Is More Than 3 Shots Necessary?

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Isn't carrying more than one gun, high capacity magazines, and extra magazines OVERKILL?

I think some guys are drinking purple cool-aid.

Couldn't be that your post is intentionally abrasive and designed to amuse yourself, could it?

Averages obviously include the extremes. If you're compfy with 5 rds. because the law of averages is on your side, I can live with that. But there's also Murphy's law of averages you may have to deal with. Good luck.

Lastly: Perhaps you might research the average number of shots fired when facing multiple opponents, and report back to us.:cool:
“The average number of rounds fired per officer in 2006 (3.5) was down 5 per cent from 2005 (3.7) but up from 1997 (3.1)”

Except in NYC, where you might have more than one officer firing at the same suspect.

Two officers equals 7.4 rds. per suspect. Three would average 11.1 per shooting.

You forgot to figure the average number of officers involved in the average shooting and convert that to the avg. for one officer. Then apply that to the average citizen whose shooting skills could be better, or not nearly as good.

Of course, the law of averages with re: to getting in a gunfight is probably less than needing more than the average number of shots. Why would you even advocate carrying anything with that law of averages working for you?
where you might have more than one officer firing at the same suspect.

Goooood point...

While a study may show that as a total, each officer used only 3-4 rounds per incident, does it go on to indicate if there were more than one officer on scene firing at the same suspect? It would go a very long way in nullifying the findings if it does not.

Edit : I skimmed the article. I left it feeling very unimpressed at the "numbers". Skewed vision using rosey colored glasses I would say.

Carry extra.
Rounds fired and rounds hit might vary.

NYT Headline:
Lower East Side Burglar Shot 4 Times

NYT Sub-Headline:
Police Chief Says All 23 Officers Were Just Doing Their Job
I remember seeing an interview of one of the officers that was involved in the big shootout in LA.He said that he shot 84 rounds and as far as he could tell it had absolutely no effect,and there were a lot of officers there doing the same thing.While none of us are ever likely to shoot anywhere near that much in a self-defence shooting,I'm sure that before that day there wasn't an officer in LA that thought that he would ever do so either.It's better to have it and not need it,than to need it and not have it.I don't leave home without reloads and often a BUG.
technically all you need is one round.....but look at worse case scenario, why would you carry the bare minimum when having a few more rounds gives you a better survivability percentage.
RGR3/75, technically all you need is one round, if there is only one BG. Big assumption, there.

And last time I attended an Army course, the instructors were emphatic about anything worth shooting, being worth shooting twice.

My piece loaded is six in the mag, one in the pipe. I keep another mag full. Like said above, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. That's why we keep and bear arms in the first place isn't it? My life is such that I do not anticipate a need to engage multiple targets, but I live in small town USA and am not law enforcement. I don't think being prepared with thirteen accessible rounds of .380 to be overkill.
CountZero, it's a reference to the Jonestown Massacre -- a tragic and stupid event that cost the lives of nearly 1000 people. The poison that killed them was administered in grape-flavored Flavor Aid, so now whenever someone wants to insult someone else on the internet they make a sweet, light hearted reference to mass murder and suicidal madness by accusing other people of drinking the kool aid.

And with that, I'm going to close this thread. No need to feed trollish behavior. If anyone wants to restart the basic question without insults toward others, please feel free to do so.

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