Is the New Yorker Magazine Cover Unfair to Obama??


Obama is said to be upset today, over the cover of the new issue of the New Yorker magazine that just went on sale. For those of you who have not seen it, here is the drawing on the cover, showing the Obamas together at home:


Now the New Yorker is saying that the cover is only satire, and meant to help start a legitimate discussion of who Obama really is. But Obama is crying foul.

Does Obama have a legitimate beef here? Or does this sort of thing come with running for President?

I think that I have seen far worse cartoons of President Bush, for example.

I see nothing wrong with this type of cartoon every president and or candidate has had the same issues with the press why should Obama be any different and to me the issue is equal in all respects good and bad.


If your going to be President (maybe) of the United States of America stand tall and take it like a man. Politics are not fair and never will be.

I suppose he could get the demo congress to modify the freedom of free speech amendment. Oh wait ... they are already working on that!

As a side note, this guy has thrown his roots, his mother, grandparents, minister, church, our flag and good o'l American patriotism under the bus. Who do you think he'll throw out if elected? The American way of life.

I think I'll continue to "cling to my guns and religion," thank you very much.
First of all, that's not the Obama's at home, they are in the Oval Office. That singular point makes it interesting satire. I'm amused it was missed by many.

The only reason the Obama campaign has anything to say about this is because there are still idiots that actually think he is Muslim and fully buy into the "terrorist fist bump".
Anything that doesn't go the way Obama wants will get a cry of foul from him. And in the event he loses the election I believe he will have an excuse for that as well.

I am not a big believer in straw poles. But, the one on AOL had McCain at 64% and Obama at 32% yesterday. Almost makes you wonder if the population is starting to see through Obama.
Who do you think he'll throw out if elected? The American way of life.

Yeah, he might try and do something about the national debt that republicans are jacking up. What a jerk for doing that and ignoring the American Way of cash advance loans!
It's satire based on the right wingers use of fear tactics to "educate" the uneducated voter. I have zero issue with the cover and hope it causes some people to learn that Obama isn't a "terrorist fist bumping, flag burning, Muslim."

With that said, I won't vote for Obama nor do I want him to win the election. If he doesn't win, I want it to be because he doesn't have sound ideas and he has a lack of leadership experience. As an American, I want him to lose the election based on his merits, or lack of them, not because he got "swift boated" with enough lies and mis-truths that people were afraid to vote for him.
Obama needs to suck it up and develop a thicker skin- political cartoons are American politics.
umm, did you see what the actual response was?

Spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Sen. Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."

And as for having a thick skin... seems like he was showing it:
At a press availability Sunday afternoon in San Diego, Obama was asked, according to a transcript by Maria Gavrilovic of CBS News: “The upcoming issue of The New Yorker, the July 21 issue, has a picture of you, depicting you and your wife on the cover.

“Have you seen it? If not, I can show it to you on my computer. It shows your wife Michelle with an Afro and an AK-47 and the two of you doing the fist bump with you in a sort of turban-type thing on top. I wondered if you’ve seen it or if you want to see it or if you have a response to it?”

Obama, shrugging incredulously, replied: “I have no response to that.”

These are from Politico if you want to read the story yourself.
Yeah, he might try and do something about the national debt that republicans are jacking up.

Yeah, those damned republicans that control the House and the Senate... Ever since they took over Congress, that's all they've done is spend, spend, spend...

Oh, wait a minute! They DON'T control Congress, do they? So much for this latest lie from the Democratic party misinformation campaign. :rolleyes:
Yeah, those damned republicans that control the House and the Senate... Ever since they took over Congress, that's all they've done is spend, spend, spend...

Oh, wait a minute! They DON'T control Congress, do they? So much for this latest lie from the Democratic party misinformation campaign.

I'm sorry, do you not understand who writes the budget? And what happens when a petty congress shuts down the government by not signing it?

Oh I get it. Those McCain campaign promises to balance the budget are simply statements by a deluded senator who doesn't realize that the president has no say at all in the budget. How silly of me.
I have been alive as long as many of you and probably longer than most of you . I have seen cartoons that attempted to rip the very heart out of a person/group/campaign .This is the very same freedom of speech that has been afforded to all of us . There are VERY few exceptions to that freedom . Threats (except that Bozo Baldwin when he called for the killing of a Special Prosecutor) are out of bounds as well as outright lies for the most part . I can voice an opinion and so can all of you . IIRC obama wrote in his book that he would stand with the muslums if it came down to it . He seems to lack the desire to jump up and fully denounce those muslum extremists with nothing left to the imagination . He has his very safe talking points and will not fully explain many things for reasons unknown . He wants change . Change what and how ? You often see him smiling . That's not a smile . He is laughing at the huge number of fools that believe his BS . He has bluffed and fooled his way to within one step of The White House . He has a following of political neophites that have this new found power to steer American politics . These idiots would elect a salimander to be POTUS just to prove they can . BTW , neither of the candidates are worth spit .
If he was white it would just be another satirical cover.

Please explain this. I fail to see how a) race has anything to do with this and b) how the official campaign response is unlike any other response to similar things..