Is the "racking of a shotgun" sound...

Sound effects

Once, in the far,far distant past, I was in a mess hall at Camp Lejune when the prisoners were brought in to a segregated area of the mess hall by prison chasers. This was an every meal occurance. Must have been four or five hundred in there eating at the time. One of the prisoners broke and bolted for the door (no idea where he thought he was going). A chaser stepped into the isle and racked that high brass 12 gauge through that Winchester. Suddenly you could hear a pin drop and all of the tables in that mess hall were empty & every one was on the deck, including the runner who was shaking like a dog trying to pass a razor blade. That sound carries over just about any sound.

Having said that, I subscribe to the theory that guns, like knives, should come as a suprise to the reciever....
Otherwise, if I want sound effects - I'll play the 1812 Overture with cannons.

Uhhmm.....can I have a copy of THAT mp3?
Get it on a Telarc CD. They recorded it where real cannons were used, digitally, at it's REAL volume! Careful though! (Warning is included with CD). I loaned mine to a friend, who blew the 14" woofers in his Advent tower speakers :eek: :D .
"4) any serious bg has you made for a dufus, a newbie, or a John Wayne wannabe."

I would not want to face any of those guys, especially if he was holding a loaded shotgun.

Yeah, Tim, . . . you are right, . . . but just take it one more step. The guy breaking into an inhabited dwelling ain't right, . . . his elevator missed a few floors. If he's caught, . . . it's Sing Sing time.

Chances are the bg is either a pro who came looking for thousands of dollars of jewels (in my house he got the wrong address), . . . and he'll slip out when he hears the 870.

Or he is part of the other 99 percent that are split between crack heads, meth heads, just plain drunks, and other invertebrate knuckledraggers who either don't know what the sound is, . . . or won't let it bother them.

Anyone foolish enough to do that, . . . deserves the beating the bg gives em.

May God bless,
What if they don't know what the sound of a Shotgun being racked sounds like?

Or they are tweakers who really don't hear, or care, about the racking of a shotgun. They are fixated on where they are going to get money/goods for their next fix because they are coming down.

No, I wouldn't just relay on the sound of the shotgun being chambered to scare the BG's/druggies away.

I mean, I guess that one could make that a part of their plan, hope that the sound causes the BG/druggie to run away and all is well but you have to have follow up plans, cause sometimes plan A just doesn't work.

Plan B, if you chose that as plan A should be the pulling of the trigger and then the sound of another shell being racked into the chamber. Plan C consists of repeating Plan B until Plan D can take affect, the calling of the lawyer.

Gangs are another problem in itself. Gang members believe that being shot, and then killing the shooter makes them better leaders, and it does give them a higher position in the ranks. And being shot and killed, makes them some sort of god that the other gang members then believe that they have to settle the matter, whether the person was just protecting themselves or not (law abiding), you killed their god (or if a low end, a brother/sister).

Believe it or not, even the bums around here have a "society" of brother/sisterhood going. I've found that I am on a "list" of the bum community because of how I dissed "one legged willy". It's also known by them that I am "protected" (long story, I've one foot in the "dark society" and one foot out. Thanks to my neighbor that died but he left word with his Brothers and he asked that my Uncle and I to be "protected". I will admit, this is strange to be able to view both sides of the fence).

Get a bum tweaked up enough, there is no telling how far they will go. Same with some of the Brotherhood that my neighbor belonged to. The sound of a shotgun will not even phaze them, unless it's the BOOM instead of the racking sound.

I'll just say RACK AWAY!

and hope your loved ones are staying the night at grandma's house, and your life insurance is paid up....:rolleyes:
I wouldn't count on the sound of a pump shotgun doing squat to a bad guy's Morale any more than i think shining a surefire into a BG's face will do much but make him madder.

If it does accomplish something, that's great- but i don't plan for it or count on it.

I do keep my shotgun cruiser ready but it is for reasons other than wanting to be cool while stoking it.

It is sort of interesting to compare similar concepts and problems. A lot of people think laser sights, are so bad, like tracers and flashlights, because they give away one's position, but some think that racking a shotgun in the middle of the night so that you notify your home intruder that you are present, general location determined by the sound made, and that you are armed is a good idea.

I think they all have their place, but I would count on none to convince the bad guys to leave. Of course, tracers may help to convince the bad guys to leave, but at that point, you have opened fire.
I just let the snick of the safety going off to terrify them :-) My 870 has one up the spout at all times.

I am not the police. If you are in my house I am not going to try to deter you, nor am I going to try to frighten you. I am going to stop you where you stand. The only warning you will have will be the light on the for end illuminating you to confirm you are a threat and a target, make to sure my background is clear, and then the snick of the safety going off. If you choose to stop immediately then I will let you. If you do not I will stop you.

Double Naught Spy

Don't forget, tracers work both ways. Besides, they might set the curtains on fire
I'm beginning to wonder whether some are sleeping in their beds or are sitting in their Sealy Posturepedic foxholes waiting for "Charlie" to come through the wire.

Granted, any yahoo that would stand at the top of the stairs, shout "hey you" and then rack the slide for effect is probably long overdue for some kind of bodily injury.

That said however, in a dark 2 story house (home field advantage) where I have a bead on the welfare child who wants my flatscreen, jacking a round into the chamber from behind cover is probably the best of both worlds.

Depending on the size of the house, an intruder would be lucky to determine the general direction of where the sound of the gun was. I have surefires and such, but when defending my own house they are more of a hinderance than a help. I know where everything is, and what everyone in my family looks like at o'dark thirty in the morning. Shining some light all over the place is gonna give the bad guy a hell of alot better chance for a spin and shoot then me racking the slide.

Even if he does get lucky my index finger still moves faster than he can.

As for the sound itself... it seemed to get the attention of many a looter and pillager during the L.A. riots according to several agents I know. Based on my own personal experience, movie or not, its definiately a universal language, and people get real polite and seem to take instruction extremely well when that slide moves. Just my .02
LOL@ the "tatically correct" people

Ever heard of cruser safe? Here is an idea, flag down a local patrolman and ask him if he has a shell in the tube, and when he says no, tell him he is doing it wrong. Bwahahhahhahah!
About 20 years ago, after writing up his report (threat from tenant), the police officer was in the mood to visit and talk.

Told me about racking his shotgun. About 2am, in a mall parking lot, following up report of prowlers, he heard something deep in the lot, but couldn't see it.

Said he got the shotgun, racked it and ordered the perp to come out.

The perp came out with hands up, begging, "don't shoot, don't shoot."

He believed strongly in the intimidation factor of racking the shotgun.


About 10 years ago, I fell asleep reading in my recliner, in the living room near the front door. No one else in the house.

About 2:30am I'm awakened to the sound of banging on front door, accompanied by male voice, "open the door, open the door."

I'm shaken but I ask, " you need the police? Want me to call the police?"

"No!" But he keeps pounding and demanding I open the door.

Told him I wasn't opening any door and to get the hell off my property.

Didn't make a dent.

So I asked loudly so he could clearly hear, "Marcy, get the shotgun." Actually just me home, but I ran to the bedroom and came back with the 870, unloaded.

Said through the front door. "Get off my deck or I'll shoot you through the door."

And I racked the empty gun.

Didn't phase him at all -- he kept shouting for me to open the door.

So I said, "Marcy, call the police!" Loudly.

THAT phased him. He took off. And that was that.

Racking didn't scare him off; threat to call police did.

Go figure.

Yes, I know I did everything wrong, but that was 10 years ago and I wasn't yet spending my whole lifetime on gun boards. I know better, now.

My point is that the vaunted racking sound had no effect whatever on whoever the hell he was.

I calmed down and didn't bother to call the police.

Figured he was on something.

I might have been very wrong, but although shaken, the REAL alarm bells in my head had not gone off. Maybe something in his voice. I just wasn't scared enough to do any more than what I describe above.

Today, my 870 is fully loaded and chambered -- 8 shots. No little children in my house any more.

I no longer believe in racking the shotgun to scare off a perp.

You guys keep talking about tactical advantage and not giving away your position. How many of you guys are sound sleepers? How about you guys focus on a few more deterrents and then worry about blasting the intruder? I hate to admit that when I am dead tired, I could probably sleep through a tornado. A shotgun in my unconscious hands wouldn't do a bit of good.

First of all, I keep my house well lit and we have alarm stickers. I also have an 80 lb. akita who covers my whole back yard. They will set her off before they can set off my house alarm. My alarm has an instant on feature which we only set when everyone is home. Otherwise, we use the regular one which has a 15 second delay while beeping away. We have a solid door to the bedroom door which we keep locked (no kiddies to wake us up to chase off boogeymen yet). We live in a good area and the police respond pretty quick. Most burglers probably wouldn't stick around if it went off. If someone is determined enough to stick around even after the alarm goes off (we have cellular backup if the phone lines get cut) and attempts to get through the door, I should be in a somewhat conscious state to defend myself.

One other thing to consider is that most burglers want nothing to do with an occupied house. Why risk getting shot? Why not choose an unoccupied house where he will have more time to rummage for goodies? A shotgun won't do squat if you aren't home to use it. Alarms are not over-rated if there is decent police times in your area. Dogs are also great deterrents when you are not home. I am probably going to add some cameras around the house as an extra deterren. If someone is really out to get YOU, then nothing will stop them... Not a dog, not an alarm, not cameras, and more than likely, not the sound of a shotgun being racked. The only thing that will stop them is a big Kaboom from your shotgun!:eek: :D
I have never heard a Rattle Snake rattle- Snakes in Australia just go ahead and bite you- but I reckon the sound of a rattle snake rattling, the racking of a shotgun or the more subtle click of a hammer engaging are about the worlds spookiest sounds....
swmike said,
Double Naught Spy

Don't forget, tracers work both ways. Besides, they might set the curtains on fire

Dude, I said that.

It is sort of interesting to compare similar concepts and problems. A lot of people think laser sights, are so bad, like tracers and flashlights, because they give away one's position,

stephen426 said,
One other thing to consider is that most burglers want nothing to do with an occupied house. Why risk getting shot? Why not choose an unoccupied house where he will have more time to rummage for goodies?

I think you missed the point. We are not talking about burglars who are burgling unoccupied homes, but those who make entry into occupied homes. What most burglars prefer to do does not apply here. What most prefer means nothing when you come into contact with one in your home.

You are correct in that most would prefer to avoid conflict and would like unprotected easy scores. Assuming your burglar has made entry into your home and knows people are at home when the burglar enters, that means the burglar is that much more of a threat to you and your family because he is willing to risk confrontation to get what you have.

What burlars prefer to do also means nothing when your intruder is there when you are because the intruder is not after valuables, but to commit some other crime such as rape, kidnapping, or murder - as stephen426 noted.

In the grand scheme and as the homeowner, you have no reason to waste time debating whether the intruder is there for valuables or for lives. The intruder's motives really don't matter. All that matters is that recognize the intruder is present in your home and that the intruder's presence is a threat to your life and the lives of your family members. As such, you need to take appropriate action.

I understand that a lethal response to intruders is not necessarily legal in all states, but then again, home invasion isn't legal in any.
Double Naught Spy,

I know you are right that predators exist.
rape, kidnapping, or murder
It is hard not to grow complacent though. I just try not to make enemies and hope that all of my deterrents are enough to stave off a random attack.

My post was to intended to give others ideas for keeping a tactical advantage. I don't sit around my house with my shotgun slung over my shoulder and I doubt that many of us do. Being caught off guard is the worst tactical situation.

Don't get me wrong. If someone broke into my house, I would not hesitate to shoot. Debating as to whether racking a shotgun is pretty immaterial in my opinion. Some people feel uncomfortable with a shotgun ready to rock and roll. Maybe they have kids or maybe they are afraid of accidental discharges.

Besides, how much of a real tactical disadvantage is it if you rack a shotgun? If you are behind a closed door, it is difficult if not impossible for an intruder to locate you. Besides, you can move. The intruder should only have one way in and that should be through the door (unless you have multiple doors going into your room). You just have to train your shotgun at the door and go for cover (hopefully you have something in the pipe that will penetrate the door). If the intruder shoots through the door, what chance will he really have of hitting you unless he knows how your room is laid out and where you are most likely to be? You on the other hand just have blast him through the door. How likely is that in reality?

If you guys are talking about tactical advantages and disadvantages, what about moving for cover? Won't you make noise and give away your position? What about calling the cavalry for backup? Won't talking to the 911 operator give away your position and keep you from using that hand?

If you guys just want to argue an absurd point that makes little to no difference. Go right ahead. Personally, I think its better to concentrate on preventing these situations and give yourself every advantage by having enough time to react if they do occur!
stephen426 said:
You guys keep talking about tactical advantage and not giving away your position. How many of you guys are sound sleepers? How about you guys focus on a few more deterrents and then worry about blasting the intruder? I hate to admit that when I am dead tired, I could probably sleep through a tornado. A shotgun in my unconscious hands wouldn't do a bit of good.

Well, I'm only speaking for myself here but I am a very light sleeper. I'm sensitive to out-of-the-ordinary sounds, specifically, i.e. I can sleep through a rainstorm or gusts of wind, but if a branch falls outside, my eyes are snapping open. If someone kicks in my door or breaks my window, I'm definitely waking up, and I'm sure the adrenaline and fear that someone is in my apartment will be more than sufficient to shove me into a fully alert state. I guess it depends on the person, though.