New member
I have a Ruger 44 special that has the internal lock. I don't care for it and don't like the reasoning behind it since it is largely political. But as long as it doesn't affect the function and looks of the gun, I will put up with it and also on any other guns that I may buy in the future. The anti-gun crowd would like nothing better than to permanently attach a horrible looking device to all guns so that we gunners would simple not buy them. I don't like that fact that many semi autos these days will not fire without the magazine inserted. This is political and nothing else. I know the left will claim it is to protect the "children" but we all know better. I heard a report on the radio a few days ago about the new smart gun that was built. I don't remember who manufactured it but it got rave reviews since it cannot be fired by anyone other than the owner. The rave reviews obviously came from the anti-gun crowd. The report went on to say however that it wasn't popular with gun owners and wasn't expected to sell very well. I guess not since it will be much more expensive and of no use to a family member in an emergency. The bottom line is that all of these features are due to politics and I for one would like for them all to disappear. When we give an inch the antis take a mile.