Is OBAMA a threat to Concealed Carry?


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Is OBAMA a threat to Concealed Carry Permit holders?

Obama's gun position (listed on CNN's Election website) is a NATIONWIDE BAN on Concealed Weapons Permits. His only exception would be for retired law enforcement or military. Obama wants a federal law or Executive Order nullifying state carry permits.

Just think, all of this would be gone. No reason to own those neat little pocket guns any more. No reason to have this forum. Finished.
I really don't see any candidate that is not a threat to freedom.

It's sort of like deciding what sort of flesh wound you want.

In a sick way, I would rather Hillary win as she is already so hated by many it will be hard for her to do much. Even many liberals despise that woman.
BO is playing the classic political duck and dodge as exemplified by Muhammad Alie's "Rope A Dope" boxing technique.

He will not expose his true intent until after he is elected. Our self protection rights and freedoms will be completely removed or modified for the "Greater Good". His liberal / socialist agenda will be implemented and it won't just be gun ownership and right to carry.

Our country is headed into a very dark period.
He has also stated that he believes that handguns should be banned.

That's part of his "sensible" gun control platform.
Good luck getting Arizona/Utah/Montana/Idaho and a whole swathe of red states agreeing to enforce such an "Executive Order."

You'd see some DEEP CARRY options suddenly become en vogue in the rest of the US, too. As is, a trained eye can spot your typical CHL bearer. Not the case if everyone switches to Seecamps, derringers, NAA's and LCP/P3AT's.
Not the case if everyone switches to Seecamps, derringers, NAA's and LCP/P3AT's.

Ah yes, and when all of us Keyboard Kommandos decide enough is enough, we shall openly revolt, challenging the might of the American Government with our .22 Magnum's, .32 acp's, and two shot .357's.

(Just a joke, no flaming intended... It's five o'clock here and I'm dreading going to my university classes. I just hate being disarmed :mad: )
I just closed the other thread about this subject, for straying way off topic.

This one stays open, only as long as it stays on topic with the OP.

Is OBAMA a threat to Concealed Carry Permit holders?

In spite of his negative stands, I don't think he can be a real threat because there would be too much opposition from Congress to even touch the issue. Besides, he's going to be so busy with other issues, this one will never show up on his radar.

Make it dependant on how you vote.

I believe congress should pass a law that says if you vote for Obama or Clinton you can't conceal a weapon but the rest of us can.

If that's what they want let's give it to them.
Two cents worth/ Penney for your thoughts

I see from time to time we see politicians putting in their two cents worth and a "penney for their thoughts"

My question is " where does the extra penny go"

Need a little humor from time to time
Madmag- I posted this topic again because Obama never publically states his viewpoints. Many of his supporters don't have a clue of the horrors of his liberal anti-gun platform.
Obama is an excellent speaker but way to the left of Ted Kennedy on most second amendment issues.
If you have any doubts about his stand on concealed carry, and on gun ownership in general, you just have to look at how he voted when he was a State legislator. He voted in favor of 100% of the gun control bills brought before the IL state legislature. Chicago is as anti-gun as DC, and Mayor Daley clearly wants to allow only his bodyguards and the city alderman to be able to carry firearms, and Obama has supported Daley's anti-gun agenda 100% of the time. However, no President can issue an Executive Order in matters outside of the authority of the Federal executive branch, so he could not, as President, dismiss state concealed carry laws with a stroke of his pen. He could however, propose anti-concealed carry legislation that a liberal Democrat controlled congress would likely pass. It would be relatively simple to pass a law that denied Federal funding for any of a number of areas, such as transportation, education, etc. to any State that allowed concealed carry. That allows the Federal government to avoid the central issue but still force the states to comply with its wishes. That said, I do not think he has a really good chance of being elected unless the public is even more ignorant and naive than I already think it is.
I don't pay attention to a lot of what he did in Illinois because it's such screwball state to begin with. That's why I left it and moved to Florida. Obama is just carrying on with what they think in Illinois, and I agree, if he is elected, and tries to do anything with conceal carry, the House and Senate won't allow it. Don't worry, be happy. :D
Both Obama and Hillary are a threat to weapons ownership and carry as well as other freedoms. However, gun control in the recent past has been political suicide and not at the top of their vocalized agenda. Gore lost his own state of Tennessee and probably the Presidency over gun control. Remember, any gun control legislation is LEGISLATION meaning its got to be started in the House and get a majority vote in both the House and Senate before it can go to the President for signature into law. No President can unilaterally create laws, so our votes for Congress become even more important if Obama or Hillary get elected.