Is the New Yorker Magazine Cover Unfair to Obama??

Yes, but relative to those other rights, the one affirmed is arguably the most important.

Utter BS. You will NOT fight to restore your rights with your "more important" right. You will be like everyone else and be a sheep. If you aren't at the point RIGHT NOW where you are ready to take arms, you never will be. You are a frog in a heating pot of water.

Note it is not you I am attacking here, merely a stereotype of those that say the 2A is the most important. It is a false "self evidence".
Utter BS. You will NOT fight to restore your rights with your "more important" right. You will be like everyone else and be a sheep. If you aren't at the point RIGHT NOW where you are ready to take arms, you never will be. You are a frog in a heating pot of water.

Note it is not you I am attacking here, merely a stereotype of those that say the 2A is the most important. It is a false "self evidence".

Speak for yourself.

I haven't been prohibited from speaking my mind, I haven't been deprived of due process or had my privacy noticeably invaded.

Relatively speaking, I feel quite secure in most of my rights, enough of which that I don't feel it's reasonable to start taking up arms to get "them" back, whichever they may be.

Meanwhile your apparent choice for a candidate puts some very real concerns on my radar that might yet put myself & others in such a situation, God forbid.

So again, speak for yourself.

And while things under McCain certainly won't be peaches & cream, I think you really ought to reconsider the ramifications of having YOUR openly Marxist candidate in office.
I think the cover is a hoot, very funny.
I love the way they got the body posture and the facial expression on Mrs. Obama--just like the way she looked on stage giving Mr. O the fist pump.
Obama had a love affair with the press all through the Democratic primary, if he thinks this is bad, wait till the Republican machine gets in high gear.
Its time to take a close look at Mr. Obama---He's no different than anyone else--he better put on his big boy pants.
This cover may suggest something about Obama---but, I have both heard on national TV and read in print things that were SAID about President Bush--people have called him a terrorist, murderer, and every other name in the book.
Seems to me, that being called a Muslim isn't near as bad as what some have called President Bush.

SecDef, it has happened already. On at least one occasion that I know of men stood ready with their rifles to enforce the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. I'm much too old now to go off chasing rainbows but I fondly remember the time when I and several other men stood watch over a federal usurpation until it came to a peaceful end. None of us had to take those rifles out of our cars to show or to use them but the fact that we were there and were ready, willing and able to do whatever was neccesary gives me a warm feeling. Whether or not other, younger men will take those same steps in the future is another matter and one that we can't really know about until the time comes.

Personally, I think that the longer it takes the less chance there is that men will step forward to defend freedom against the government. Not only are people thoroughly brainwashed from kindergarten through graduate school but once out of the government indoctrination camps they're permitted to acquire enough toys (cars, boats, tvs, etc.) to make them fearful of losing them. Few will be willing to risk their lives or fortunes and even fewer know what "sacred honor" is. When the time comes to make their choice those things will come into play just as much as when the founders signed the Unanimous Declaration.
I am amazed at the size of Obama's head. It is fine that The New York Slimes, and The New Yorker placate democrats. But, when they depict satire too accuratly it is a criminal case. I personally think the cover is offensive, but so is the crap printed inside. All in all this is a petty example of pandering for pitty.
Nah, I dont think it is a cheap shot, I think , way down deep inside, it is the truth. Obama is pure evil, kinda like the bad guy "EVIL" on "Time bandits"
The ONLY reason Obama supporters care about the cover is because the target of the satire absolutely don't get it.

That's too funny - Obama's supporters are upset because the mean ol' conservatives are too thickheaded to realize they were insulted.
Satire showing Obama as a Muslim terrorist to take attention away from the fact that he is probably a communist tyrant wannabe like his uncle Odinga who he supported.
Let's see...

The man is running for the most popular office in the land (if not the world).

He (and his wife) have said things that leave us wondering what kind of guy has gotten this far up the ladder, especially considering he is pretty new to the game of politics. Some of these words have come out sounding down right mean and untrusting of certain elements of the public at large.

He has promised change, but won't give specifics. (Even my uber-liberal sister doesn't like him, and that is saying a lot)

He ran ranks with an extremeist preacher for 20 years and just now became disgusted with he heard.

He has obviously made it known that he is anti-gun (and god knowns what other inalienable rights he thinks are subject to his personal approval and denial) and want to set us back to god knows how many years in the name of progress and peace.

I think the cartoon suits the man and his wife ''almost'' just fine.

Point one. If you wish to be the President then you better grow a thick skin. You made yourself a target. Live with it or jump ship.

Point two. Some of the images in that picture represent some legit concerns by certain groups of people (and I am not pointing the finger at gun owners).

Point three. He has never said that he supports our Constitution. His actions in Congress obviously show this.

He is not in the buisness of making America a better place. He is in the buisness of making Obama-land.

Don't like my take on the guy. Tough. He is a traitor to us all. He cares for no one but himself and his ilk.
I think the funniest thing about the cover is that today was the first time I found out that the actual title of the cartoon is "The Politics of Fear". I found that out by accident while reading at a blog where I really wasn't researching the cover at all - I just sort of stumbled across it.

Golly, when you combine the image with the title the whole thing has context and it becomes obvious that it was a joke. That must be why the media have not been putting much emphasis on the title - so they could whip people up into a frenzy about nothing.
Golly, when you combine the image with the title the whole thing has context and it becomes obvious that it was a joke. That must be why the media have not been putting much emphasis on the title - so they could whip people up into a frenzy about nothing.
Mixed messages are the most effective vehicle for defamation in politics. The cartoon ostensibly meant to mock Obama's enemies may well bury him instead.
Major newspaper articles and cartoons today

Comparing those complaining about the New Yorker Obama cover to the Muslims complaining about cartoons featuring Mohammed. Apparently nearly equal amounts of tolerance from both.

"Make fun of the prophet? I keeelll you!!!!!!"

Silence! I keeellll you!

Sound familiar?