of "destructive devices", creation of Social Security, and the IRS. I feel it is impossible for a Socialist State (which the US is) to not be a police state. I would define a police state as one in which individual liberties are widely suppressed "for the common good". This is inescapable with the government trying to be our mommy.

Since we all agree, theres no excuse for anyone here not to vote Libertarian in the next election.
We'll simply sweep aside all of this baloney and return the government to its original constitutional mandate.
Its really that simple. If you vote for Republicrats, you're part of the problem.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
When you can get pulled over for not wearing a seat belt - Or for speeding late in the evening on a deserted road with no hazards or weather and well within the performance envelope of your vehicle...
You have to show ID and sign federal documents to purchase, have a permit to carry - something garanteed by the constitution...

Police state...
Oh - I could go on and on... Road blocks, searches, taxes, etc...

"There is no Spoon"

(My thoughts last week): Apparently I live in a remnant of America rather than the police state you alarmists so rabidly fear.

(I read your entries and such articles as the following):

(My thoughts this week): I don't think I'll put them in writing or permit them to be recorded, or share them with folks I do not know very well.

On the other hand, there is hope for us. If human cloning becomes possible, maybe we should try to clone Bob Barr:

Check out his music. Then (while the music plays :) ) check the various subjects under the American flag. He has SOME views on gun control, Clinton, etc...

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited April 10, 1999).]
Keith, you're absolutely right.
Dennis, I live in rural Alaska, and I sure wish it was a 'remnant', but you know the saying about wish in one hand...

Check out this site on the "14 Signposts to Slavery" and decide for yourself if we live in a police state.

BTW, if we're going to clone any congressman, let it be Ron Paul.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited April 10, 1999).]
Oy vey! If they're even getting to you in Alaska, hope for the future wanes!!!

Ron Paul? Sure. And I guess there are a few Americans left in the American government. Darn. I sure wish it weren't so few....

Oh, yeah. THANKS A LOT! ( <--- shouting!)
Just when I thought I was being pessimistic you make me look like a blind-eyed optimist. Sheesh!

Time for a Shiner Bock! :)