Is The NRA Firearms Museum Being Looted?

During the early 30s there was a nation in Europe who made the mistake of electing some really bad people. After those people got in power, they changed the rules so only they could be in power.

Any potential dictator recognizes that and takes steps to ensure their continued rule. If the NRA leaders don't know that bit of history, they seemed to have discovered it on their own.

The opposing side (and you know who they are) seek to have the entire NRA disbanded /dissolved. I see that as the wrong solution. What is needed is replacement of the guilty parties in the NRA administration. Unfortunately those same folks seem to have buggered the bylaws to make that nearly impossible from inside the organization.

It may come down to having to have an outside agency remover them (such as he govt finding them guilty of criminal acts). I'd like to see that done, leaving the NRA as an organization alone and functioning to replace those people.

However that doesn't seem to be the choice we are getting. What I'm seeing is "some people in the NRA did bad things so the entire NRA has to go away".

I don't see that as even remotely fair.

or ethical
"It may come down to having to have an outside agency remover them (such as he govt finding them guilty of criminal acts). I'd like to see that done, leaving the NRA as an organization alone and functioning to replace those people."

Rather than getting the govt. involved (God forbid), I wonder if 3 or more of the 5 million dues-paying members can launch a class-action lawsuit against the internal organization offenders?
Concur w/44AMP. The changes in the bylaws have left the membership voiceless and people recommended to the BoD are all pro WLP. The looting continues.
Rather than getting the govt. involved (God forbid), I wonder if 3 or more of the 5 million dues-paying members can launch a class-action lawsuit against the internal organization offenders?

Wake up and smell the coffee, friend, filing a lawsuit IS getting the govt involved.
I don't know what good filing a lawsuit will do. The new by-laws were approved by vote of the membership at an annual meeting. Jeff Knox warned us about them, but the vast majority of the membership ignored Jeef, probably didn't even read the proposed changes, and voted for them because Wayne and the powers-that-be recommended them.

What's the basis for the lawsuit going to be?

is no longer the organization I became a Life member of 40 years ago. I remember after becoming a Life Member I received by mail a copy of the annual report. After WLP became EVP those reports stopped arriving. Being a working stiff raising 4 kids, I could not afford to attend the Annual Meeting. Wish I had done so now.
I have watched the NRA decline in many ways in the past 25 years, it is a sad thing to see a few ruin a formerly great organization.
I no longer donate to ILA or NRA.
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Tried writing the American Rifleman Magazine today. Email bounced back with 554: IP name lookup failed. No PTR record found. Another bad sign.