Is the lubrisizer dead?

I hate Alox.
I size everything.
I still haven't tried the Hi-Tek that I bought three (four?) years ago.
I don't want to powder-coat. Too much mess. More equipment to clutter the little space that I have.
But I can lube and size at my bench, on a rainy day, with the Lyman 45 and 450. ...And the bullets and firearms don't seem to mind one bit.

The luber-sizer is not dead here.

However... I have some suppressors coming, and do intend to use them with rifles that sometimes get cast bullets. To help myself out with cleaning, I'm going have to eventually start baking some projectiles with the Hi-Tek.
Hmm...What mess? Tuperware with powder and beads in it, put the lid on, shake shake shake, take lid off, pick bullets out and onto bake tray, cook, done. No mess.